7.38b Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.38b is out now, along with a new Dota Plus season. You can check out the 7.38b patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. In addition, over the last few days we've addressed the following issues: [list] [*]Fixed Clinkz Burning Army skeletons being able to auto-cast Tar Bomb [*]Fixed Templar Assassin Hidden Reach effects being visible to enemies [*]Fixed Sven Level 10 Talent +10% Vanquisher Bonus Damage not working properly [*]Fixed Ability Draft loading screen being stuck during draft phase when there are fewer than 10 players in the lobby. [*]Drow Ranger Precision Aura from illusions no longer overrides her own bonus agility [*]Fixed Ancient Apparition Ice Blast Shatter Threshold flickering when clicking on an enemy affected by ice blast [*]Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed player losing ability in first slot for the rest of the game after casting Devour [*]Ability Draft: Doom: Devour: fixed permanently gaining passive aura from neutral creep [*]Fixed Roshan Timer being broken when Templar Assassin Third Eye innate is active. [*]Fixed Mark for Sell items not being collected by the courier if the courier did not start in the fountain when ordering it to deliver [*]Fixed Mark for Sell items being returned to the hero if they were in the courier's inventory when delivering other items. [*]Refined the alt-click chat messages on the Roshan Timer to match other alt-click messages. [*]Refined alt-click chat messages on the Madstone indicator to better match other alt-click chat messages. [*]Fixed Drow Ranger with the Sidestep Facet not triggering Silencer Last Word when Multishot finishes [*]Fixed Viper Nosedive, which caused the caster model orientation to enter a bad state, allowing Rubick or any hero in Ability Draft to exploit this with certain abilities, causing them to remain permanently in the world. [*]Fixed Jakiro Liquid Fire not working in Ability Draft [*]Fixed Spell Lifesteal Amplification from Kaya (and it's combined items) not working [/list]

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

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As a lapsed 4,500 hour veteran of Dota 2, the big new Wandering Waters update has lured me back—but despite the changes, the game still feels stuck in its ways

There was a time when a slight tweak to a forest path would send my Dota 2 clan’s heads into a collective spin. Valve’s venerable MOBA used to be much more conservative with map changes, and big ones are still rare—but they happen, now. In 2023 the map got 40% bigger, and Roshan relocated to the edges of the map. As of last week’s Wandering Waters update, Dota 2 has more rivers, frogs and crafting than ever before, plus Roshan has returned from the suburbs... Read more.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Dota 2 Update - 2/21/2025

Over the last few days we've addressed the following issues: [list] [*] Fixed heroes in Ability Draft not having innate abilities [*] Fixed Lotus Pool timers showing regular Dota game mode timings in Turbo [*] Fixed minimap icons not showing for live spectators in player view [*] Fixed some camps' spawnboxes being taller than Kunkka's Torrent height [*] Fixed Tormentor spawning in undesirable locations while in Demo Mode [*] Neutral Tooltip is better at guessing enchantment level [*] Fixed Ironwood trees not providing extended healing duration when consumed with Tango [*] Fixed Ninja Gear usage while smoked allowing you to re-apply Smoke of Deceit to your allies [*] Fixed Phylactery not slowing enemies on proc [*] Fixed Pirate's Hat causing the Death Cost tooltip to display a slightly incorrect amount [*] Fixed Pyrrhic Cloak reflecting reflected damage [*] Fixed Revenant's Brooch on Illusions dealing more damage than intended [*] Fixed an issue where Scurry and Death Pact would have more than the max number of charges if the corresponding talent was taken after the ability was skilled [*] Fixed various issues with Morphling's Morph [*] Fixed various issues with Winter Wyvern's Winter's Curse [*] Fixed Anti-Mage Magebane's Mirror not reducing mana when the caster doesn't have enough mana to spend [*] Fixed Arc Warden's Flux with Aghanim's Scepter occasionally still silencing even if Flux was dispelled [*] Fixed Crystal Maiden's Blueheart Floe not leveling up with Freezing Field [*] Fixed Dazzle not getting Desolator charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager [*] Fixed Dazzle not getting Urn of Shadows charges when killing heroes while a Nothl Voyager [*] Fixed Dazzle's Aghanim's Shard not providing Healing Amplification while in the Nothl Realm [*] Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection not benefitting from Poison Touch talent upgrades in certain situations [*] Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection granting more Town Portal Scrolls than desired in certain situations [*] Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Aeon Disk on cooldown [*] Fixed Dazzle's Nothl Projection putting Refresher Orb going on cooldown [*] Fixed Dazzle's Poison Touch debuff duration not increasing when used before casting ultimate (and in reverse) [*] Fixed Dazzle's Soul being able to use Hand of Midas [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Corrosive Dragon's spells and Damage over Time effects getting blocked by Physical Block [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath applying debuffs to teammates when denying [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet unintentionally dealing damage to towers [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet proccing twice per hit when in Elder Dragon Form [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Wyrm's Wrath with the Fire Dragon Facet AoE bonus not stacking with other sources of increased AoE [*] Fixed Hoodwink's Level 20 Sharpshooter talent having blind spots in its vision path [*] Fixed Invoker with Aghanim's Scepter gaining more levels of Quas, Wex, or Exort than intended [*] Fixed Io's Tether not healing tethered targets from damage dealt with Aghanim's Shard [*] Fixed Lion's Impale not benefitting from AoE bonuses if the AoE bonuses were acquired after leveling Impale [*] Fixed Monkey King clones stealing gold with Pirate's Hat [*] Fixed Morphling's Adaptive Strike with Flow facet not stunning targets if Morphling Morphed while the projectile was traveling [*] Fixed Pangolier's Shield Crash Barrier putting Blink Dagger on cooldown when the barrier fully blocks the damage [*] Fixed Primal Beast's Ferocity stacks being uncapped in certain situations [*] Fixed Rubick being able to accrue Arcane Accumulation stacks from Nothl Projection's End Projection [*] Fixed Rubick with an Aghanim's Scepter not receiving the Aghanim's Scepter upgrade from a stolen Shackles [*] Fixed Puck's Phase Shift being interrupted by certain commands [*] Fixed Riki's Tricks of the Trade being interrupted by certain commands [*] Fixed Techies' Minefield Sign with Aghanim's Scepter triggering during the Cast Point [*] Fixed Templar Assassin's Meld with Hidden Reach taking longer than expected to reach max attack range [*] Fixed Windranger's Killshot executing targets at slightly higher than the stated thresholds [*] Fixed Windranger's Level 25 Talent Focus Fire Kills Advance Cooldown by 18s not working correctly [/list]

Saturday, February 22, 2025

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There's been a flood in the Wandering Waters update for Dota 2

While Valve continue building up their next MOBA with Deadlock, their current Dota 2 is still as popular as ever and the Wandering Waters update for Dota 2 sounds pretty awesome.

Read the full article here:

Thursday, February 20, 2025

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Explore Wandering Waters in the 7.38 Gameplay Update

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/6627033e4c0db6f3f31b0757cacb2dfea0bb0067.png[/img] Much like the galactic water miners in the movie and possibly the book Dune Part 2, Dota has always been the only game in any genre that believes water is the most valuable resource in both the Dune-iverse and our universe, the universe. It's kind of crazy, then, that it's taken more than a decade for us to finally prove that bold claim by saying it out loud in print. And if that was all we did, it would be enough. But we didn't stop there. We've re-made the river that runs through the Dota map. Not only is it wider, its current can speed your movement. Conversely, the new river's new evolving, amphibious creeps can drastically slow your movement by killing you. And that's not all: How about a new resource! "Waterstone?" you say. In retrospect, that would have made sense. But it's actually called "Madstone" and you can use it to craft your own unique neutral items. Which is crazy, so the name actually fits pretty well. We've also made some other map updates, replaced wisdom runes with much cooler wisdom shrines, and made a bunch of quality of life changes. It's all too much to detail in one blog post, which means you'd be out of luck unless we made a page dedicated to describing all the stuff in great detail. [url=]Which we did.[/url]

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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The Crownfall Archive

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/0d72c619a48c004131b924d244f1f38de311f6e4.png[/img] Well folks, you knew this was coming. We warned you it was coming. We even extended its coming. But now it's no longer coming, because it's here. No more last minute reprieves, no more entreaties from sad-eyed pets. We're doing it. Depending on when you read this, it's already done. Crownfall has been archived. One consistent and recurring bit of feedback we got from the community over the course of Crownfall was what a bummer it would be not to be able to play their favorite minigame now that the event was ending. (No one agrees on what the best minigame is, but everyone has a favorite.) We agree — waiting in a matchmaking queue goes a lot faster with a game of Dragon Chess — and so we're happy to announce the Crownfall Archive, a collection of all the minigames and comics from all four acts, accessible from the main menu to everyone, regardless of whether you unlocked it while the event was active. (We've also preserved your progress through each of the Act I-IV maps for posterity.) Additionally, if you're still sitting on any Crownfall rewards like candy or Crownfall Coins, you can continue to redeem them through the Archive. We've really enjoyed getting to tell a story taking place in the realms of Skywrath, Druud and Icewrack. But there are so many more realms to explore. And so it's time for us to put the Ghastly Eyrie behind us, at least for now, and point our compasses at some new guiding stars. We'll see you there.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

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The Charms of the Snake

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/0fbfa0c9307a74e3b6e785421e71a13df72093f1.png[/img] Snakes, as any biologist will tell you, are fascinating creatures. They don't have skeletons. They don't have brains or organs. They just have one tube-like muscle that makes up their whole body, a mouth, two eyes, and a butt. That's it. An animal shouldn't be able to be alive with that few body parts, and yet somehow the snake surmounts all of those obstacles and manages it. It's at this point in the blog post that we should admit that the biologist we contacted about all this never actually returned our calls, so we had to guess at a few of the details in the previous paragraph. But honestly, we don't need a stupid snake expert to tell us that snakes look cool. They look cool on armor, on weapons, on bodies, even on hats. If you've got something that's cool already, and you put a bunch of snakes on it, it might actually explode, so watch out. As you may have guessed, we're proud to announce the all-new 'Charms of the Snake' treasure, stocked up with nine community-made item sets ready to slither around your favorite heroes and wrap them in some scaly styles, just in time for Lunar New Year to ring in the Year of the Snake. Each treasure opened will grant a serpentine set for Snapfire, Medusa, Shadow Shaman, Naga Siren, Razor, Earth Spirit, or Templar Assassin. You'll also have a chance to unlock a Rare Lich set or Very Rare Necrophos set. You can purchase 'Charms of the Snake' treasures directly for $2.49 to get in the spirit of the Lunar New Year and join the slinky fashion fun.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

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The International 2025 Live Event Broadcast RFP and Broadcast License Requests

The International 2025 is coming to Germany in September. Companies interested in producing and distributing regional language broadcasts of The International are encouraged to apply now. Like in recent years, proposals for the Live Event Broadcast Production of The International in Russian, Chinese, and Spanish language broadcasts will be accepted. The RFP (Request For Proposal) documentation and instructions for submissions can be found [url=]here[/url]. For those seeking additional licenses and feeds, please fill out the form that pertains to the correct request: [list] [*]Production companies seeking a commercial license to produce a regional language broadcast of The International 2025 without additional access to the event can apply [url=]here[/url]. [*]Streaming platforms interested in restreaming the official broadcast feeds to their platform can apply [url=]here[/url]. [/list] As a reminder, DOTA 2 fans can create strictly noncommercial casts from DOTATV following the DOTA 2 Community Stream Policy [url=]here[/url] and do not need to make an official request. Please reach out to with any additional questions. Thanks in advance to everyone interested in working with us to bring The International 2025 to life.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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Dota 2 Workshop Spring 2025 Call-to-Arms

Amidst all the TI announcements and Crownfall conclusions, you might not have noticed that the humble Dota 2 Workshop is busier than ever. With a community of talented artists contributing lots of new stuff that we shipped throughout the year, sales of community-generated Workshop content generated more revenue for contributors in 2024 than any year since 2015—and that community of talented artists could also include you! That's right: We're once again inviting all workshop contributors to spin up some new sets for any of your favorite heroes—including two newcomers who have been waiting eagerly in the wings to join the cosmetic fun. Artists can also include submissions for both Ringmaster and Kez, who are now enabled in the workshop. To be considered, we request that all submissions be on the Dota 2 Workshop by the end of day on April 6th, 2025 PDT. Please make sure to mark your work with the "Spring 2025" tag when tendering items to the Workshop to ensure they aren't overlooked. (As usual, please avoid concepts involving human skulls, blood, and gore.) Dota fans everywhere are of course encouraged to regularly visit the Workshop and vote through the Queue to ensure your voices are heard in the hunt for the treasures of tomorrow.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

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The International 2025

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/3ebfc89c1a900612d6673e1e7a84d7a3eab2a3d2.png[/img] Banners, tattered but resolute, are unfurled. War trumpets, battered but resolute, are buffed with war trumpet polish until they gleam. Weapons, resolute but dull, are sharpened on whetstones in rhythmic strokes, until they are perhaps too sharp, and dulled up a little on nearby flagstones so no one cuts themselves. The banners (tattered, resolute and unfurled, see earlier) are hoisted high, their sigils stitched with sequins of the most defiant bedazzlement. That's right. The stars have aligned and the stage is once again being set for cosmic battle. And this time, that battle has returned to where it all began: Germany, the site of The International's humble debut on the world stage, where it was watched in person by many tens of people. Now, fourteen years later, The International returns to Germany, to Hamburg's Barclays Arena September 11 - 14 — in front of, we trust, a slightly bigger crowd this time around. The sixteen contending teams will once again consist of a mix of open qualifiers, regional qualifiers, and direct invitations, with more information on all of that to come. For now, there's still a ton of professional Dota to be played before we can get there. The January viewing calendar has already been packed, as teams around the world fight through qualifiers to earn spots in tournaments slated to kick off in the weeks and months ahead. Stay tuned for more information on ticketing and scheduling for The International 2025. Until then, [url=]tune into some of the pro games[/url] to get an early edge on knowing who's who and clocking the teams to beat.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Crownfall's Final Bow

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/4d7625b8d423a09223b02308f39f8b56e96130a1.png[/img] Back in December, it seemed entirely reasonable to bring Crownfall to a close halfway through January. After all, we reasoned, who could possibly need more time than [i]that[/i] to finish exploring four huge overworld maps filled with tons of characters to meet, comics to read, and minigames to conquer? Well, if what we're hearing from friends, family, dedicated fans, coworkers, bus drivers, security guards, and even some cats on the internet is true, it turns out a lot of people could actually use more time to finish everything. So we're extending Crownfall's end date one last time (for real this time) to [b]Thursday, February 6[/b]. If you've still got progress to make, get moving, because the curtains for this show are finally actually about to, we promise, close. [h2]A Frosty Farewell[/h2] We hope everyone stuffed their bellies full of enough grunch heart to tide yourselves over for the rest of the year, because another season of Frostivus is in the books — and all of the wrappings, trappings, snowballs, and stolen hats have been lovingly packed up and crammed back into the seasonal treasure hutch. [h2]Winter Sale Ends[/h2] Sadly, there were no people begging on behalf of their pets for more end-of-year savings from our winter sale, and since the year did in fact end, and in fact ended two weeks ago, everything in the Crownfall Store is now (finally actually) going back to its regular price. You can still unlock new story nodes with the Midgate, Druud, and Icewrack Pathfinder Packs, deck your heroes out in the sets from Skywrath from Crownfall Treasures I-III, or complete the transformations of Shen and Dragonus with the Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage Arcanas, but unless you've got Crownfall Coins to use, items are back to full price. [h2]Roll Credits[/h2] Crownfall might not be officially ending today, but today's update also includes a little something to celebrate the end of the journey. Everyone on the team put a lot of time into making this happen — from haggling with the Flightless in the bustling bazaars of Midgate; to returning the nomad Oglodi through the crimson sands of Druud to their rightful home of Barzum; to helping the overworked warden of Icewrack settle a domestic disturbance between the citizens of Snowcap Lake and a marauding dragon; and finally scaling the cloud-rimmed spires of Skywrath to commit a long-overdue regicide and put an actual Dota character in charge of everything. It's been a long ride, and a little bittersweet to finally close the book on it. So please join us for one last look back, in the form of a credits sequence featuring new music and some fun surprises. (Just click "Play Credits" on the main menu to roll them.)

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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Frostivus is Upon Us

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/2bf8a24917d425169d6c9b541482de91c28f5290.png[/img] It's been a busy year for Dota. We welcomed a new hero into our ranks (and a long-awaited one finally made his debut); we crowned another team of world champions at this year's TI in Copenhagen; we reworked every hero with new game-changing innates and facets; and we even managed to cram in a four-act multi-month narrative epic about talking birds. And so, as the year winds to a close, we find ourselves filled once again to the absolute brim with the spirit of Frostivus. And that means a sackful of festive gifts for everyone for the duration of the [b]Frostivus event, from now until January 15th. [/b] [h2]The True Meaning of Frostivus Revealed (Hats)[/h2] “What kind of gifts?” one might festively wonder. Well, for starters: For the rest of the season, your hero will begin each game wearing a stylish [b]Frostivus hat.[/b] But don't think of it as a fashion statement. Think of it as a trophy case. Because you can also steal hats from enemy heroes and get them as gifts from your allies with the new [b]Spirit of Frostivus [/b]ability. You can also get them the old fashioned way (murder/larceny), by stealing them off the skulls of heroes you've just killed, off the Tormentors, or if you really know what you're doing, even off Roshan's craggy dead head. And every single hat you take, you can wear on top of all the others in a majestic, murderous hat-stack of glory. Plus since the post-game MVP screen now includes hat tallies, you'll have definitive proof of your hat superiority in the days to come. [h2]A Frostivus Story[/h2] So now you've got a tower of Frostivus hats on your head. But can you truly enjoy them without knowing their exhaustive backstory? The answer, as we discovered, is yes. "They're just colored hats," you say. "Who cares where they came from?" Well, six months ago would have been a great time to mention that, because we wrote a six hundred thousand word legendarium about it called The Hatmarillion. But everybody refused to read it, so we wrote a ten-page kid's book version of The Hatmarillion that takes about a minute to read, and everyone seemed to like that one better.[b] Launch Dota and enjoy the story[/b] for yourself! (Frostivus trivia: You'll be able to read it THIRTY TIMES in the time it takes you to get through this blog post!) [h2]Frostivus Forge[/h2] But wait! There's still more Frostivus spirit in the air! Unfortunately, it has been broken down into its chemical components and needs to be reconstituted into a seasonal compound. We've gathered up a pile of all the supplies you'll need to craft rewards in the new [b]Frostivus Forge[/b]. The next step? The actual crafting part. All you'll need to do is accomplish a variety of in-game hijinks like “snowball an enemy before you kill them”, “steal a hat”, or “high five an enemy” to earn unique supplies that feed your forge and craft new rewards. Each item requires a different recipe to craft, and you can unlock higher tiers by completing rewards in the lower tiers first. Seasonal Chat Wheels? Check. A new bell-shaped tormentor that you lets you play music? Obviously it has one of those. A drunken wizard riding a suspiciously-donkey-shaped reindeer courier? Why, it wouldn’t be a holiday without them! [h2]Winter 2024 Heroes' Hoard[/h2] You know what else it wouldn’t be a holiday without? A box full of surprises! So we’re also unveiling the [b]Winter 2024 Heroes’ Hoard[/b], an all-new treasure featuring 17 item sets for a host of heroes. But that's not all. To ensure this treasure's brims were truly tested, we stuffed in some new Immortal items amongst the sets. Then we added some new taunts. And a pet wolf for everyone's favorite pint-sized brawler. And when we realized the new Windranger set looked great when equipped with her Arcana, we included that, too. This treasure is available in the Crownfall store, so you can use your Crownfall Coins towards the purchase. [h2]End-of-Year Ban Wave[/h2] King Kringle broke his ban hammer off in some well-deserving asses last year. He's spent the year constantly reforging and testing it on various smurfs and in-game baddies, and now he's ready to rechristen it with the blood of the naughty. While we usually do most of our bans and penalties behind the scenes, it's become something of a Frostivus tradition for us to pull back the curtain a little bit and talk about this ongoing work. And so: This holiday season, we hope you look forward to some cleaner, friendlier, fairer games, free of the [b]65,594 smurf accounts[/b] we've taken action against this week. Besides the smurfs, we've also dropped the hammer on a significant number of high-MMR griefers, players who try to have fun at the expense of others, exploiting bugs, trading wins, and otherwise undermining the competitive challenge that is at the heart of every game of Dota. As always, we'd like to thank everyone that submitted a report over the year. All that data helps us find the players that are making games of Dota worse and take action. Dota is a better game because of you. [h2]End-of-Year Sale[/h2] A Dota blog post is much like a towering stack of Frostivus hats, in that it always has something at the bottom. This time, that something is Dota's very own [b]winter sale[/b] on Crownfall content, running now through January 3rd. Unlock new story nodes with discounts on the Midgate, Druud, and Icewrack Pathfinder Packs, deck your heroes out in the sets from Skywrath from Crownfall Treasures I-III, or complete the transformations of Shen and Dragonus with the Vengeful Spirit and Skywrath Mage Arcanas. (If you still have a bunch of Crownfall Coins, you can use them to discount most Crownfall Store items further, even if the items are already discounted as part of the sale!) You’ve still got time to dig into all that Crownfall has to offer as we ring in a new year, but the saga of Skywrath will finally come to a close on January 15th, so if you’ve still got more of the four acts to explore, best get cracking.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 12/5/2024

Over the last few days we've made the following changes: [list] [*] Fixed being unable to configure Quickcast behavior on Observer and Sentry wards in the Settings menu. [*] Fixed Razor's Voidstorm Asylum Arcana using the incorrect icon for Storm Surge. [*] Fixed Shadow Fiend Presence of the Dark Lord not losing stacks correctly on death. [*] Fixed lighting issue on seasonal winter terrain. [*] Fixed loading spinners not spinning correctly. [*] Fixed Force Staff's tooltip description ending with 2 periods. [*] Fixed sprays from events which have ended not properly rendering. [*] Fixed various client and server crashes. [*] Fixed Watcher colors not matching their team under some circumstances. [*] Enabled Kez's Sai abilities in Ability Draft. The draft screen will show a random combination of Kez's Katana and Sai abilities. [*] Crownfall: Heroes whose reward tokens associated with meta-progression upgrades now show up under the Crownfall Act IV filter in the Hero pick screen. [*] Crownfall: Fixed Nest of Thorns Loading Screen not being visible. [*] Nest of Thorns: Voiceline rewards for difficulties 3, 5, and 7 are now permanent. [*] Nest of Thorns: Improved visibility of the Reaper, which spawns on difficulties 5 and above. [*] Nest of Thorns: Spirits now ignore range modifiers and always spawn at a set distance away from the player. [*] Nest of Thorns: Fixed score sometimes not updating properly. [*] Nest of Thorns: Fixed incorrect text being displayed if launching the client with an invalid language. [*] Nest of Thorns: Fixed Rot's Scepter obscuring various visual elements in the game. [*] Nest of Thorns: Fixed Echo Slash and Swashbuckle not working correctly on Linux [/list]

Friday, December 6, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 12/3/2024

[h1]Gameplay Update[/h1] [b]Kez:[/b] [list] [*] Echo Slash: No longer applies cleave on units hit. [*] Falcon Rush: Rush Range decreased from 650 to 575 [*] Grappling Claw: Hero Bonus Heal reduced from 40/80/120/160 to 30/60/90/120 [*] Grappling Claw: Cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 16/13/10/7 [*] Talon Toss: Cooldown increased from 15/12/9/6 to 16/13/10/7 [*] Raven's Veil: Applied mark no longer applies parry bonus. [*] Replaced +50 Raptor Dance Radius level 15 talent with new talent: Raven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus [*] Added additional HUD styling to better communicate the current stance Kez is in. [*] Raptor Dance: Fixed particle effect not increasing when radius increased. [*] Echo Slash: Fixed it hitting units slightly further than its range. [*] Echo Slash: Fixed secondary attack cancelling Kez's invisibility. [*] Falcon Rush: Fix secondary attack sound effect not playing. [*] Shodo Sai: Fixed cases where Mark would not be applied properly if it was already applied. [*] Shodo Sai: Fixed parry cancel sub-ability being affected by Faceless Void's Time Dilation. [*] Fixed cooldown reduction not applying to alternate weapon abilities. [*] Grappling Claw: Reworded description to clarify bonus hero healing. [/list]

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

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7.37e Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.37e is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url].

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 11/12/2024

[b]Kez:[/b] [list] [*] Kazurai Katana: Damage Per Second reduced from 7/8/9/10% to 6/7/8/9% [*] Falcon Rush: Katana base attack rate increased from 1.3/1.2/1.1/1.0 to 1.4/1.3/1.2/1.1 [*] Falcon Rush: Duration decreased from 7 to 3/4/5/6 [*] Raptor Dance: Increased cooldown from 40/32/24 to 40/35/30 [*] Raven's Veil: Increased cooldown from 40/32/24 to 40/35/30 [*] Grappling Claw: Fixed chain not being broken when linked to a target out of range [*] Shodo Sai: Fixed some Mark interactions dealing more damage than intended [*] Grappling Claw: Fixed it ignoring evasion [*] Echo Slash: Fixed it ignoring evasion [*] Echo Slash: Fixed it killing couriers [*] Echo Slash: Fixed it allowing Kez to escape leashes and movement prevention abilities (i.e. Disruptor Kinetic Field ) [/list] Over the days since release of Crownfall Act IV and Kez, we've also fixed several issues: [list] [*] Fixed a client crash with Moon Shard [*] Fixed a server crash involving Ogre Seal Totem and Lone Druid [*] Fixed various issues with Quick Buy [*] Fixed Shen and Dragonus arcana style unlocks not applying to respective cursor icon packs [*] Fixed Juggernaut Primal Prowl style unlock [*] Fixed various crashes with Act IV encounters [*] When winning an Ability Draft game, instead of granting 3 tokens and 2 scrap, grant 2 tokens and 8 scrap. [*] Spleen Sweeper: added a scoring section on the main menu to show scoring information. Fixed score summary not showing after beating all 5 stages. [*] Spleen Sweeper: fixed last stage not granting a completion bonus of 4000 points [*] Castle Carnage: fixed Tunneler particle missing model and issues with grenade bouncing [*] Castle Carnage: fixed phantom terrain blocking some shots [*] Spoon Man: fixed an issue where the mouse cursor would stay invisible after a popup [*] Spoon Man: fixed a crash related to pressing a button before the game is loaded [*] Spoon Man: fixed being able to get stuck inside a block [*] Nest of Thorns: fixed an issue where rewards could fail to be granted [*] Nest of Thorns: fixed an issue where gold amount could fail to be saved [*] Fixed Blind Queensguard (strange vendor) encounter not working [*] Fixed Act IV sprays not showing up in Chat Wheel [*] Crownfall map: clicking on the tokens-received gift alert attached to the inventory now opens the associated encounter [*] Fixed an issue where playing or replaying the Kez debut animation could result in a black screen [*] Fixed new Crownfall trophies not showing up [/list]

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 11/8/2024

[h1]Gameplay Update[/h1] [b]Kez:[/b] [list] [*]Base Armor increased from 0 to 2 [*]Base move speed increased from 315 to 320 [*]Falcon Rush attack rate for Sai decreased from 1.3/1.2/1.1/1.0 to 1.2/1.1/1.0/0.9 [*]Fixed bug where Falcon Rush could target units out of range [*]Fixed bug where Falcon Rush ignored the attack speed cap [/list]

Saturday, November 9, 2024

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New Dota 2 hero Kez brings two full skill sets to the Valve MOBA

A new Dota 2 hero has arrived in an update that developer Valve says "is as big as it gets." The new patch for Steam's second most-popular free game adds the fourth and final act of the Dota 2 Crownfall story mode, and in doing so sees the debut of Kez, the mysterious Skywrath exile first seen during act three. With two weapons each offering unique abilities, he promises to be a very versatile addition to the roster.

Read the rest of the story...

LoL, Legends of Runeterra, and Dota 2 voice actor Sam Mowry has died
Dota 2 Crownfall is a new, ongoing story event packed with rewards
Valve is banning Dota 2 accounts in the Christmasiest way possible

Friday, November 8, 2024

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Introducing Kez and Crownfall Act IV

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/3e9f7a865b5e4c842174387f2d991bed770d24a6.png[/img][/url] Today's update is as big as it gets. Not only are we releasing the fourth and final act of our multi-part Crownfall epic, we're celebrating with the debut of Kez, an all-new playable hero! [h2]Hero of the Flightless[/h2] If you helped out Vengeful Spirit in Crownfall Act III, you already trekked your way through the icy tundras of Icewrack, found the Skywrath exile Kez, and convinced him to return home with you. In Act IV, he plans to reband the Kazurai and help you rid Skywrath of Imperia once and for all. And when he's not helping you commit regicide, he'll be all too happy to lend his blades to a little freelance work carving up some Ancients. With the innate ability to swap weapon styles between his Kazurai Katana and Shodo Sai (unlocking more powers than there are days in the week), this martial master's kit comes with tons of options. Check out [url=]Kez's landing page[/url] to learn more about everything he can bring to the fight. [h2]Crownfall Act IV: The Spires of Skywrath[/h2] Princess Shen was first in line for the throne of Skywrath when her father, King Tatrasiel, fell ill and died. But her younger sister Imperia betrayed her, cast her from the highest tower of the Nest and left her for dead. She was found by the Flightless goddess Scree'Auk, and given the powers of a Vengeful Spirit. Today, the resurrected Shen returns to Skywrath to battle her sister for the fate of the throne. And she will not be alone. All the heroes who have helped her along the way, from Dragonus to Axe to Kez to Crystal Maiden and more, will battle their way through three separate paths up the spires of Skywrath to the Nest of Thorns, where Imperia awaits for a final battle. Crownfall Act IV is the epic conclusion to a journey that's taken us from the humble markets of Midgate to the rolling red sands of Druud and the wastes of the frozen north, and finally to the Nest of Thorns, the courtroom of the queen herself, for an ultimate showdown. Act IV boasts a massive new overworld map with three distinct questing paths, sidequests, minigames, and finally, a chance to defeat Imperia and unlock new Skywrath Mage and Vengeful Spirit Arcana alternate styles. So get ready for plenty of royal treasury looting along the way to the palace. We've also got new Act IV-specific Pathfinder rewards, including custom Crownfall Scree'Auk and Avilliva towers and new Immortals. We've even added bonus content for Pathfinder pack owners for each act. You can now visit the Snake Charmer in Shen's questline in Act IV to claim your limited edition Crownfall character stickers. [h2]Getting Caught Up[/h2] If you've been playing along through Crownfall as each act releases and want to jump right into the new Act IV content, don't forget to read the latest intro comic, "[url=]Crownfall[/url]", before you start. And if you wouldn't mind a quick refresher of what, precisely, the hell is going on, feel free to read up on Act I's intro, "[url=]Ascension Day[/url]", Act II's, "[url=]The Battle of Hell's Basin[/url]" and Act III's "[url=]The Dragon[/url]". [h2]It's All Live![/h2] Lastly, if you're just joining us now for the closing act of Crownfall... welcome! All of the previous acts are still available, and will remain so until Crownfall comes to a close January 15th, 2025, so there's still plenty of time to get started and a ton of content waiting for you. That goes for the rest of you, too. If you've been puttering with the previous acts but waiting for everything to be available first, wait no longer. The entirety of Crownfall is now yours for the exploring. Work through all the maps, unravel the entire story, play all the games and unlock all the arcana styles. ...And, of course, spend all your coins and candy. For those of you sitting on any Crownfall Coins (or those of you planning to earn more playing through Act IV), remember to use them before the event ends on January 15th.

Friday, November 8, 2024

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Ascension Night

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/228d7918c4c8facadb6df26130d436fb3c41696d.png[/img][/url] Very soon, a flightless named Kestrel will return from his Icewrack exile. He will reform a Kazurai army from the ashes of the old. He will join his new friends, a band of Oglodi warriors, and the rightful queen to storm the palace of the usurper Imperia. And he will change the history of Skywrath forever. This is not that story. Not yet. (That's for tomorrow.) This is the story of a much younger Flightless, who was brave (and stupid) enough to try defying a queen on the first anniversary of her ascension. His name is [b]Kez[/b]. [url=]This is his story.[/url]

Thursday, November 7, 2024

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7.37d Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.37d is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url].

Thursday, October 3, 2024

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The International Grand Champions

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/5d614dc7454bfde1701834ffc951eb194a3a55af.jpg[/img]Congratulations to Team Liquid, Grand Champions at The International 2024. Dropping only three games throughout their championship run, this relentless Liquid squad washed away a field of fearsome contenders to resoundingly earn their place as the finest Dota team in the world. Team Liquid's journey to the Aegis started smoothly with a pair of 2-0 series wins over Aurora and beastcoast, but a 0-2 showing against defending champions Team Spirit reminded everyone that the path to immortality is filled with formidable foes. Their next opponent would only prove that point further. With Liquid holding a 1-0 advantage and the Upper Bracket almost within reach, underdogs BB Team ran away with the second match of their seeding set, threatening Liquid with a much more difficult Lower Bracket path. Undaunted, Liquid leveraged early action in game three to build an avalanching lead and ultimately secure their place in the Upper Bracket to begin the next stage. Once there, the eventual champions never looked back. Their heroes were almost unkillable in a dominating 2-0 win over Xtreme Gaming, with only a single death amongst them in game two. Carrying that momentum forward, they opened their series on the main stage against Cloud9 with another stomp. Game two turned into a closer back-and-forth fight, but Liquid rode an epic late game teamwipe to victory and a place in the Upper Bracket Final against a familiar opponent — and constant obstacle in their path — the dangerous Gaimin Gladiators. Flipping precedent, Liquid withstood Gaimin's early aggression and took the series 2-0, marching convincingly into the Grand Final. After Gaimin battled their way back for a rematch, Team Liquid took the chance to demonstrate that the results of the first matchup were no fluke. They dispatched their old nemesis in decisive 3-0 fashion to secure the Aegis and a place in Dota 2 history. As bearers of the ultimate symbol of victory, these names shall forever be inscribed upon the Aegis of Champions: [b]2024 - Team Liquid[/b] [list] [*] Michael "miCKe" Vu [*] Michał "Nisha" Jankowski [*] Neta "33" Shapira [*] Samuel "Boxi" Svahn [*] Aydin "Insania" Sarkohi [/list] [b]Looking Back[/b] We would like to once again thank all of the players, talent, and everyone in the Dota community for helping bring this global celebration to life. If you missed any of the tournament, or just want to relive the incredible plays, head over to the [url=]Dota 2 YouTube channel[/url], where you can find replays of the entire tournament. You can also find a trove of photos from the event over on the [url=]Dota 2 Instagram[/url] and [url=]Dota 2 flickr[/url]. [b]Celebrate the Champions[/b] Special Champion edition sticker capsules are now available for purchase for Team Liquid. Each capsule contains one sticker featuring miCKe, Nisha, 33, Boxi, Insania, or Team Liquid. 50% of all sales will go directly to Team Liquid. [b]The International Compendium[/b] If you've still got some challenges to complete and rewards to claim in The International 2024 Compendium, there's a bit more time before it all wraps up. You can still snag additional levels for your Compendium until Tuesday, October 15th, and other goodies like supporters packs, talent bundles, and champion stickers will be available a few weeks longer. [b]Upcoming Hero and Crownfall Act IV[/b] Also, in case you missed the trailer during The International, we announced Dota's next hero. Leader of the flightless, sworn enemy of Queen Imperia, and general troublemaker [url=]Kez will be joining the roster of Dota heroes[/url] when Crownfall Act IV releases.

Friday, September 20, 2024

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The International is Here

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/19deca390e7d27a5d4f6237fea74d1034cd0a29c.jpg[/img] For five straight days, sixteen teams have slugged their way [url=]through the Playoffs[/url], and eight teams have earned a coveted spot at the main event: [b]Team Liquid[/b], [b]Cloud9[/b], [b]Tundra Esports[/b] and [b]Gaimin Gladiators[/b] in the upper bracket, and [b]BB Team[/b], [b]Team Falcons[/b], [b]Aurora Gaming[/b] and [b]Xtreme Gaming[/b] in the lower bracket. Congratulations to all eight teams as they vie to capture the Aegis at [b]The International[/b] — only at Copenhagen's Royal Arena, starting on the luckiest day of the year, Friday, September 13th! [h2]Watching The International Live[/h2] [h5]Schedule[/h5] The International Pre-show starts at 9:30 AM CEST, with the Opening Ceremony starting at 10 AM CEST and the first match between BB Team and Team Falcons starting soon after. Click [url=]here[/url] for the full schedule. [h5]Getting In[/h5] Arena doors open at 8 AM CEST daily, two hours before every day's first match at 10 AM CEST, Friday through Sunday. Be ready to scan your Ticketmaster pass to gain entry (you can save it to your Android/Apple phone wallet for convenience). Make sure to get it scanned again anytime you leave, so you can use the same pass to re-enter. [h5]Getting To The Royal Arena[/h5] Here are [url=]directions[/url] to the Royal Arena. There are Metro stations and a train station just a few minutes walk from the arena. Visit [url=][/url] for timetables. [h5]Crimson Witness Treasure Drops[/h5] Inside the venue, there are two locations where you can show your ticket and pick up that day's commemorative badge, one near the ground floor entrance and another near the first floor main entrance. Each day has a unique badge, and you'll have to link that day's badge to be eligible for Crimson Witness treasures, which will be dropped randomly for attendees with bound badges at the first blood of every game. This year’s event-exclusive treasure includes updated Immortal items for Night Stalker, Meepo, Disruptor, Luna and Templar Assassin! [h2]Watching The International Online[/h2] If you're one of the millions of Dota fans around the globe planning to watch The International online, check out the list below. From Twitch to YouTube to SteamTV, The International will be streamed on multiple platforms in multiple languages. [list] [*][b]English[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Spanish[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]Facebook[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Russian[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Chinese[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]Bilibili[/url] [/list] [h2]The Secret Shop[/h2] The Secret Shop has two separate storefronts this year, depending on what part of the globe you're buying from— We Are Nations offers both [url=]US deliveries[/url] and [url=]international deliveries[/url], and Perfect World offers [url=]domestic China deliveries[/url] and [url=]international deliveries[/url]. The stores have different items, so be sure to check out both. [h2]Get Caught Up[/h2] If you’d like to see how the top eight teams got to where they are in the standings, you can [url=]catch up on Playoffs matches here[/url]!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

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The International: Streams, Secret Shop, and More

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/b96eac3cc54c98b1c43b9ed1313cb7e36f4b6f71.jpg[/img] The best Dota players in the world have arrived in Copenhagen and the games are about to begin. That's right: The Road to TI's Group Stage is officially underway for The International 2024. There's a lot of fun stuff to cover before the event starts, and not a lot of time, so we're gonna stop introducing the information and start the informing. Let's get to it. [h3]Tournament Streams[/h3] Group Stage is always glorious chaos. This year, almost fifty games will be played in the first two days alone, spread across three streams for each of the four official broadcast languages: [list] [*][b]English[/b]: Twitch: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; SteamTV: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; YouTube: [url=]All Streams[/url] [*][b]Spanish[/b]: Twitch: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; Facebook: [url=]All Streams[/url]; SteamTV: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; YouTube: [url=]All Streams[/url] [*][b]Russian[/b]: Twitch: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url], [url=]Multi-Stream[/url]; SteamTV: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url], [url=]Multi-Stream[/url]; YouTube: [url=]All Streams[/url] [*][b]Chinese[/b]: Twitch: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; SteamTV: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url]; Bilibili: [url=]Stream A[/url], [url=]Stream B[/url], [url=]Stream C[/url] [/list] After Group Stage wraps up, starting Friday, September 6th, both The Road to the International and The International itself will broadcast on one stream per official language: [list] [*][b]English[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Spanish[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]FaceBook[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Russian[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]YouTube[/url] [*][b]Chinese[/b]: [url=]Twitch[/url], [url=]SteamTV[/url], [url=]Bilibili[/url] [/list] If you're looking for [i]unofficial[/i] languages, we've got those, too. We've handed out more than a dozen broadcast licenses, ranging from Bulgarian to Vietnamese, so check in with your local Dota community to find the best way to watch online. And as always, anyone is welcome to join in on the streaming fun. We only ask that you follow our [url=]community streaming guidelines[/url]. [h3]The Secret Shop[/h3] The International Secret Shop is once again open for business. We've got everything from mouse pads to jerseys to a real-life Toy Pudge plush, and so much more. There are two separate storefronts — We Are Nations offers both [url=]US deliveries[/url] and [url=]international deliveries[/url], and Perfect World offers [url=]domestic China deliveries[/url] and [url=]international deliveries[/url]. [h3]Tickets and Badges[/h3] Ground-floor tickets for The International have sold out, and even arena seats are mostly gone, but there are still [url=]a few left[/url]. For attendees:[list] [*]Your Ticketmaster ticket can be used for re-entry. Just remember to scan out as you leave so you can re-enter later in the day if you’d like. [*]Each day of the event, you'll get a new commemorative badge with a unique code that can be registered to your Steam account for potential Crimson Witness treasure drops. (The URL for registration is on the badge.)[/list] [h3]What Else?[/h3] That's it for now. Honestly, that was a lot of information, and we're not going to lie, there might even be more on the way. But for now, don't worry about it. Just sit back, relax, and reread this blog post until you can recite it phonetically. We'll be calling everyone personally to verify you've got it memorized. You got this! Talk soon.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

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7.37c Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.37c is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url].

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

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In-Game Advertisements at The International

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/67cdd64151254a75d7f2304eca540970c636548f.jpg[/img] The International is a celebration of Dota and the global community of players and fans who support it, providing a chance for everyone to come together and see it played at the highest possible level by the best teams in the world. While the heart of The International is the community — everyone who makes a short film or a cosplay outfit or a T-shirt design, everyone who yells from the audience (or their couch) to cheer on their favorite team or hero — the matches they gather to watch are its core: When play begins, the focus is on the game itself and the players battling for victory. Over the years, we've built a number of features into Dota to help celebrate these teams and players; unfortunately during that time we've seen those features increasingly being used not to showcase team or player identity, but rather to host advertisements. This year, to remove distracting elements and allow full focus on the game and the people playing it, we aren't going to have advertisements and sponsorships in-game at The International, including in team banners, base logos, and tags in player names. We're only a few short weeks away from opening the curtain on this year's tournament. Whether you're meeting up in Denmark, or watching online, we'll see you soon.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

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Introducing The Ringmaster and the 2024 Compendium

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/08eb8e3f64d4c4805fdbc84a12d3b444003930d2.jpg[/img] The International doesn't just draw near. Like a supernatural clockwork carnival barker out in a dark forest, it beckons. We're two weeks away from the first games of The International Group Stage, and if you're a fan of professional esports, it's time to get excited. Floor tickets for all three days are sold out, but some arena seats are [url=]still available[/url]. Whether you've already bought your tickets or you're holding out until the last possible minute, we look forward to seeing you at Copenhagen's Royal Arena in September. As our annual lead-up to the big event, we've just released this year's [url=]International Compendium[/url]. We even called in a favor with our newest old friend, who graciously volunteered to walk everyone through it. For those of you new to The International, the Compendium is a collection of activities and rewards focused on the players, teams, and matches in this year's tournament. Out-predict, out-fantasy, and out-bingo your friends while you watch — all while earning TI-themed rewards ranging from a new HUD to brand-new heroic effigies and a flashy new versus screen to show them off on. Lastly, as you may have noticed by our clever introductory allusions, or by looking at the image above, or by clicking any of the links in this post, or by launching Dota before reading this, today's update also includes our newest hero: Cogliostro Kettle, [b][url=]The Ringmaster[/url][/b], has arrived. He's here, he's free, and he's available to all players right now. But why introduce him further, when he's happy (believe us, [i]more [/i]than happy) to introduce himself? [url=]Read on[/url] for his tragic backstory.

Friday, August 23, 2024

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Black Myth: Wukong is currently Steam's most played game as it continues to break records

As I write this, Black Myth: Wukong, the action adventure from China’s Game Science studio, is the most played game on Steam by player count. There are currently 1,400,932 players in-game (with a peak of 1,443,570), surpassing the likes of Counter-Strike 2, Dota 2, PUBG and all the usual games that occupy Steam’s top five.

Wukong’s launch was already predicted to be strong, with the game being Steam’s number one seller for several weeks, but the concurrent player figures are quite staggering for a single-player, offline game.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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7.37b Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.37b is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days: [list] [*] Fixed Iron Talon being affected by spell amp and damage resistance [*] Fixed Khanda working on illusions (now has the same behavior as Phylactery) [*] Fixed true sight not working correctly with Bristleback's Seeing Red [*] Fixed Crystal Maiden's Arcane Aura not having a range indicator for the 1200 proximity bonus [*] Fixed Dark Willow being unable to be targeted by teammates while in Shadow Realm [*] Fixed Doom's Devil's Bargain not working if he sells items via the Courier [*] Fixed Drow Ranger's Sidestep being cancellable by issuing an attack order [*] Fixed Earthshaker's Slugger applying the push to enemies that are alive in some rare circumstances [*] Fixed a crash related to Enchantress' Little Friends and Tormentor [*] Fixed Juggernaut's Level 10 Talent not applying Duelist Damage until Juggernaut dies [*] Fixed a crash with Lone Druid when passing Neutral Items to the Spirit Bear [*] Fixed Lone Druid's Gift Bearer rerolls not working correctly [*] Fixed Mars' Spear of Mars sometimes failing to impale one of the targets if multiple are speared with Aghanim's Shard [*] Fixed Medusa's Gorgon's Grasp damage being reduced by physical damage block [*] Fixed Medusa's Gorgon's Grasp turn restriction piercing debuff immunity [*] Fixed Morphling's Morph proccing Phylactery/Khanda on the actual hero when it is cast on an illusion [*] Fixed Morphling's Morph proccing spell block on the actual hero when it is casted on an illusion [*] Fixed Nyx Assassin's Mind Flare sometimes applying to multiple enemies if they are too close together, even without Level 25 Talent [*] Fixed Pugna getting a spooky stacking buff that didn't do anything when killing an enemy with Life Drain [*] Fixed Sniper's Take Aim self-buffs being dispellable by ally dispels [*] Fixed Visage not gaining the damage bonus or armor reduction from Level 10/20 Talents along with the Familiars [*] Fixed Visage's Gravekeeper's Cloak sometimes not gaining new stacks when Visage was no longer affected by Break [*] Fixed Weaver leveling Geminate Attack after damaging enemies with a Shard upgraded Shukuchi proccing multiple attacks [*] Fixed Windranger's Easy Breezy movement speed not working correctly when using Force Boots [/list]

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 8/2/2024

Over the last few days we've addressed the following issues: [list] [*] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused input lag for a number of seconds [*] Fixed auras not applying correctly if the match duration goes for too long (applies to multiple damage instances of Doom, etc.) [*] Fixed cooldown reduction sometimes not working properly when decrementing by very small values (Staff of the Scion, etc.) [*] Fixed melee damage block sometimes not blocking any damage [*] Fixed Bloodstone's tooltip not showing the provided Mana Regeneration [*] Fixed Ironwood Tree not being purchasable in demo mode [*] Fixed Mirror Shield blocking spells while on cooldown when Lotus Orb is active. [*] Fixed Unwavering Condition causing a crash [*] Fixed Alchemist Unstable Concoction not being usable on Spirit Bear [*] Fixed Bane's overlap of Nightmare and Fiend's Grip having a brief window where abilities without cast points were castable [*] Fixed Beastmaster Drums of Slom not working correctly when Beastmaster illusions are present [*] Fixed Bloodseeker's Bloodrush facet crediting Bloodseeker with erroneous assists [*] Fixed Bristleback's Seeing Red facet causing the visual effect to stack indefinitely [*] Fixed Clockwerk's Cog having an erroneous Leash tooltip [*] Fixed Death Prophet exorcism targeting outposts [*] Fixed Drow Ranger casting Glacier interrupting Multishot with the Sidestep facet [*] Fixed Elder Titan's Tip the Scales effect not working on towers that were invulnerable due to the corresponding previous tier tower still being alive [*] Fixed Elder Titan's Tip the Scales effect not working while Elder Titan was dead [*] Fixed Ember Spirit not being able to level all talents [*] Fixed Hoodwink's Acorn Shot not being reflectable from heroes with no projectile [*] Fixed Jakiro's Liquid Frost occasionally dealing extra damage from Blood Grenade damage over time [*] Fixed Kunkka's Ghostship not using the "Prize of the Saltworn Mariner" immortal effect when Kunkka has an Aghanim's Scepter [*] Fixed Lifestealer's Ghoul Frenzy not being fully breakable [*] Fixed Lina not being able to level all talents [*] Fixed Leshrac's Diabolic Edict sometimes dealing less damage than expected [*] Fixed Lone Druid able to receive more destruction gold from Philosopher's Stone [*] Fixed Lone Druid's Spirit Bear values not matching the tooltip values [*] Fixed Lone Druid's Demolish and Entangling Claws abilities not displaying their levels accurately [*] Fixed Luna's Lunar Blessing tooltip sometimes causing a client crash [*] Fixed Mars Dauntless working against (or with) Illusions [*] Fixed Nature's Prophet Curse of the Oldgrowth damage over time being inconsistent with Ironwood Treants facet [*] Fixed Nature Prophet's Spirit of the Forest tooltip not displaying the 5th level [*] Fixed Ogre Magi multicasting 3x and 4x before getting the second and third level of the skill [*] Fixed Omniknight's Repel missing Voice Responses [*] Fixed Phantom Lancer's Illusory Armaments Innate giving infinite damage [*] Fixed Phantom Lancer's Illusory Armaments Innate giving zero damage [*] Fixed Razor's Dynamo sometimes granting the wrong amount of spell amplification [*] Fixed Rubick not applying Death Rime damage when stealing Ancient Apparition's spells [*] Fixed Rubick crash that occurred when a stolen Ghost Ship spell expired right before reaching its destination [*] Fixed Sand King Stinger not being stealable [*] Fixed Skywrath Mage level 15 talent not being updated to Concussive Shot slow [*] Fixed Snapfire Lil' Shredder dealing less damage than intended with critical strikes [*] Fixed Sniper's Headshot tooltip incorrectly stating that it works on allied creeps [*] Fixed Spectre Reality sound being inaudible to the enemy if she teleports to a location hidden in fog of war [*] Fixed Spirit Breaker's Planar Pocket spell redirection for abilities that sought new targets during redirection, causing unintended extra damage in the whole area [*] Fixed Techies' Blast Off! Self Damage tooltip not reflecting the correct damage type [*] Fixed Tiny's Toss not triggering Phylactery when the tossed target is the same as the primary target [*] Fixed Troll Warlord's Berserker's Rage dealing damage to himself [*] Fixed Venomancer Plague carrier not respecting Disable Help [*] Fixed Visage's Lurker tooltip using the term 'Cooldown Reduction' instead of 'Cooldown Acceleration' [/list]

Saturday, August 3, 2024

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Update 7.37 Is Here

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/973a52b28bb0fe1073c80393cde21f6b89f75462.png[/img] Since patch 7.36 affected basically every hero in the game, it's no surprise that 7.37 is mostly focused on getting the playing field leveled again. A bunch of heroes are getting new innates and facets, and there's even a rework of Medusa. 7.37 also includes more informative tooltips, which should give you a better moment-to-moment understanding of all the variables that go into murdering someone in a forest. [url=]Check out the patch notes here![/url]

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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LoL, Legends of Runeterra, and Dota 2 voice actor Sam Mowry has died

Sam A. Mowry, an actor who has voiced characters in videogames such as Dota 2, League of Legends, and Legends of Runeterra, has died at the age of 64.

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Dota 2 Crownfall is a new, ongoing story event packed with rewards
Valve is banning Dota 2 accounts in the Christmasiest way possible
Dota 2's hottest custom game is a legally iffy Vampire Survivors clone

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Hold the phone, Valve has created a fighting game for its DOTA 2 battlepass

This is not a drill, nor a joke. Dota 2 now has a fighting game mode included as part of the recent Crownfall update. Included within the battle pass, it has five characters, dedicated move lists for each fighter, alternative skins, frame data, and more. It's a little cheap sure, and not quite a fully-fledged fighting game, but it's real. Fun too!

This inclusion - titled Sleet Fighter by the way - was a total surprise addition to the game, and has been recieved rather well! Sure, it's purely PvE at the moment, but as far as battle pass rewards go, it's way more interesting than new skins or currency. It's not the first time Dota 2 has included such a mini-mode either. Roughly four years ago battle pass owners were able to play a Dota Underlords-style hero battler.

In terms of other rewards, Dota 2 players get some treasures, candy snacks which can be exchanged for hero sets, couriers, wards and more. There are also Crownfall coins that provide handy discounts for those who collect enough of 'em. All in all, a fairly standard selection of battle pass prizes aside from, you know, the fully functional fighting game.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

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Crownfall Act III and Collector's Cache

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/83657233dc34270782879cd84ba8e751c8cae906.png[/img] June has come and, as it tends to do, now left us, probably forever. You'd be forgiven for forgetting all about crowns and them falling dramatically from the heads of fantasy birds and just enjoying your summer — slowing down, taking it easy, having a picnic at the beach or just napping for a while in a hammock. Well, we hope you enjoyed it, because July has come roaring into all of our lives, and with it, Crownfall Act III: The Frosts of Icewrack. In fact, the lazy, meandering intro to this blog post is probably all the lounging around your poor eyeballs are going to get. Even as this June-esque paragraph winds its way towards a rambling sun-dappled conclusion, Act III is ramping up, July-like, to be the most eventful act yet. Act III comes with an entirely new overworld map, located in the frigid north. It has mysteries, no small number of monsters, quite a bit of snow, and one hell of a barroom brawl. (And, as always, some surprises you'll have to find on your own.) Act III also comes with the Crownfall Collector's Cache, featuring 16 of the highest-rated sets from the [url=]last community vote[/url]. If you've been playing along through Crownfall as each act releases and want to jump right in to the new Act III content, you can start with Act III's intro comic, [url=]The Dragon[/url], following Shen and her allies as they land in Icewrack, searching for Kestrel and his army. If you want a refresher on how we got here, you can also read the Act I intro comic, [url=]Ascension Day[/url], and the Act II intro, [url=]The Battle of Hell's Basin[/url]. If you're just joining in now, this is your reminder that all of the previous acts are still available, and will remain so through to the end of Crownfall. Speaking of which, given how much the event has grown since we initially imagined it (and how much its still growing), we've also decided to extend the event end date to October. We're looking forward to the final battle with Queen Imperia. We'll see you there.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Introducing the Steam Game Recording Beta

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/821345e6f3b0bee5b9d2cb9fc3631374b53effa7.png[/img][/url] There are millions of Dota players around the world, and every day their adventures offer up experiences ranging from universal (a savvy swipe of an Aegis) to one-in-a-billion (a RAMPAGE by Chen) — including thrilling moments, silly moments, and everything in between. And since the only thing as fun as playing Dota is savoring those signature plays with friends, today we're excited to roll out [url=]Game Recording[/url], a new built-in Steam feature that makes sharing those special Dota moments easier than ever before. Game Recording lets you save your gameplay — either by recording in the background or manual hotkey activation — to replay at your convenience. Recordings in Dota 2 will include a timeline filled with game-defined markers, but you can also add your own markers at any point. Scrub through a recording while you're still playing to review things like confusing teamfights or a failed gank, or take your time after the game to find the most entertaining moments and memes-to-be that you want to share. You can easily clip the good stuff and discard the rest. Snipping and sharing your clips with friends is just a few clicks away. Ready to get rolling? Simply opt into the Steam Beta Update in your Steam Interface Settings to join the fun. You'll be clipping and shipping highlights in no time. Need a bit more info on how it works? Head over to the [url=]Steam Game Recording[/url] webpage for more in-depth details. Then start sharing your clips through Steam or wherever you chat with your friends — we're excited to see what you make! And if you run into any issues or feel the feature is missing something, please share those thoughts as well. In the meantime, we'll keep working on improvements as the Beta moves towards full Steam release, and we'll also continue looking at ways to enhance how Dota specifically can make use of all the new features.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Dota 2 Short Film Contest 2024

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/e9c68bf0f367648aba53d1300235f5828eee3d68.png[/img] The regional battles on the Road to The International have concluded, and we now know all sixteen teams destined to clash in Copenhagen this September. But there's also another competition to remember — in which the auteurs of the Dota scene grab their pens, friends, and camera lenses and treat the community to a breadth of cinema that rivals any film festival. That's right, it's time for this year's [url=]Dota 2 Short Film Contest[/url], officially open for submissions. Filmmakers will have until 3:00pm PDT on August 18, 2024 to submit their short film creations of 90 seconds or less to the Dota 2 Steam Workshop to be eligible for consideration. All Dota players are welcome to [url=]visit the Workshop[/url] to discuss, vote on their favorites, and help us select the best entries. The top ten finalists will be showcased as part of The International live broadcast. After reviewing the Workshop ratings and discussions, Valve will nominate the top entries to be featured in the Dota client for a final voting process by the community to determine the winners. The top three selections will score prizes of $25,000, $10,000, and $5,000, and each of the other top ten finalists will win $500. (As a refresher for anyone who missed the winners last year, or wants to enjoy them again, the top three entries from last year were [url=]Chemical Rage[/url] by 4fun, [url=]Finish Pls[/url] by Keller Max, and [url=]GAME BREAKERS[/url] by Anomidae.) Visit the [url=]Dota 2 Short Film Contest[/url] site for more information and guidelines on the submission process. And be sure to stop by the Workshop page regularly to help review the submissions you would like to see showcased at The International, coming to you live from Copenhagen in September.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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7.36c Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.36c is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days: [list] [*] Fixed taunts being unequipped when changing facets [*] Fixed a crash related to Block of Cheese [*] Fixed a crash when creating items with self-restoring charges in custom games [*] Fixed Abaddon and Nyx Assassin not avoiding damage properly [*] Fixed Bloodseeker's Sanguivore healing for less than intended [*] Fixed Bristleback's Bristleback with Snot Rocket firing Quills when receiving large single instances of damage [*] Fixed Clinkz's Aghanim's Scepter not increasing Skeleton Archer health [*] Fixed Clinkz's Burning Barrage first attack not benefitting from Tar Bomb [*] Fixed Crystal Maiden's Crystal Clone always being cast towards the Frostbitten target if Crystal Clone was cast during Frostbite's backswing animation [*] Fixed Dark Seer's Level 10 Talent Wall of Replica Illusion Damage not working correctly [*] Fixed Drow Ranger's Precision Aura occasionally causing client crashes [*] Fixed Earthshaker's Level 15 Talent Fissure Range not increasing Fissure range [*] Fixed Io's Overcharge granting slow resistance without Aghanim's Shard [*] Fixed Marci's Special Delivery working on illusions of Marci [*] Fixed Marci's Level 10 Talent Rebound Cast/Jump Range not increasing cast range [*] Fixed Meepo and Ogre Magi auto leveling attributes when they could level a skill instead [*] Fixed Meepo not receiving Urn of Shadows and Spirit Vessel charges when they are placed in the Neutral Item slot via Pack Rat [*] Fixed Monkey King's Simian Stride not having reduced cooldown when Monkey King is between 90% and 100% HP [*] Fixed Morphling's Ebb showing incorrect item cooldowns [*] Fixed Morphling's Flow reducing cooldowns by too little [*] Fixed Morphling's Morph permanently stealing Axe's One Man Army [*] Fixed Phantom Assassin's Blur range radius indicator using old values [*] Fixed Phantom Assassin's Blur with Aghanim's Scepter changing the vanish buffer duration [*] Fixed Phoenix's Dying Light dealing less damage than intended [*] Fixed Phoenix's Fire Spirits attack speed slow not using updated values [*] Fixed Primal Beast's Trample occasionally causing client crashes [*] Fixed Riki and his allies having a miss chance when attempting to deny in Smoke Screen [*] Fixed Rubick sometimes being able to steal Timbersaw's old Second Chakram ability [*] Fixed Shadow Shaman's Aghanim's Shard Serpent Wards sometimes expiring prematurely [*] Fixed Shadow Shaman's Hex not being disabled by Disable Help [*] Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Blade Mail proccing Ricochet attacks against Supernova [*] Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Lil' Shredder dealing less damage than expected [*] Fixed Snapfire + Ricochet II + Revenant's Brooch vs high evasion targets causing secondary attacks to proc more secondary attacks [*] Fixed Snapfire's Ricochet II attacks being able to miss [*] Fixed Spectre's Aghanim's Shard Active component sometimes not updating to the correct values [*] Fixed Templar Assassin's Level 15 Talent Psi Blades Attack and Spill Range giving more attack range than intended [*] Fixed Terrorblade's Metamorphosis attack range in the ability tooltip being incorrect (tooltip only change) [*] Fixed Treant Protector's Sapling occasionally causing friendly units to get stuck on the Sapling Tree [*] Fixed Underlord's Abyssal Horde minions not attacking if the "Summoned Unit Auto Attack" setting was turned off [*] Fixed Venomancer's Plague Wards attacking while their carrier is invisible to the target [*] Fixed Venomancer's attached Plague Wards not triggering aggro [*] Fixed Visage's Familiars having various issues [*] Fixed Witch Doctor's Voodoo Switcheroo sometimes causing Witch Doctor to get stuck if a tree was planted while he was transformed [*] Fixed Facet Selection in Ability Draft occasionally picking an unintended facet [/list]

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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The International 2024 Ticket Sales

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/efb1c8d504529df488142c21ec900f0c5542fbfa.png[/img] Millions of people around the world will be watching The International this year online. But there's no substitute for being there, and for those of you planning on traveling to Denmark to watch the best Dota teams battle for the Aegis of Champions in person, read on for all the information you'll need. The International is being held in front of a live audience in Copenhagen's Royal Arena, with the top eight teams battling it out on the main stage from Friday, September 13th through Sunday, September 15th. Tickets will be available [url= ]here[/url] on Ticketmaster: [list] [*]Tickets will go on sale June 10, 2024 at 10am CEST, Copenhagen local time. [*]Tickets are assigned to a specific seating area: Floor tickets are assigned seating; arena Level 1 and Level 3 tickets are GA. [*]Tickets can be purchased for a single day (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday), as two-day bundles (Friday+Saturday, or Saturday+Sunday), or as a three-day bundle (Friday+Saturday+Sunday). [*]Friday tickets are 1240 DKK, Saturday tickets are 1540 DKK, and Sunday tickets are 2040 DKK (including fees). [/list] [b]FAQ [/b] [b]When and where is The International 2024?[/b] The International will take place across three days (Friday, September 13 through Sunday, September 15) at Copenhagen's Royal Arena. [b]How can I buy a ticket to The International?[/b] Tickets go on sale June 10, 2024 at 10am CEST (Copenhagen local time) at this link: . [b]What type of tickets are available?[/b] Tickets can be purchased for a single day (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday), as two-day bundles (Friday+Saturday, or Saturday+Sunday), or as a three-day bundle (Friday+Saturday+Sunday). There are three categories of tickets: Floor tickets are assigned seating; arena Level 1 and Level 3 tickets are GA. You can choose your days and your seating category through Ticketmaster. [b]What are the prices for each type of ticket?[/b] All prices below include the 40 DKK Ticketmaster fees. [list] [*]Single Daily tickets[list] [*]Friday - DKK 1240 [*]Saturday - DKK 1540 [*]Sunday - DKK 2040 [/list][*]2-Day Bundle[list] [*]Friday + Saturday - DKK 2740 [*]Saturday + Sunday - DKK 3540[/list][*]3-day Bundle[list] [*]Friday + Saturday + Sunday - DKK 4740[/list][/list] [b]Can I sit anywhere, or will there be preassigned seats?[/b] Floor seating is assigned. You will make your selection when purchasing your ticket. Tickets for Level 1 and Level 3 are General Admission. A GA ticket holder can sit in almost any available seat except for reserved sections (i.e. for press or pro players). [b]How many tickets can I buy?[/b] Purchases are limited to five tickets per transaction. [b]How do I pick up my tickets?[/b] Tickets will be available in your Ticketmaster account as Mobile Entry Tickets – no pickup needed! Make sure to save your ticket to your phone's wallet ahead of the event for easy access. [b]What happens if there is an issue with my mobile ticket? [/b] Please reach out to Ticketmaster support regarding all ticket-related inquiries. There will be a Will Call office to assist you on-site at the event as well. [b]Is re-entry permitted?[/b] Yes. On your way out you must check-out by scanning your ticket when you are exiting the building, otherwise re-entry will not be permitted. [b]Can I get a refund on my ticket?[/b] Tickets are non-refundable, unless the event itself is cancelled for any reason. [b]Can I transfer or resell my ticket?[/b] Yes, tickets can be transferred between accounts and bought/sold on Ticketmaster directly. Instructions on how to transfer tickets can be found [url=]here[/url]. Instructions on how to buy/sell tickets can be found [url=]here[/url]. [b]How do Crimson Witness Treasures work this year?[/b] Everyone who has bound their attendee badge to their Steam account will be eligible for random Crimson Witness Treasure drops on the First Blood of each game at The International. Each badge binding is valid for a single day.

Friday, June 7, 2024

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The International 2024 Live Event Broadcast RFP and Broadcast License Requests

The International is heading back to Europe this September, and companies interested in producing and distributing regional language broadcasts of The International 2024 are encouraged to apply now. We are now accepting proposals for the Live Event Broadcast Production of The International 2024 in Russian, Chinese, and Spanish language broadcasts. The RFP (Request for Proposal) documentation and instructions for submissions can be found [url=]here[/url]. Please reach out to with any additional questions. For those seeking additional licenses and feeds, please fill out the form that pertains to the correct request: [list] [*]Production companies seeking a commercial license to produce a regional language broadcast of The International 2024 without additional access to the event can apply [url=]here[/url]. [*]Streaming platforms interested in restreaming the official broadcast feeds to their platform can apply [url=]here[/url]. [/list] Thanks in advance to everyone interested in working with us to make The International 2024 the best yet.

Friday, June 7, 2024

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7.36b Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.36b is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. Additionally, a few bugs were fixed over the last several days: [list] [*] Fixed various hotkey issues [*] Fixed Shield Rune buff not having an icon [*] Roshan's attacks no longer instantly kill Shadow Shaman's Mass Serpent Wards and Massive Serpent Ward. Instead, Roshan's attacks are treated as Hero attacks [*] Fixed Arc Warden's Tempest Double taking more damage than intended [*] Fixed Beastmaster's Level 20 Talent Max Health Aura to Beastmaster and his units applying to couriers in certain circumstances [*] Fixed Broodmother's Spin Web having less cast range than intended if it touches another web [*] Fixed Death Prophet's Silence having some unintended interactions [*] Fixed Dragon Knight's Frost Dragon Wyrm's Wrath unintentionally applying its effect to buildings [*] Fixed Drow Ranger's Multishot being canceled by casting Glacier [*] Fixed Faceless Void's Time Zone crediting assists incorrectly [*] Fixed Huskar's Life Break in combination with Parting Shot occasionally causing players to be unable to issue commands [*] Fixed Invoker's Elitist passively granting spell amp without applying the debuff first [*] Fixed Invoker's Mastermind not granting experience [*] Fixed Leshrac's Nihilism not getting affected by Defilement & other AoE increases [*] Fixed Lina's Flame Cloak not refreshing Fiery Soul's duration if cast while at max Fiery Soul stacks [*] Fixed Lina's Laguna Blade with Level 25 Talent Laguna Blade Damage into barrier not granting barrier from Slow Burn damage [*] Fixed Lycan's Spirit Wolves sometimes being controllable [*] Fixed Morphling's Attribute Shift bar being misaligned [*] Fixed Muerta's Ofrenda being stealable [*] Fixed Shadow Demon with Shadow Servant being able to create infinite duration illusions if Reins of Chaos procced upon casting Disruption on a Chaos Knight [*] Fixed Techies' Spleen's Secret Sauce not dealing the correct amount of damage [*] Fixed Undying's Ceaseless Dirge sometimes causing Undying to be unable to issue commands [*] Fixed Venomancer's Patient Zero dealing more damage than intended [*] Fixed Warlock's Black Grimoire not swapping when players swapped heroes in game [*] Fixed Witch Doctor's Gris-Gris not swapping when players swapped heroes in game [/list]

Thursday, June 6, 2024

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The International 2024 - Direct Invites and The Road to TI

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/040f3cd7b283452e7939cf075284647905cbb900.png[/img] Between a massive 7.36 update and Act II of Crownfall, there were a lot of big announcements vying for your attention last week, so we decided to give everybody a few days to process everything before we posted any more big Dota news. But now a new week is upon us, and we're happy to turn our focus from the in-game experience to pro Dota, with the the announcement of the six direct invites to this year's The International! Read on for that unveiling, as well as details on the qualifying road for those still fighting to earn the last ten spots in Copenhagen. From Dubai to Birmingham to Bucharest and beyond, the year has been packed with top-tier Dota tournaments. Befitting their dominant performances across the year so far, we're happy to invite the following teams directly to The International 2024: [list] [*]Team Spirit [expand type=details] Illya "Yatoro" Mulyarchuk Denis "Larl" Sigitov Magomed "Collapse" Khalilov Myroslav "Mira" Kolpakov Yaroslav "Miposhka" Naidenov [/expand] [*]Xtreme Gaming [expand type=details] Wang "Ame" Chunyu Guo "Xm" Hongcheng Lin "Xxs" Jing Zhao "XinQ" Zixing Ding "Dy" Cong [/expand] [*]Team Falcons [expand type=details] Oliver "skiter" Lepko Stanislav "Malr1ne" Potorak Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf Andreas "Cr1t-" Nielsen Wu "Sneyking" Jingjun [/expand] [*]Team Liquid [expand type=details] Michael "miCKe" Vu Michał "Nisha" Jankowski Neta "33" Shapira Samuel "Boxi" Svahn Aydin "Insania" Sarkohi [/expand] [*]Gaimin Gladiators [expand type=details] Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov Quinn "Quinn" Callahan Marcus "Ace" Hoelgaard Erik "tOfu" Engel Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp [/expand] [*]BetBoom Team [expand type=details] Egor "Nightfall" Grigorenko Danil "gpk" Skutin Matvey "MieRo`" Vasyunin Vitalie "Save-" Melnic Alexander "TORONTOTOKYO" Khertek[/expand][/list] The remaining ten slots will be awarded to those worthy teams able to battle through the daunting Regional Qualifiers, with the final slot breakdown and dates for each region set as follows: [list] [*]China and North America - June 9th to 13th [expand type=details] [b]China[/b] [i](2 slots)[/i] Azure Ray G2.iG LGD Gaming Team Bright Team Zero Dark Horse (+6 teams from Open Qualifiers) [b]North America[/b] [i](1 slot)[/i] Shopify Rebellion Nouns La Correntada (+5 teams from Open Qualifiers) [/expand] [*]Eastern Europe + South America - June 14th to 18th [expand type=details] [b]Eastern Europe[/b] [i](1 slot)[/i] Natus Vincere 1win L1GA TEAM Night Pulse Nemiga Gaming One Move Yellow Submarine 9Pandas (+3 teams from Open Qualifiers) [b]South America[/b] [i](2 slots)[/i] HEROIC beastcoast BOOM Esports Midas Club Infinity Leviatán (+6 teams from Open Qualifiers) [/expand] [*]Southeast Asia + Western Europe - June 19th to 23rd [expand type=details] [b]Southeast Asia[/b] [i](2 slots)[/i] Aurora Blacklist International Talon Esports Neon Esports Execration Bleed Esports MANTA Esports Salvation Gaming (+4 teams from Open Qualifiers) [b]Western Europe[/b] [i](2 slots)[/i] Tundra Esports PSG Quest OG Team Secret Entity MOUZ NAVI Junior Nigma Galaxy Rest Farmers JustBetter (+2 teams from Open Qualifiers)[/expand][/list] For those of you now making plans to spectate or compete in said qualifiers, we've also got some important dates to keep in mind. The Road to The International will officially kick off with Open Qualifiers for all six regions June 3rd to 8th, followed by the Regional Qualifiers as described above. Once all the initial dust has settled and the tournament field has been filled out, the Road to the International will continue when all sixteen teams meet in Copenhagen. The two-day Group Stage will commence Wednesday, September 4th, immediately followed by the five-day Playoffs, a studio production that will run through Tuesday, September 10th, The International itself will be held in Copenhagen's Royal Arena, with the top eight teams slated to take the main stage from Friday, September 13th through Sunday, September 15th. Fans hoping to attend in person will be able to purchase tickets starting Monday, June 10th. Set your reminders now, and we'll see you when qualifiers start next Monday, June 3rd.

Monday, May 27, 2024

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7.36a Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.36a is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. Additionally, a few non-gameplay bugs were fixed: [list] [*] Fixed Some Crownfall empty dialog lines [*] Fixed Crownfall paths changing their token requirements [*] Fixed Dragon Knight Griffin Knight set having Facet-based coloration swapped [*] Fixed various issues with cloth stretching [*] Fixed watching replays from Broadcaster perspective not displaying heroes [*] Fixed an issue with post-match rewards being delayed [*] Fixed Crownfall Pit Fighter encounter dialog [*] Fixed Crownfall Fishing Spear not being available [*] Fixed Crownfall Graphical issue with Pineapple clickable on Crownfall map [*] Fixed Crownfall Graphical issue with Questing Hearts sign not showing [*] Fixed issue with Act 2's Riki's attribute token being wrong type [/list]

Monday, May 27, 2024

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Valve casually upends the Dota 2 meta by adding innate powers to all 124 heroes

Dota 2 has gotten a particularly game-bending update this month. Despite its simple name, Gameplay Update 7.36 has changed how all 124 heroes in Dota 2 play by fundamentally tweaking the structure of a character: Every single hero now has an innate ability of some kind, up from a mere... 7 heroes before. To boot, every single hero now has two Facets, a binary choice of gameplay styles or bonuses that you choose before the match even starts... Read more.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

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Update 7.36 and Crownfall Act II

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/20246e3ed17e94352b9fdc475c3387d683c9bfe8.png[/img] People have been asking about it. They've been waiting for it. They've been guessing for months what would be in it. And now... we're finally shipping it. That's right: Crownfall Act II's fishing game is LIVE! For those of you who didn't just die of adrenaline shock, we also shipped a massive new gameplay patch, which you might want to read up on. Go find out more about 7.36 [url=]here[/url]. We also shipped the second part of Crownfall, this time taking place in the unforgiving deserts of Druud. There's a new overworld map, a new story, some new characters (and some familiar favorites), new cosmetic items, new minigames, and more than a few surprises. Lastly, in case you got busy last month (it happens) and were wondering if you'll still be able to play Crownfall Act I now that Act II's shipped: You can. All of Crownfall's acts will be available as new acts come online, up to the conclusion of the event. OK, that's probably enough fishing and fishing-adjacent (7.36, Crownfall Act II) news for one update. What are you waiting for? Boot up the game and get angling!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Dota Labs and Crownfall Collector's Cache Voting

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/94c9425912362b852cf6526763e1af3a88a4cc17.jpg[/img] [h2]Dota Labs Updates[/h2] We announced Dota Labs [url=]a couple months ago[/url], and since then we've continued to iterate quietly on the features in it as we get feedback and data. "Quietly" is fine, but sometimes it can be useful to be a bit louder so today we're turning up the volume a little: [list] [*] We're happy to announce the first promotion of a Dota Labs option out of Labs and into the game itself: [b]high-visibility hero health bars[/b], under Options -> Interface. [*] Over the last weeks (and today), we've shipped a variety of updates to the other features, including additional controls for the overlay map, new data in the pre-match analytics, and the ability to treat targeting modifier keys as toggles rather than holds. [*] Lastly, because we've gotten so many useful submissions from the Feedback button built into the Crownfall map, we've added one to the Dota Labs UI as well. [/list] As always, please continue to tell us which parts of the still in-development Labs features you like and which you think need improvement. [h2]Collector's Cache Voting Begins[/h2] Our community of artists have also been hard at work. Hundreds of item sets have been lovingly crafted, lovingly polished, and lovingly uploaded to the Workshop, and now it's up to you, the Dota community, to lovingly vote on which ones you'd like to see in the next Collector's Cache! In the spirit of Dota Labs experimentation, this time voting is open to everyone. From the dashboard, simply click the Collector's Cache Voting button and then upvote or downvote the sets you're the most passionate about. Voting runs from now until May 21st, with the most popular sets getting released as part of a future Crownfall update.

Monday, May 6, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 4/22/2024

Over the last few days since Crownfall's release we've addressed the following issues: [list] [*] Fixed the match history Dota Plus rank change column sometimes displaying zero change for matches where a Ranked Double Down token was used. (The correct rank change was recorded on the server, this was just a display issue.) [*] Fixed Crownfall Ranked Double Down tokens beyond the first not being correctly granted. Missing tokens have been granted to all affected accounts. [*] Fixed voice chat indicators not appearing for some players. [*] Fixed the in-game Ranked Double Down button not appearing for some players. [*] Fixed a bug allowing Shadow Demon to level up his ultimate outside of the correct level points. [*] Fixed the Demo Hero mode Target Dummy being unintentionally killable. [*] Fixed a bug in the combat log that caused an additional tower killed message to be printed along with tower deny messages. [*] Fixed a bug in the combat log that caused barracks kills by creeps being attributed to a player. [*] Fixed a bug in the combat log that incorrectly showed no gold being given to all players when barracks were killed by creeps. [*] Fixed models shown in loadout or pregame screens not always using the highest quality rendering options. [*] Fixed missing visual effects for heroes with the Aviana's Feather neutral item. [*] Fixed the Crownfall Snake Charmer encounter to also grant credit when you play two Turbo games. [*] Fixed the Crownfall Snake Charmer encounter not greeting players the first time you open it. [*] Fixed some minor visual issues with the Drow Ranger The Finer Points taunt. [/list]

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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Dota 2 Crownfall is a new, ongoing story event packed with rewards

While Counter-Strike 2 remains the dominant force on Steam, Valve also resolutely holds onto the number two spot with its other landmark multiplayer game, Dota 2. Few games can unseat the MOBA, with only brief outpacing from PUBG Battlegrounds and Lost Ark and launch peaks from the likes of Palworld, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and Elden Ring climbing ever so slightly ahead of it. Now, in an attempt to capitalize on its continued popularity, Valve is introducing Dota 2 Crownfall, an "ongoing story event filled with legendary heroes and unique rewards" that's available to all players of the free Steam game.

Read the rest of the story...

Valve is banning Dota 2 accounts in the Christmasiest way possible
Dota 2's hottest custom game is a legally iffy Vampire Survivors clone
Dota 2 TI 2023 still on track for lowest ever prize pool

Friday, April 19, 2024

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Welcome to Crownfall

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/60586d77d8c2ddbddf805451c244309a7733e14e.png[/img] For over a decade now, Skywrath Mage and Vengeful Spirit have been ambiguously entwined. Eagle-eyed players noticed that they come from the same town, seem to have related backstories, and might even be dating. Pretty mysterious stuff. Earlier, we dropped a comic that solved those mysteries, but introduced an even bigger one: "Why are you posting comics instead of updates?" We can now reveal the answer: Because we've just released The Markets of Midgate, the first act of an ongoing story event called Crownfall, filled with legendary heroes and unique rewards. In this act alone, you can expect dozens of new cosmetic sets, taunts, creeps, emoticons... are we forgetting anything? Oh right, and two brand-new Arcana, one for each of Crownfall's main characters. So what is Crownfall? It's something completely new that we've wanted to try for a while. And when we say new, we mean [i]new[/i]— a new way of telling stories, offering rewards, and making it more fun to win every game of Dota. And it's available right now to all Dota players for free. Honestly, it's a little hard to describe in a tiny blog post. But luckily, the description is exactly website-sized. Go read the details [url=]here[/url]. Or, if you'd rather just play instead of hearing us describe it, boot up the game and enter the world of Crownfall for yourself.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

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Ascension Day

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/ba80108f618e691d184e7eb5579e56c33b9a811b.jpg[/img] A young princess, betrayed by her sister on the day of her ascension. Her wings torn from her body. Thrown from the highest tower of the Ghastly Eyrie. Left for dead. Found by a god. Turned into a spirit of vengeance. A Skywrath Mage, sworn to serve the murderer of his beloved. His life and powers forfeit should he betray his captor. Waiting for his moment. To avenge the one he loves. A dying god. Starved of followers by an evil Queen. Wasting in the ruins of a condemned temple. The last of her powers leaving her. One last chance at revenge. Vengeance is coming. The Flightless will rise. [url=]A crown will fall[/url].

Thursday, April 18, 2024

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Dota 2 Update 3/28/2024

[list] [*] Matchmade lobbies will no longer share the account information of any members until the lobby is accepted by all players. [*] Fixed certain cases where Revenant's Brooch would still allow critical hits. [/list]

Thursday, March 28, 2024

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Gameplay Patch 7.35d And Matchmaking Features

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/168f2b245354ff66177462580a6f29d2e007bca4.jpg[/img] We've just released [url=]Gameplay Patch 7.35d[/url] (Chen had it coming), and with it a new set of features. [h2]Matchmaking Hero Ban Rework[/h2] Over the last year or so, we've taken [url=]a number[/url] of [url=]visible actions[/url] against users of third-party cheats. As we investigate each cheat, we're primarily focused on understanding what they're doing and how we can track and stop it. But while we're doing that, we also ask ourselves why some cheaters feel compelled to use these tools in the first place. The most common explanation is "to get an unfair advantage", which obviously runs counter to the desires of the Dota community and the sense of competitiveness and fairness at its heart. Even so, sometimes there are still things we can learn, and use to improve the Dota experience for everyone (or at least everyone who hasn't been banned for cheating). Pre-game hero bans are an example of this. Many cheats last year focused on gaining an advantage during the ten-second hero ban phase at the start of each game. We stepped back to look at the original goals of this phase — letting players express a preference for what heroes they didn't want to play against, but without creating scenarios where players with small hero pools get permanently locked out — looked at some data, and asked if there was a way we could better serve these goals while solving other problems at the same time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/9176222f2c8de1b62450dd341e79cfa22b98afd3.png[/img] With today's update, we've removed the start-of-match ban phase and replaced it with ban preferences stored with your account. If you load the heroes tab, you can select the four heroes you don't want to see in your games. You're guaranteed when you join a matchmaking game that at least one of them will be banned. You can change your list of banned heroes whenever you want. (If you leave some ban slots empty, it's possible the empty slot will be selected as your "banned hero". In other words, there's no advantage to leaving slots empty.) This new system addresses a number of problems the previous system had: you can't forget to ban; you don't have to learn that sometimes suggested bans are ignored by the game; you're not on a tight clock to make a stressful decision that, in the end, most players make the same way almost all the time. As an added bonus, it also makes targeted bans impossible, whether those bans are against known personalities or random players in a pub match for which you've looked up data. Some game modes (ie., Captains Mode, Captains Draft, Ability Draft, Turbo) either didn't have a pre-game ban phase, or already had non-standard ban rules. These modes are unchanged. [h2]Dota Plus Pre-Match Matchmaker Analytics[/h2] Millions of Dota players interact with the matchmaker every day and every single one has different priorities when looking for a game. Some prefer to get into a match as quickly as possible, and are willing to accept a higher skill variance in the game to save some time. Others want every match to be perfectly balanced, and are willing to wait longer for the best chance at the closest game. Other players care less about the skill level of the other players, and much more about their personality and behavior in-game. We've long wanted to build features to let players find matches that better align with their individual preferences. Early attempts ran into two main problems: [list] [*]First, while players are good at describing their preferences to other people, they aren't necessarily good at describing their preferences as inputs to a complex, global matchmaking algorithm ("I value skill variance 13% higher than the average Dota player!"). How can we create tools that let players express their preferences naturally and directly? [*]Second, changes to the matchmaker affect all Dota players, so we tend toward caution. The matchmaker is always trying to strike a balance between individual player preferences and the health of Dota as a whole. (If matches of Dota are bad, whether because of wild skill gaps or poor player behavior, that's bad for Dota as a community. If every match is perfect, but takes three hours to form, that's bad, too.) New matchmaker features available to everyone at once risk breaking the matchmaker, and if we break the matchmaker, we break Dota. How can we ship new matchmaking features and learn how they work in practice while keeping risk to Dota as a whole low? [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/2022855a7a8833edace44c7f0ab8fa27c6a474c3.png[/img] Within the new experimental umbrella of Dota Labs, and initially limited to Dota Plus, we're shipping a first pass of a feature that Dota players have been asking us for forever: When you find a match in Dota, Dota Plus will present some information about how the matchmaker evaluated the match, like an estimate of skill range and player behavior scores. You'll have a chance to accept that match or requeue to wait for a match that's better for you and your current preferences. We were careful when building this feature to make sure that any information we included would enable players to express individual preferences about what kinds of matches they prefer, but not grant a competitive advantage of any kind. The new dialog can tell you that the skill variance of players in a match is high or low, but not whether you and your team are on the high end or the low end. Why is this a Dota Labs feature? The only way to know for sure how millions of Dota players are going to interact with a feature is to ship it, so that's what we're doing. We've done extensive modeling, but there's still real risk here: We may be wrong about how players will use this feature or how it will affect the overall matchmaking experience in Dota. We don't want to let those fears that we [i]might[/i] be wrong stop us from doing something that may benefit millions of Dota players, so we're shipping this as an experiment. Shipping it inside Dota Plus limits access, and accordingly limits the risk to Dota as we learn about how everyone interacts with it. As with the other Dota Labs features, time and your feedback will tell whether it grows, or changes, or gets retired. [h2]Onward[/h2] We know many of you are looking forward to Crownfall, and we're looking forward to getting it into your hands. We're wrapping things up and expect to release in mid-April. We'll see you then.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

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The International 2024

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/040f3cd7b283452e7939cf075284647905cbb900.png[/img] War banners are being washed clean of blood stains and scorch marks. Trumpets are being tested for their ability to sound the imminent approach of battle. Lanes are getting swept clean of body parts, and the Ancients are getting a good crack replastering and surface buffing. The forest air itself crackles with anticipation, because we had new forest air shipped in at considerable cost that crackles on command. The stage is being set, is the point we’re trying to get across here. And why? For The International, returning this September to Europe, where the best Dota teams from around the world will clash for the Aegis in Copenhagen's Royal Arena. The sixteen participating teams will be a mix of open qualifiers, regional qualifiers, and direct invitations, similar to how invitations worked for the first few years of The International. The invited teams will be announced leading up to the event, and chosen based on team performance during the year. And there's a lot of performance to consider. This year's calendar is packed, with half a dozen major tournaments already announced and more on the way, including studio and arena tournaments in Europe, Asia, South America, and the Middle East. We even hear rumors Midas Mode might be making a grand return. (The more teams that are eligible to participate in a tournament, the higher our consideration: Cross-regional tournaments generate more useful data than intra-regional tournaments, tournaments with qualifiers generate more useful information than invitation-only tournaments, etc.) We'll be announcing ticketing and scheduling information for The International 2024 in the next few months. Until then, why not [url=]go watch a game of pro Dota[/url] to get back in the competitive spirit?

Friday, March 8, 2024

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Dota Plus Update — Spring 2024 (And Dota Labs)

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/e11198d52372bf87ada1c5495fe8ec9539716096.png[/img] [h2]Dota Plus Seasonal Update[/h2] As Spring blooms to life around us, it transports us here on the Dota team to the springs of yore, when the world was new and vibrant. Who could forget climbing that old oak tree by the bridge? Or stealing carrots and turnips from cranky old Farmer Maggot? Or taking that ring to Mordor, and casting it into the fiery pits of Mount Doom where it was forged? [h3]Dota Plus Seasonal Treasure[/h3] That last part of our spring memory trilogy is especially relevant today, since we’ve uncovered another priceless treasure. And this time it’s too good to throw into a volcano. The Spring 2024 Seasonal Treasure is here and available for purchase with shards. This treasure features all new sets for Disruptor, Dark Willow, Spectre, Chaos Knight, Doom, Earth Spirit, Underlord, and Nyx Assassin. There's also a chance to unlock the Sir Molestach Irondrill courier, who arrives in the lanes bearing random prismatic and ethereal gems. We've also taken sets that were available in the Summer Treasure 2022 and made them available for direct purchase for 15,000 shards each as part of the collection of legacy sets in the Shard Shop. [h3]Updated Seasonal Quests & Guild Rewards[/h3] Today’s update also comes with a new set of Dota Plus quests to shore up your shard stash for new relics and the Seasonal Treasure — offering up to 115,200 shards over the course of the season. Guild rewards have also been updated, making new emoticons, sprays, and chat wheels available to high-scoring guilds. [table] [tr] [th]Guild Tier[/th] [th]Rewards[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Silver[/td] [td][list] [*]Emoticon - lion_bounce [*]Emoticon - rainbow_phoenix [*]Emoticon - riki_peaceout [/list][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Gold[/td] [td][list] [*]Spray - Aghanim - Push [*]Spray - Bounty Hunter - Riches [*]Spray - Hoodwink - Acorn [/list][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Platinum[/td] [td][list] [*]Chat Wheel - "Что это?! Какая жесть!" [*]Chat Wheel - "Ooooh, por dios!" [*]Chat Wheel - "你行你行,你上你上" [/list][/td] [/tr] [/table] [h2]Introducing Dota Labs[/h2] In addition to the Dota+ content, today's update introduces a set of experimental features available to all Dota players, and a new way for us to ship experiments like them: Dota Labs. (We had fun coming with names like "Unstable Concoctions" and "Tinker's Tinkerings" but ultimately decided we'd rather have the name be boring and clear and the features themselves be interesting.) If you load up your options menu, you'll see a new tab with the Dota Labs label. Features here are experimental, and less polished than many other features we ship, so they're all in a special menu and disabled by default. These are features where our playtesting has produced mixed or ambiguous data. We can't really know if they're good or how to make them better without seeing real Dota players using them, so we're shipping them in an earlier form on purpose so you can tell us whether they're worth continuing to invest in. The initial set of Dota Labs features includes: [list] [*][b]Overlay Map[/b]. It's sort of just like the minimap, but it's large instead of small, and transparent instead of solid, and is full-screen instead of being isolated to the corner. We have a bunch of questions, including but not limited to: Is it helpful for your playstyle? How do you interact with it? What do you wish it did? [*][b]Modifier Key Filter Bindings[/b]. Targeting commands in chaotic environments can be challenging, and misclicks can be devastating. Dota does the best it can with your inputs, but sometimes it really does look like you wanted to Laguna Blade that creep. This new feature allows you bind modifier keys that, when held, will force your target selection to enemies, allies, creeps or heroes. Which targeting methods are the most and least useful in practice? What are we missing? [*][b]High-Visibility Local Hero Healthbar[/b]. Dota teamfights can be hectic, and sometimes in the chaos it's hard to keep track of your hero. This option significantly changes the styling and readability of only your hero's nameplate. Does this help, or does it introduce even more visual chaos? [/list] We fully expect that some of these features (or future Dota Labs ideas) will mature and graduate out, while others may be retired. Which are which depends on you. Some of you reading this are probably excited about trying these features out, but worried about whether we'll continue to use them moving forward. "The last time you introduced a new named Dota thing, you called it Between the Lanes, and it's been some months since you last posted one of those." You're right! We figure the best way to make the point that we're planning to continue to invest long-term here is to continue to invest long-term there as well, so: Enjoy [url=]today's Between the Lanes[/url] as well.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

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Between the Lanes: Denying Denial of Service

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/4d7209c869530f3e0f737e28a1156e7017314660.jpg[/img] [i]Welcome back to Between the Lanes, a blog feature where members of our development team walk through some of the challenges, bugfixes, and occasional happy accidents we encounter while working on a game as unique as Dota.[/i] This is a story about the internet, and how it doesn’t work like it should, when it works at all, except when it doesn’t. It’s a story about how the internet stopped working for our customers, and how we fixed it. The internet is more of a wild frontier than we give it credit for being. Stray from the safe confines of your two-factor identification and trusted cookies, and it can be a bit of a wilderness out there, full of random trolls with the maliciousness—and, increasingly, the ability—to make your life pretty miserable for no other reason than because they can. Back in 2014, the method those trolls were using was distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. “Distributed” refers to a large number of internet hosts maliciously flooding a particular target IP with traffic in an effort to overwhelm the network stack. This is called a volumetric attack, and the intent isn’t to try to get into the network. It’s just trying to deny service. A distributed denial of service means that legitimate people who want legitimate service are crowded out by the bad traffic. The problem with DDoS attacks was that, by late 2014, they weren’t being committed by data-exfiltrating super-hackers with advanced computer science degrees. They were being committed by just about anybody who wanted to pay a service or a bot to do it for them. And it’s pretty obvious why. Although some people were happy to do it purely for vandalism’s sake, others had a motive: A DDoS attack was a surefire way to shut down a match that either you or someone you were rooting for were losing. This wasn’t just an occasional irritation anymore. It was turning into an outright assault on any game where players competed. By the opening months of 2015, we were seeing a huge uptick in DDoS attacks on Dota and CS:GO, with other companies reporting a huge jump as well. Someone had, very suddenly, made it very easy for anyone to do this. In August 2015, The International was disrupted with DDoS attacks. Although the pros playing the match weren’t affected, for more than two hours, the broadcasters couldn’t get into the matches to give play-by-play and color commentary. Sending out the stream as a TV broadcast became an issue. The players were suddenly playing in a void. This was a professional gaming event with millions watching and millions of dollars on the line, and it was being disrupted by random people with five-dollar software. It was a problem Valve couldn’t ignore. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/c63292d66774594361f081935573b7567dbfe7b6.jpg[/img] We tried several solutions to deal with DDoS attacks before we arrived at one that worked. Initially, we attempted to filter the traffic with a powerful network switch. Unfortunately, this type of filtering is inherently difficult to do with game traffic. It is the nature of game servers to receive unsolicited UDP (User Datagram Protocol) traffic from arbitrary IP addresses. Imagine you had a post office that weeded out unwanted junk mail for you. But now imagine your job is as an advice columnist, and you receive tons of legitimate mail from random strangers all the time. For you, the post office doesn't know what's junk mail and what isn't. That's how traffic to game servers tends to look. Furthermore, the source IP in UDP packets is not secured, and can be easily spoofed. Our post office cannot even look at the return address on the envelope for clues, because the senders of junk mail forge that. Steam delivers a lot of bits for game content, and has built up a large network for doing so. We were already taking advantage of this network to deliver game traffic over dedicated links, obtaining good peering, ensuring that networking engineering best practices were used, etc. This kept player ping times low, but did not protect against DDoS attack. The problem is that UDP protocols are not secure, so while we had our own network, it wasn't private. To prevent attackers from using our own network to attack our servers, we needed to control all the entrances and secure them. We accomplished this by creating proxies for game traffic, routing every single packet of data transmitted across the network through relays. Now when a client wanted to talk to a game server, it had to do so through a relay that both authenticated it and proxied that traffic to the game server. This meant the IP address of the server was always hidden—the attacker simply had no idea where to attack. To re-use our antiquated post office metaphor from earlier, our spammer no longer had an address to send junk mail to. They could send it to every post office in the area and ask them to mail it, but without authorization, that post office isn’t going to. (Moreover, that post office would find it a little suspicious that someone was trying to send a single person 100,000 letters.) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/d4e0ef987a9df51ac53309c6a1483cfcdd6749fd.jpg[/img] But couldn’t you just attack the relay? Technically, you could. But we have an essentially limitless number of them, and we built them to be attacked. A “relay” is just another word for a computer running software. You can attack it or take it offline, but the protocol was designed with that assumption in mind. If a client is trying to play a game and loses contact with a relay, it just switches to another. Relays are like hundreds of pawns scattered around the world with the singular purpose of guarding the game server. (Incidentally, taking out a relay is harder than it sounds. They’re engineered pretty well and positioned in a specific part of the network, so although they were built to be taken offline, we haven’t lost one yet.) The solution was straightforward but effective. Before, if someone wanted to disrupt a game, they could just overpower a single game server (a very low bar to clear). Now they had to overpower essentially the entire data center—a much, much, much higher bar. Are there attacks that could still accomplish this? Of course. Are there attacks that can do this that anyone online could buy for five dollars? No. An attack this sophisticated was officially out of the price range of most people. With this new system up and running, we had an epiphany: If we controlled our own private network, we wouldn’t be beholden to how the normal internet works. We could use it to make the customer experience even better. With the normal internet, when you send a packet from one IP address to another, the route you use is determined by Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). This is a routing algorithm that decides how your packet will travel across a network, and you have no choice in the route it picks. But with a virtual private network composed of hundreds of global relays and data centers, we could essentially choose our own route from the client to the game server—often a faster shortcut than the default route. If you’re using Steam Datagram Relay (SDR), the Steam overlay will show your ping time and what route we’re giving you, so you can see for yourself how it gets optimized. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/82554298cf9ed002daf92613c81d19d6072ef09c.jpg[/img] A feature that started as a way to protect Dota game servers has grown past what anyone could have expected. The SDR network routinely delivers as much as 140M packets and 550GBit per second. We have relays in 31 data centers with a capacity of over 5TBit. What we now call the Steam Datagram Relay not only protects against DDoS attacks, but also increases connectivity and lowers ping for every Dota customer. And it doesn’t just do this for Dota, but for any game on Steam that wants to take advantage of it. We hope you enjoyed another peek between the lanes of Dota. This was a pretty technical one, thanks for hanging in there for it! And feel free to let us know what you’d like us to cover next.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

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7.35c Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.35c is out now. You can check out the patchnotes [url=]here[/url]. Additionally, a few updates were made to the Ancient Dragon King cosmetic. [list] [*] You can now High Five the Ancient Dragon King, featuring a custom high five effect. [*] Ancient Dragon King now performs a global celebratory roar every time your team makes a rampage. [*] Ancient Dragon King will now be usable permanently and not only during the Year of the Dragon. [/list]

Thursday, February 22, 2024

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The Dragon's Gift

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/bf8677f142d7185726d462842d1fc9f7a4e70ecb.png[/img] We're hard at work on an upcoming update we're calling "Crownfall", and we're excited to get it finished so you can see what we've been working on. We looked at a calendar and noticed it had been more than a few weeks since the Frostivus update, and we didn't want to make you wait until Crownfall before you got any new content. Luckily, the calendar gods came through with another holiday just in time: Happy Lunar New Year! People who are born in the Year of the Dragon are known for their generosity, prosperity and good luck. Must be nice. For those of us who don't have a magical dragon granting us gift-giving super powers, we've introduced red enveloped-themed Dragon's Gift, available from now through March 7th. These work exactly how they’re named: treasures that can only be given, and opened by whoever you choose as the recipient. And for those of you who would rather not wait around on the generosity of others, we've got traditional Dragon's Hoard treasures as well. Each treasure or gift contains one of 17 new Lunar New Year-themed cosmetic sets, and a bonus chance for a Dragon's Gift or new unusual effect. Lastly, every treasure (and gift) has a chance to contain The Ancient Dragon King, the first ever cosmetic for your Ancient, with unique Dire and Radiant styles. Now you'll finally have a chance to adorn your ancient with a mythical dragon, just like, presumably, you've always wanted. Plus, if anyone in your match has one, everyone can see it. In keeping with this "spirit of giving" theme, we have another gift for (almost) everyone: We've rolled out some new cheat detection code. Well, actually, we rolled it out a few weeks back, and we've spent the time since accumulating quite the set of cheaters. You'll probably notice fewer of them in your games as the automated ban waves roll out. As is tradition, this update also includes a number of other fixes and improvements: [b]General Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a number of issues that would prevent guides from loading in-game (If you manually enabled Steam background downloads to try to work around this problem, you can safely disable it again) [*]Fixed another case where Roshan could go walkabout: Night Stalker casting Dark Ascension while Roshan was channeling a Twin Gate [*]Fixed an issue where already-captured Outposts could be channeled [*]Fixed an issue where the neutral item picker would hide on key release under some Quick Cast modes [*]Fixed Doubloon having only +2 instead of +2.5 mana regen [*]Fixed Eternal Shroud's magic resistance applying to illusions [*]Fixed Eternal Shroud's interactions with Medusa Mana Shield [*]Fixed Safety Bubble's tooltip not mentioning that the barrier bypasses self-inflicted damage [*]Fixed an issue with the effects on Shiva's Guard [*]Fixed Chen's Holy Persuasion not taking Turbo's creep bounty multiplier into account when giving gold on cast [*]Fixed Legion Commander's Aghanim's Shard still giving bonus armor and duration for Overwhelming Odds [*]Fixed Marci's Unleash proccing upon Bloodstone pickup and drop [*]Fixed Muerta's Gunslinger being purgeable [*]Fixed keybind not working to upgrade Ogre Magi's Multicast [*]Fixed a bug that allowed inactive Phantom Lancer's illusions to block Neutral Camps [*]Fixed a rare server crash with Primal Beast's Uproar [*]Fixed column shop layout not displaying Khanda and Harpoon [*]Added magic resistance from Intelligence and increased damage for Universal heroes to expanded tooltips [*]In Turbo, show the "[Hero] was chosen by both teams!" message to everyone, not just the player who tried to pick the already-picked hero [*]Added spell icons for Windranger's Gale Force when using Compass of the Rising Gale [*]Increased performance when displaying many chat messages from global channels [*]Fixed various tooltip issues [*]Updated tips shown during pause for the 7.35b Gameplay Patch [/list] [b]Ability Draft Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]A number of previously unavailable Scepter/Shard abilities are now granted, some abilities are accessed by toggling auto-cast on the base spell: [list] [*]Glacier granted with Marksmanship [*]Crystal Clone granted with Frostbite [*]Parting Shot granted with Pierce the Veil [*]Work Horse granted with Stampede [*]Burning Barrage granted with Skeleton Walk [*]Friendly Shadow granted with Shadow Walk [*]Counterspell Ally granted with Counterspell [*]Lightning Hands granted with Arc Lightning [*]Burning Army granted with Death Pact [*]Unrefined Fireblast granted with Fireblast [*]Poison Nova granted with Noxious Plague (Poison Nova passive ability is hidden) [/list] [*]Chemical Rage now grants Greevil's Greed. It will appear as a buff instead of on the ability bar. [*]Fixed Spirit Bear not having any abilities. [*]Fixed Blinding Light not appearing as a draftable ability. [*]Fixed Alchemist have 4 basic abilities at draft, which would push other abilities off by one. [*]Cloak and Dagger Shard no longer grants Sleeping Dart. [*]Ravage Shard now grants Dead in the Water instead of Tendrils of the Deep. [*]Invoker Ability Draft Shard updated to the new EMP Shard instead of the old Meteor Shard. [*]Proximity Mines now grants Minefield Sign as an additional ability. [*]Fixed Shadow Wave and Dream Coil's Scepter attacks not working on melee heroes. [*]Fixed Spirits working on illusions when you have a Scepter. [*]Fixed Ogre Magi getting Multicast instead of Dumb Luck as an innate. [*]Fixed Primal Spring, Pulse Nova, Rot, Infernal Blade, and a number of other abilities not granting stacks of Fiery Soul. [*]Fixed Talents not appearing for Starbreaker, Cinder Brew, Phantom Rush, and Power Cogs when the ability is drafted on their original hero. [*]Fixed Death Seeker not being togglable with hotkey. [*]Fixed not being able to toggle Call of the Wild Hawk to switch between Hawk and Boar. [*]Fixed Hairball appearing without a hotkey until it is toggled. [*]Fixed Chemical Rage Scepter not giving bonus damage and spell amplification. [*]Fixed Horn Toss being given by Shard instead of Scepter. [*]Fixed Rain of Destiny being given by Scepter instead of Shard. [*]Fixed Hunter's Boomerang and Decoy being given with either Shard or Scepter. [*]Fixed Timbersaw getting Second Chakram with Scepter. It now is only granted with the talent if Timbersaw drafts Chakram. [/list]

Thursday, February 8, 2024

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Dota 2 Update - 1/8/2024

Some items from the Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest were missing unusual variants. Those have been added. Over the next couple days, unusual items from these sets that should have been dropped will be granted. In addition, over the last few days we've addressed several gameplay issues: [list] [*]Fixed Frostivus wards not being selectable/attackable [*]Fixed an issue where pinging certain items in quickbuy could cause the game to lag for teammates [*]Fixed an issue where Arc Warden Tempest Doubles could gain gold by selling Midas [*]Fixed Doom Devour Neutral abilities not leveling up automatically at the time when neutral abilities would scale [*]Fixed Lina permanently gaining Fiery Soul stacks until she casts another spells if she was broken when supercharging with Laguna Blade [*]Fixed Tiny Tree particle showing at the wrong time [*]Fixed a rare server crash with motion controlled abilities (e.g. Spirit Breaker Charge of Darkness) [*]Fixed an issue with Profile Showcase where items could appear floating before the rest of the hero loaded and fixed an issue with anchor points on ultrawide monitors [*]Added missing descriptions for various recipes [*]Fixed some bugs in the tutorials in the Learn tab caused by the 7.35 Gameplay Patch [/list]

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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7.35b Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.35b is out now. You can check the notes [url=]here[/url]. Over the last few days we've also addressed several gameplay issues: [list] [*] Fixed tabbing through selections being in creation order, rather than reverse creation order [*] Fixed the combat log not displaying instances of damage that occurred on the same frame from the same source to the same target [*] Fixed Block of Cheese not entering cooldown when receiving damage [*] Fixed Parasma going on cooldown when denying [*] Fixed Granite Golem's Granite Aura not correctly adjusting health when removed [*] Fixed Batrider's Sticky Napalm applying damage from Mage Slayer [*] Fixed Centaur Warrunner keeping the Work Horse ability after selling Aghanim's Scepter [*] Fixed Centaur Warrunner's Hitch A Ride ability being in the wrong slot if applying Aghanim's Blessing [*] Fixed Medusa having any damage shield making Dagger items unmuteable [*] Fixed Meepo's Earthbind talent not giving the intended 2.5s cooldown reduction [*] Fixed Meepo levelling Divided We Stand on a clone not giving Meepo the correct stats [*] Fixed Muerta's Dead Shot interrupting some movement abilities on units that are debuff immune [*] Fixed enemies being able to see Slardar's Bash of the Deep modifier stack count changing when he's hidden in the Fog of War [*] Fixed Storm Spirit's Attack Range when Overloaded talent not working correctly with Aghanim's Shard [*] Fixed Vengeful Spirit's Nether Swap barrier not being refreshable [*] Fixed Viper's break particles being shown incorrectly [*] Fixed Wraith King's Skeletons following invisible units [*] Fixed inconsistencies in Spell Amplification/Damage tooltips [/list]

Thursday, December 21, 2023

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Dota 2 Update - 12/18/2023

Over the last few days we've addressed several gameplay issues: [list] [*]Fixed Bloodstone Area of Effect bonus still active on passive abilities if it was dropped or sold [*]Fixed Bloodthorn mana regen being 3.0 instead of 3.5 from the sum of its components [*]Fixed Butterfly not counting hero's base attack speed for its bonuses [*]Fixed Cleave not working on magical attacks (i.e. Revenant's Brooch) [*]Fixed a rare server crash when toggling Doubloon [*]Fixed Khanda not doing lethal damage correctly [*]Fixed Khanda and Phylactery not sharing cooldowns [*]Fixed Tree Throw, Toss, Snowball, Soul Assumption and Sticky Bomb not triggering Phylactery/Khanda [*]Fixed incorrect interaction between Phylactery/Khanda and and Spectre's Spectral Dagger [*]Fixed Phylactery/Khanda working on illusions [*]Fixed Meteor Hammer incorrectly giving more Agility than Intelligence [*]Fixed Parasma not granting 1.5 mana regen from its components [*]Fixed Revenant's Brooch incorrectly giving true strike [*]Fixed a server crash caused by interaction between Abaddon's Aphotic Shield expiring, Safety Bubble, and Blade Mail [*]Fixed Arc Warden's Tempest Double not cloning Royal Jelly [*]Fixed Dawnbreaker's Starbreaker sometimes not going in the targeted direction [*]Fixed non-ranged units getting true strike benefits of Drow Ranger's Glacier [*]Fixed some cases where Drow Ranger could get stuck trying to leave her Glacier [*]Fixed Chen's Penitence granting bonus attack range to Chen's melee creeps [*]Fixed Chen's Divine Favor regeneration not applying to Chen's creeps [*]Fixed Chen's level 10 talent Divine Favor Teleport Delay not applying correctly [*]Fixed Invoker not being able to pick up Lotuses from the Lotus Pools [*]Fixed Juggernaut's Blade Fury attack rate not updating if Juggernaut's attack speed changes. [*]Fixed Juggernaut's Omnislash/Swiftslash not damaging ethereal units even with Revenant's Brooch [*]Fixed Juggernaut's Blade Fury incorrect interaction with Harpoon [*]Fixed Lich's Chain Frost not being affected by AoE increase [*]Fixed items in the Bear's stash becoming lost when Lone Druid upgrades the Bear [*]Fixed Omniknight's Guardian Angel charges not updating properly upon acquiring and dropping Aghanim's Scepter [*]Fixed Pangolier's Shield Crash damage type not being correctly changed to Physical damage [*]Fixed a rare serve crash with Pudge's Dismember [*]Fixed Silencer's Last Word dealing less damage to creeps than intended [*]Fixed Black Dragon's Splash Attack not working correctly [*]Fixed a few server crashes [*]Fixed various tooltip issues [*]Re-added Hero Names as an option for heroes on the minimap [*]Fixed minimap settings preview not scaling the arrow when scaling the icon [*]Fixed a bug where previewing Persona items would sometimes show them on the base model (or vice versa) in Armory / Loadout [/list]

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

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Valve hands out lumps of coal to naughty Dota 2 players

In possibly one of the funniest moves I've seen from Valve recently, they're handing out lumps of coal when banning Dota 2 players.

Read the full article here:

Monday, December 18, 2023

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Caught cheating in Dota 2? You're getting a permaban and a lump of coal for Frostivus

Dota 2 is celebrating Frostivus 2023 by handing out goodies to all.

You can earn goodies in matches, fill up your Frostivus Spirit Meter, and get a locked Frostivus Treasure Chest and a random Stocking Stuffer, which covers everything from sprays to emoticons to stickers. You can also buy keys to unlock chests.

You can also expect all-new item sets for your favorite heroes, plus the return of some holiday favorites. Expect a visit from the Wraith King Arcana and the Crystal Maiden Persona, too.

Read more

Saturday, December 16, 2023

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Valve is banning Dota 2 accounts in the Christmasiest way possible

Smurfing, the practice of creating fake accounts to play lower-level players, is a bannable offence in Dota 2. After previously banning 90,000+ accounts in the last wave, Valve has given thousands more the boot, but they've done it a wonderfully Christmassy way.

Read the rest of the story...

Dota 2's hottest custom game is a legally iffy Vampire Survivors clone
Dota 2 TI 2023 still on track for lowest ever prize pool
Celebrate a decade of Dota 2 with new movie and limited-edition drinks

Friday, December 15, 2023

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Dota 2 Update - 12/14/2023

We've fixed a number issues since the initial Frostivus release: [list] [*]Fixed an issue with client-side display of Royal Jelly's buff stats [*]Fixed Safety Bubble having its shield reset to full when dropped and re-equipped [*]Fixed Unwavering Condition not working properly [*]Fixed some testing items being purchasable ingame [*]Added Roshan's Banner to the Glossary [*]Fixed King Kringle's Skeletons not having the correct hats! [*]Fixed King Kringle's Skeletons' hoods and portraits [*]Fixed King Kringle's Skeletons not showing as Frostivus-appropriate in some locales [*]Fixed the particles for Roshan's Banner sometimes not being properly removed [*]Improved the look of the Tower Range indicator based on player use and made the danger threshold vary based on player hero level [*]Fixed various small issues with the 7.35 patchnotes [*]Fixed an issue with the Vampiric Spirit spell icon for King Kringle [*]Fixed Jingle Fist Immortal display on the treasure screen [*]Fixed an issue with movie previews while the Frostivus carousel was cycling during the treasure opening animation [/list] For clarity, Frostivus Gift contents vary per account: [list] [*]For accounts shared with other users or services: a game ban [*]For alt accounts used for smurfing: a game ban [*]For main accounts associated with a banned smurf account: a piece of coal [*]For all other accounts: free cosmetic items, with higher behavior score accounts receiving higher-tier items [/list]

Friday, December 15, 2023

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The Frostivus 2023 Update is Here!

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/22be4ece0013e6a79ccc4e4203a2f5f643378010.png[/img][/url] Another Frostivus is upon us, and that means King Kringle has awakened from his hibernation under the wine-dark Blood Seas surrounding Frostivus Castle; sent his legions of abducted goblin-child toy miners to dig in his toy mines; hooked up his twin glowing red-eyed direwolves Lumpo and Rupertus to his bone sleigh; and is likely either on top of your house or inside of it right now. So if you’re on his Nice List, prepare to have your frosty halls decked with new and returning Frostivus cosmetics, a ton of quality-of-life client features, new Dota Plus premium sets, and gameplay patch 7.35, all of which you can read all about [url=]right here[/url]. On the other hand, if you’re on the Naughty List, we’ve got great news for everybody else and bad news for you, because this year is gonna be a bloodbath. You might remember [url=]back in September[/url], we got out the ban hammer and permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts. Since then, we've continued to invest in player behavior monitoring, on both the manual and automatic analysis fronts. Over the last few weeks, we've engaged in an even more aggressive ban wave, including many tens of thousands of smurf account bans today alone. At The International, some pro players reached out to us to talk about their smurf accounts. Those conversations have continued, and there’s broad agreement amongst pros that banning pro smurf accounts is a win for Dota as a community: The rules should apply to everybody, and from now on they will. And smurfing isn’t even the only naughty thing players are getting up to. Amongst other questionable choices, some bad actors are playing like jerks, ruining games and losing behavior score because of it, then hiring behavior score farmers to drive it back up. Regardless of [i]how[/i] you’ve been naughty, we've been watching you (not while you're sleeping, calm down) and we’re cracking down on all of it. Punishments will be handed out for all of the above, including behavior score penalties — and in serious cases, main account bannings. As we’ve said before, smurfing (and other negative behavior) makes matches worse, and we want to make sure your matches are as good as possible as we head into the new year. So we’d like to wish everyone a [url=]Happy Frostivus Update![/url] Except smurf accounts, who we assume will not enjoy the update as they choke on their richly-deserved coal-flavored just desserts. [b]Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest:[/b] [list] [*]Each chest contains one of 30 items split across 4 Tiers, or a Cosmically Rare Baby Roshan courier. [*]Items of the same Tier have equal rarity. You will not receive duplicate items from each Tier until you have received each item once. [*]Five items from the same Tier can be traded up for a random item from the next Tier. [*]The Cosmically Rare item is contained in 1 out of 100000 chests. Other chests contain an item from one of the 4 Tiers. Starting with Tier 1, each item has a 10% chance to upgrade to the next Tier. [*]When opening a chest or trading up for an item, there is a 1 out of 300 chance to receive an additional Unusual item -- either a copy of the item, or if it is a set, one of the items in that set. Each Unusual item has a random special effect. The three effects have equal rarity. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed an issue where if a hero killed in Chronosphere dropped Gem of True Sight, the Gem's cooldown would remain frozen [*]Fixed a rare crash with item combines [*]Fixed an issue where if an ability with a frozen cooldown had its cooldown frozen again, it would unfreeze too early [*]Fixed an issue where abilities with intrinsic buffs could fail to have them applied when purchasing Aghanim's Shard [*]Fixed an issue where switching abilities (or gaining Aether Lens etc.) wouldn't update the cast range circle if it was already being displayed [*]Fixed Chaos Knight's Chaos Bolt particles sometimes losing their location [*]Fixed Dawnbreaker's Starbreaker providing pure damage immunity without Aghanim's Shard [*]Fixed Earthshaker's Bindings of Deep Magma set to show the correct (new) particles for the new (10th Anniversary) style and to properly delete particles on expiration [*]Fixed Hoodwink's Bushwhack cast reticule sometimes highlighting trees outside the area of effect [*]Fixed some animation issues with Tusk's Walrus PUNCH! [*]Fixed a bug where Vengeful Spirit's Magic Missile with Aghanim's Shard could bounce to invisible enemies immune to True Sight [*]Fixed an issue with the Voodoo Restoration particles on Witch Doctor's Awaleb's Trundleweed Immortal weapon [*]Fixed highlighting on the Neutral Item Slot to only highlight when there is at least one free token in the stash, rather than any item from any teammate [*]Fixed an issue where casting an ability with Alt held down would also ping [*]Fixed lifetime timers for wards and summoned units being clipped in the HUD [*]Fixed talent descriptions sometimes being blocked by hotkey names [*]Fixed Tower denies appearing as chat messages rather than as combat events [*]Fixed stickers showing as available in Armory even though the capsule containing the stickers might not be available [*]Fixed showing sticker capsules from ended events as purchasable [*]Fixed Item Received popup not showing global items properly [*]Fixed an issue with Play Unranked where ticking Show All Modes could make the section unusable [*]Fixed sometimes showing pro players' Steam persona names instead of the correct names [*]Fixed long names overflowing in History and Battle Stats pages [*]Added an additional notification for Workshop custom game authors that have not yet updated their custom models away from the deprecated pre-ModelDoc format, as described in the [url=]2022 Spring Cleaning update[/url] and the [url=]Dead Reckoning Update[/url] [/list]

Thursday, December 14, 2023

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The Dark Night Before Frostivus

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/3de4244cdbd1c7dfed426be198ee088b15ff5550.png[/img] [i]'Twas Frostivus Eve, and all 'cross the map, The neutrals were quiet, their camps left unstacked. We'd gorged on a feast of bluehorn and spiced creep, And had just settled in for a peaceful night's sleep. When up on the roof, with a house-shaking thud A creature had landed, and sniffed for our blood. A sword could be heard being dragged 'cross the shingles; Then the chimney exploded, and in came King Kringle. His silhouette stalked through the splintered debris Of branches and cinders where'd once been our tree. He righted an armchair (still quietly smoldering) And sat down with three sacks he'd been up till now shouldering. "[b]A DARK INCANTATION,[/b]" his hollow voice boomed Like a sepulchral drum being banged in a tomb. "[b]A SACK OF GIFTS PRESENT, A SACK OF GIFTS PAST, A SACK OF GIFTS TAKEN (BUT OFTEN BROUGHT BACK).[/b]" "Excuse me," I said, crawling out from the rubble, "The gift that I'd like, if it's not too much trouble: Please don't kill my children. Please don't kill my wife. We'd rather you left and spared everyone's life." He emptied a sack and adjusted his helm. "[b]THIS FIRST SACK OF GIFTS IS UNKNOWN TO THIS REALM: THE NEMESIS CURSE, THE WHISPER OF DREAD, THE MOONLIGHT TIARA, AND MUCH MORE,[/b]" he said. In the ensuing silence not a lone breath was drawn. I coughed to help jog him. "Well, please do go on." His gauntleted hand dumped sack two on our floor. It was full of new items! Wait, I'd seen these before... "[b]SOME GIFTS I'VE IMPROVED, AND SOME I'VE DERANGED. ALL THAT NEED CONCERN YOU IS THAT THEY HAVE CHANGED. THE ORB OF CORROSION, ARCANE BOOTS, BLOODTHORN. THESE AND MORE I HAVE ALTERED SINCE LAST THEY WERE WORN.[/b]" We looked through the items he'd spilled on the floor. "These are lovely," I told him. "But you'd hinted there's more?" "[b]THE THIRD GIFT,[/b]" he said as he grabbed the last sack, "[b]IS MY FAVORITE KIND... THE GIFT I TAKE BACK."[/b] "Not Ring of Aquila! Please not Titan Sliver!" "Not Penta-Edged Sword!" I sobbed with a quiver. "[b]I'M TAKING THEM ALL,[/b]" he said with a laugh. "[b]AND QUICKENING CHARM AND GOOD OL' QUARTERSTAFF.[/b]" Two sacks were now empty; the third one was stuffed. He grabbed them and back up the chimney he huffed. He sprang to his bone sleigh and winked a goodbye. Then flew from the roof and tore open the sky. And we heard him exclaim, as he left the facilities—[/i] "[b]THE TORMENTOR AND ROSHAN SHALL HAVE NEW ABILITIES![/b]"

Thursday, December 14, 2023

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Gameplay Update 7.34e and What’s Up Next

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/899e8493d00724b9b3b22ba2a5588fe1ed7ee03d.png[/img] After nearly a year of coordination and production, the multi-week, arena-sized monster that is The International 2023 has come to an exciting close. We've locked up Climate Pledge Arena, we've all seen enough of Spirit Breaker, and we've just shipped Gameplay Update 7.34e. Time for the Dota team to settle down for a long winter's nap, and... But hark! What's that sound in the festive distance? No, that jingling of sleigh bells you hear isn't early onset tinnitus. It's the magical year-end event we call Frostivus — looming large on the December calendar, and arriving with a sack stuffed to bursting with new features, new cosmetics, and some surprises. "...and the Arcanas?" little Timmy asks hopefully, holding up his tiny Dickensian gruel bowl. Phew, this is awkward. No, Timmy, not yet. All cards on the table, the event surrounding the Arcanas this year has gained a few more moving parts than we initially planned. Enough that we haven't finished everything yet, and won't this year, but we're looking forward to releasing it in the next few months. And that's not even getting into all the other updates we've got planned, like... Hark again! We almost said too much. Suffice it to say, with TI2023 safely in the books, we've got a ton of stuff our Frostivus elves are furiously polishing to get ready for the new year. Until then: Merry Imminent Frostivus, everyone!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

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Dota 2's hottest custom game is a legally iffy Vampire Survivors clone

What do you get if you take Vampire Survivors, throw in some Auto Chess, put it inside Dota 2, and sprinkle on a little intellectual property crime? Why BroDota, of course! It sounds like a hellish combination, with Vampire Survivors being one of the most action-packed games in recent memory, while Auto Chess is all about strategy, but somehow it all comes together and, like the games it takes inspiration from, it is incredibly addictive.

Read the rest of the story...

Dota 2 TI 2023 still on track for lowest ever prize pool
Celebrate a decade of Dota 2 with new movie and limited-edition drinks
Dota 2 TI 12 prize pool looks like it might be the lowest ever

Friday, November 10, 2023

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The International Grand Champions

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/04db0e2af5e77d1d501e46d48b7b86e0a173c421.jpg[/img] Congratulations to Team Spirit, Grand Champions at The International 2023 and just the second team ever to claim the Aegis twice. This fearsome squad dropped only two games the entire tournament — finishing with a decisive 3-0 performance in the Grand Finals to secure their spot as the best Dota team in the world. [b]The Road to The International - Group Stage[/b] [url=]The Road to The International[/url] began with a dominating 8-0 showing from Spirit, as they racked up 2-0 series wins over 9pandas, SMG, Entity, and Evil Geniuses in the Group Stage. The seeding round would be no different, as Team Spirit endured some early pickoffs from Shopify Rebellion in game one before marching away with another 2-0 series victory on their way to the Playoffs. [b]The Road to The International - Playoffs[/b] There, they faced their first major test of the tournament, as snatched a quick victory in game one to force Spirit onto their heels for a change. The following match was a bloody affair in which Spirit built and lost a sizeable lead before reclaiming momentum to force a game three. VP managed to keep the rubber match close for 30 minutes, despite never earning a lead, but after that Spirit took control — choking out VP and sealing the series with a late-game team wipe to earn some well-deserved rest before taking their run to the main stage at Climate Pledge Arena. [b]The International[/b] Team Spirit's first opponent on the main stage was the consistently-strong Team Liquid, who were looking to make their own deep run to the finals to erase a heartbreaking stretch of second-place results. Team Spirit harried Liquid's supports and bullied their cores in a game-one stomp, but Liquid fought back with a spectacular showing to take game two. Liquid then managed to scratch out a small lead by the middle of game three, but Spirit overcame a kill deficit to build their own insurmountable lead, taking the deciding match to set the stage for a clash with powerhouse LGD Gaming — an intimidating lineup that had only dropped a single match of their own at that point in play. Game one was a 76-minute brawl. LGD was aggressive early, but Team Spirit held firm before starting to take control. LGD kept clawing back, but Spirit skewered their chances, handing LGD their first loss on the main stage. Game two was Spirit's from the outset, as they steadily built an advantage and forced a tap-out from LGD. After a disappointing showing in Singapore in 2022, Team Spirit showed they'd regained top form as they stormed into the Grand Finals. Their opponents: the dangerous Gaimin Gladiators, the squad that swept this year's Major tournaments and whose in-your-face early-game tactics had already shattered the hopes of so many lower bracket teams. Unfortunately for Gaimin and their fans, Team Spirit had their own plans to make short work of their foes — they ran away with a relatively quick game one, building a huge gold and kill lead that left no avenue for comeback by GG. Game two proved a more back-and-forth contest, with Gaimin Gladiators earning a few small leads before Team Spirit broke through to completely dominate the late game and take a commanding 2-0 series lead. Not about to go down without a fight, Gaimin Gladiators managed to take hold of game three early. By 30 minutes, even Dota+ thought GG had a 95% chance to force a game four... but Team Spirit's movement, vision, and team coordination seized that 5% chance and turned it into a stunning comeback, bulldozing GG 3-0 in the Grand Finals to secure their second Aegis in three years and welcome their mid-laner Larl to the champions club. Through both incredible individual talent and stellar team play, Team Spirit cemented their place in Dota 2 history as the last team standing at The International 2023. As bearers of the ultimate symbol of victory, these names shall forever be inscribed upon the Aegis of Champions: [b]2023 - Team Spirit[/b] [list] [*] Illia "Yatoro雨" Muliarchuk [*] Denis "Larl" Sigitov [*] Magomed "Collapse" Khalilov [*] Myroslav "Mira" Kolpakov [*] Yaroslav "Miposhka" Naidenov [/list] [b]Looking Back[/b] If you missed any of the tournament, or just want to relive the incredible moments and plays, head over to the [url=]Dota 2 YouTube channel[/url], where you can find replays of the entire tournament, including broadcast content from between the games. You can also find a stash of photos from the event over on the [url=]Dota 2 Instagram[/url] and [url=]Dota 2 flickr[/url]. We would like to thank all of the players, talent, and everyone in the Dota community for helping bring this celebration to life. The International is the crowning moment of the competitive season, and without everyone’s support, none of this would be possible. We hope you enjoyed this year’s tournament as much as we did. [b]Celebrate the Champions[/b] Special Champion edition sticker capsules are now available for purchase for Team Spirit. Each capsule contains one sticker featuring Yatoro雨, Larl, Collapse, Mira, Miposhka, or Team Spirit. 50% of all sales goes directly to Team Spirit. [b]The International Compendium[/b] Still have some challenges to complete and rewards to claim in The International 2023 Compendium? Don't panic. You've got two more weeks to hit your goals before the Compendium wraps up on November 16. Pull out some of your favorite new TI strats and you'll have things locked up in no time.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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Dota 2 TI 2023 still on track for lowest ever prize pool

Earlier this year I speculated that the prize pool for Dota 2 TI 2023 (or TI 12, whichever you prefer) would be the lowest ever - at least since the jackpot has been crowdfunded. As an esports fan who loves watching TI, my fears have become a reality - a Halloween trick, instead of a treat.

Read the rest of the story...

Celebrate a decade of Dota 2 with new movie and limited-edition drinks
Dota 2 TI 12 prize pool looks like it might be the lowest ever
Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans

Monday, October 30, 2023

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The International Is Here

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/678dbe85cacbc5aebbbfde27e48e7633dce28e9f.png[/img] A truly epic Playoffs weekend has [url=]come to a close[/url], and eight teams have clawed their way to a coveted spot at the main event: [b]Team Spirit[/b], [b]Team Liquid[/b], [b]LGD Gaming[/b] and [b]Azure Ray[/b] in the upper bracket, and [b]Gaimin Gladiators[/b], [b]nouns[/b], [b]BetBoom Team[/b] and [b][/b] in the lower bracket. Congratulations to all eight teams as they vie to capture the Aegis at [b]The International[/b] — only at Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA, and now only a day away. [h2]Watching The International Live[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/3401f831b86a8fd94c51f1db8682b11a5ee6da11.jpg[/img] [h5]TI 2023 Schedule[/h5] The International Pre-show starts at 9:30 AM PDT on Friday, October 27th, with the Opening Ceremony starting at 10 AM and the first match soon after. Click [url=]here[/url] for the full TI 2023 schedule. [h5]Getting In[/h5] Doors open at the arena at 8 AM daily, two hours before Friday's 10 AM opening ceremony and Saturday's and Sunday's 10 AM first matches start. Be ready to scan your Ticketmaster pass to gain entry (you can save it to your Android/Apple phone wallet for convenience). Make sure you grab a daily wristband once you're in, so you can re-enter if you leave. [h5]Getting Around[/h5] Climate Pledge Arena is a pretty big place. If you're planning on attending in person, here's a handy [url=]Arena Guide[/url] to light your path. (Just a heads-up, their bag policy is pretty strict.) The Arena Guide also has plenty of helpful information with regards to accessibility options, parking and other info you might need getting around the venue, so be sure to give it a look before you go. [h5]Seating[/h5] Seating is General Admission — you can sit in almost any available seat other than sections reserved for press and pros. [h5]Crimson Witness Treasure Drops[/h5] There are multiple swag bag stations inside the arena once you get in. Each pass holder can pick up one swag bag for the weekend by scanning their pass. Inside each bag is a commemorative badge that has the information, URL, and binding code to tie your Steam account for Crimson Witness drops. This year’s event-exclusive treasure includes updated Immortal items for Dark Seer, Underlord, Templar Assassin, Centaur Warrunner, Enchantress, Nature's Prophet, and Witch Doctor. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/c9e2e3273df406745fdda143b7348fa5d9ca5350.png[/img] You'll get your one drop automatically upon binding the badge, and be eligible for drops the rest of the weekend whenever first blood is drawn in a match. The swag bag, being of necessity bag-shaped, is a carved-out exception to the arena's bag policy for re-entry. Customers will be able to re-enter the venue with it. [h2]Watching The International Online[/h2] If you're one of the millions of Dota fans around the globe planning to watch The International online, check out the list below. From Twitch to YouTube to SteamTV, The International will be streamed on multiple platforms in multiple languages. [h5]English[/h5] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | [url=]SteamTV[/url] [h5]Chinese[/h5] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]Bilibili[/url] | [url=]SteamTV[/url] [h5]Russian[/h5] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | [url=]SteamTV[/url] [h5]Spanish[/h5] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | [url=]Facebook[/url] | [url=]SteamTV[/url] [h2]Cool, Anything Else?[/h2] If you’d like to see how the top eight teams got to where they are in the standings, you can [url=]catch up on Playoffs matches here[/url]. We've also put up a [url=]gallery of images[/url] from Group Stage and Playoffs weekends. [h2]Got It. Anything Else After That?[/h2] Nope, that's pretty much it. Go enjoy The International! We'll see you there.

Friday, October 27, 2023

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Celebrate a decade of Dota 2 with new movie and limited-edition drinks

Dota 2 is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most complex MOBAs out there, even a decade following its initial release. Valve defined some of the genre's core features with its 2013 game, working since then on frequent events and updates. As the MOBA continues growing, its partners do, too. Perfect World, the game's Chinese publisher, has just teamed up with Europe's most popular whiskey brand to produce some limited-edition Dota 2 drinks and a lighthearted short film.

Read the rest of the story...

Dota 2's hottest custom game is a legally iffy Vampire Survivors clone
Dota 2 TI 2023 still on track for lowest ever prize pool
Dota 2 TI 12 prize pool looks like it might be the lowest ever

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

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Get Ready for Playoffs Weekend

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/6e53e4d54f954b0ea2f724db8f3b2e8ec0fbc841.png[/img] Twenty teams entered Group Stage weekend. And now, four intense days, four eliminations, 57 godlike sprees, six rampages, 104 heroes picked, and 100 total matches later, eight teams now sit in the upper bracket and eight in the lower, with mere hours before the real fight begins. That’s right: It’s Playoffs time. If you're a ticket holder, doors open at the Seattle Convention Center’s Summit at 9 AM PDT on Friday, October 20th. The pre-show and livestream start at 9:30 AM PDT, with matches starting at 10 AM PDT. If you missed Group Stage last weekend and want to get caught up on which team to root for, which teams to watch out for, and which team the [i]other[/i] teams better watch out for over Playoffs weekend, here's a [url=]YouTube playlist[/url] featuring insights into the playoff contenders. If you're a fan of supporting talent and/or spamming their voice lines in every match of Dota you play, we’ve got good news for you. Some talent missed the initial submission window, but luckily were able to get their content submitted during a new redundant backup emergency submission window we created just for them. This means there are some brand new bundles for talent that were missing from the initial set, and also some new lines for some existing talent. And don’t think we forgot about one of The International’s most popular traditions: Crimson Witness. This year’s event-exclusive treasure includes updated Immortal items for Dark Seer, Underlord, Templar Assassin, Centaur Warrunner, Enchantress, Nature's Prophet, and Witch Doctor. You’ll automatically be granted one Treasure of the Crimson Witness simply by binding your Steam account to your pass for the Main Event at Climate Pledge Arena. By attending either Playoffs this weekend or The International next weekend, you’ll also have a chance to get a random Crimson Witness treasure drop whenever first blood is drawn in a match. See you this weekend!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

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Dota 2 Update - 10/12/2023

We've fixed a number of issues leading up and during the first day of Group Stage: [list] [*]Fixed Earth Spirit being stuck in Rolling Boulder if Centaur Warrunner casts Work Horse while Earth Spirit is transforming [*]Fixed a bad interaction between Kunkka X Marks the Spot and Impale [*]Fixed some cases where players were unable to watch matches via DotaTV [*]Fixed cases where in-game predictions weren't working [*]Fixed Bingo square progress not being visible on client [*]Fixed visual artifacts on some talent photos and stickers [*]Fixed an issue where Roshan could go walkabout again [*]Fixed Centaur Hoof Stomp wind-up being dispellable [*]Fixed Invoker not restoring his own mana from EMP [*]Fixed an issue where Kunkka X Marks the Spot could fail to return a unit with very high Status Resistance [*]Fixed Lone Druid Spirit Bear receiving experience when using Midas [*]Fixed Marci Sidekick not displaying correctly on client [*]Fixed a server crash when using Muerta Parting Shot on a hero that is leashed to Lone Druid Spirit Bear with Grimstroke Soulbind [*]Fixed Techies Mines triggering for but not damaging flying units [*]Added a filter option for saved sets in the Armory [*]Fixed two rare client crashes with dropped items [*]Fixed retrieval of neutral items from stash sometimes returning another player's item [*]Changed a number of settings including "Use Extra Large Minimap", "Quick Attack", etc. to be saved in Steam Cloud [*]Fixed being unable to assign neutral slot and TP quickcast when using Advanced Quickcast Hotkeys [*]Fixed "Dynamically Scale Hero Icons" option causing icons to flicker in size [*]Fixed an issue where hero icons on the minimap could jitter [*]Fixed various Predictions and Fantasy issues [/list]

Friday, October 13, 2023

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TI News: Livestreams, Viewing Parties, and The Secret Shop

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/37e5f9a6e890c17bfce076d5f1e20ab338289c4e.png[/img] The Road to The International is literally right around the metaphorical corner, and that means a lot of cool and exciting stuff is revving to life. There are more ways than ever to enjoy the matches, meet new people, and show off your fandom, so we've put it all together in a single post so you don't miss out on any of the fun. [h1]Event Livestreaming[/h1] The start of Group Stage will be, let's be honest, barely controlled Dota chaos, with five simultaneous streams during the opening two days of Group Stage weekend to seed the tournament. But, starting this year, by this Saturday we'll be down to a single stream — which should make the back half of Group Stage weekend a lot easier to watch online. And if you're [i]planning[/i] to watch online, we've got options for you. From Twitch to YouTube to SteamTV, The Road to the International and The International will be streamed on multiple platforms in multiple languages, making it easier than ever to follow the journeys of all your favorite teams as they vie for the Aegis of Champions. [b]English[/b] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | SteamTV [url=]Stream A[/url] [url=]Stream B[/url] [url=]Stream C[/url] [url=]Stream D[/url] [url=]Stream E[/url] [b]Chinese[/b] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]Bilibili[/url] | SteamTV [url=]Stream A[/url] [url=]Stream B[/url] [url=]Stream C[/url] [url=]Stream D[/url] [url=]Stream E[/url] [b]Russian[/b] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | SteamTV [url=] Stream A[/url] [url=] Stream B[/url] [url=] Stream C[/url] [url=] Stream D[/url] [url=] Stream E[/url][url=] Stream F[/url] [b]Spanish[/b] [url=]Twitch[/url] | [url=]YouTube[/url] | [url=]Facebook[/url] | SteamTV [url=]Stream A[/url] [url=]Stream B[/url] [url=]Stream C[/url] [url=]Stream D[/url] [url=]Stream E[/url] Not seeing your language represented? Don't worry! While the above links represent the official broadcasts, we understand Dota is played by folks everywhere around the world, and we've also handed out 15 broadcast licenses for other languages, so check in with your local communities to find out the best way to get online and watch. Lastly, everyone in the Dota community is of course welcome to join in on the streaming fun if you're able and interested. We only ask that you follow our [url=]community streaming guidelines[/url]. [h1]Viewing Party Signups[/h1] From bars, LAN cafes, movie theaters and even private homes, there's gonna be plenty of opportunities to get in on a "pubstomp" viewing party starting with the Playoffs weekend and throughout The International itself. We're even planning to include viewing party footage live during the final weekend of the event, so if you want to connect with other fans, experience amazing matches in a fun group atmosphere, [i]and[/i] be momentarily famous, the time to sign up is [url=]now[/url]. If you're feeling ambitious and want to throw your [i]own[/i] viewing party, here's a list of organizer guides from Barcraft on how to host an event: [list][*][b]English [/b]- [url=]Viewing Party Organizer's Guide[/url] [*][b]Spanish [/b]- [url=]Guía para organizadores de fiestas de visualización[/url] [*][b]Russian [/b]- [url=]Руководство для организаторов Пабстомпов[/url] [*][b]Polish [/b]- [url=]Przewodnik Organizatora Pubstompów[/url] [*][b]Portuguese [/b]- [url=]Guia do Organizador de festas de exibição[/url] [/list] [h1]The Secret Shop is Open for Business[/h1] The International 2023 Secret Shop has a little something for everybody interested in showing off their TI fandom. Looking to measure your mouse movement more accurately? We've got mousepads. Feeling cold and thirsty? We've got hoodies and tumblers. In the market for some mousepads, hoodies and tumblers but not sure how to carry it all around? Unfortunately, science has yet to invent a method of — no, just kidding. We've even got tote bags. Check out the shop [url=]here[/url].

Thursday, October 12, 2023

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Get Ready For Group Stage

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_LOC_IMAGE}/3703047/77cf31116236e0e05ebb0895e69f85e55827a952.png[/img] The Road to The International's Group Stage weekend officially starts this Thursday at 10am PST. Players have been arriving in Seattle all week, preparing themselves for what promises to be an exciting — and with Group Stage eliminations now on the table, especially tense — round of match-ups. In this year's Group Stage format, four groups of five teams will play round-robin games over two days, with the bottom team in each group getting eliminated. Then, the second half of Group Stage begins, with head-to-head matches between the remaining 16 teams. Victory in these final matches determine placement for Playoffs weekend: The winning teams will enter Playoffs in the Upper Bracket, the losing teams in the Lower Bracket. Here are this year's groups: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/2a01d9daf7634207ef2c6a346ff92b7f743789fa.png[/img]

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

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The International 2023 Talent Bundles

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/ce1add04e0f07e95575b22101dcddfc04f61ff58.png[/img] This year’s talent has officially been announced. Where? In the “Talent” tab of the Compendium. Are you back? Great. We’re assuming you went and stared at the portraits for a while and eventually thought to yourself “Staring is great, but I wish there were even more I could do to support the talent.” Well, here’s more good news: Talent sticker bundles are now available with 50% of the proceeds going directly to the talent. There are 4 types of bundles (which sounds complicated, but really isn’t when you take the extra effort to break it all down into bullet points): [list] [*] Standard Bundle: Standard Sticker = $0.99 [*] Glitter Bundle: Glitter Sticker + Voiceline = $4.99 [*] Holo Bundle: Holo Sticker + Voiceline + Autograph Rune = $9.99 [*] Gold Bundle: Gold Sticker + Voiceline + Autograph Rune + Voiceline 2 = $19.99 [/list] In the past, one complicating factor would be figuring out when the voice lines would go away. The answer this year is simple: Never. Voice lines are now permanent, making them quite possibly the only thing in this fragile, fleeting life that lasts forever.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

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7.34d Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.34d is out now. You can check the notes [url=]here[/url]. Over the last few days we've addressed several gameplay issues: [list] [*] Fixed an area above the Radiant fountain that heroes could get stuck in [*] Fixed Player Perspective not sometimes working correctly when spectating [*] Fixed several issues with Illusions and hotkeys and control groups [*] Fixed Quick Attack not working correctly when clicking on the top bar of the HUD [*] Fixed clicking the Lotus Pool multiple times in quick succession interrupting the channeling of the lotus pool [*] Fixed inconsistent channel bar updates when interacting with the Lotus Pool [*] Fixed Scan button not showing remaining charges if it is not full [*] Fixed the cooldown of duplicate items in inventory like Faerie Fire sometimes getting stuck. [*] Fixed Twin Gates particle effects sometimes revealing usage to the enemy by playing a particle on the last known hero position [*] Fixed Blade Mail not working correctly on Nyx Assassin [*] Fixed Lotus Orb reflect interaction with Channeled spells if it was applied by an ally [*] Fixed Specialist Array applying bonus Crackshot damage when there is only one target [*] Fixed Giant's Ring effects being visible to enemies when the wearer is invisible. Added a debuff icon when receiving damage from an enemy Giant's Ring [*] Fixed using Eul's Scepter on a Debuff Immune unit leading them to get stuck [*] Fixed Arc Warden Tempest Double not preserving both charges of Hand of Midas when re-summoned [*] Fixed Arc Warden Tempest Double receiving experience from creeps denied by enemies [*] Fixed Bounty Hunter Friendly Shadow Shard upgrade costing too much mana [*] Fixed Dawnbreaker Starbreaker not putting Harpoon on cooldown whereas it did for Echo Sabre [*] Fixed Dawnbreaker Solar Guardian sometimes getting cancelled if the target ally goes out of world [*] Fixed Death Prophet fear interrupting channeling spells through Debuff Immunity [*] Fixed Ember Spirit only able to cast Sleight of Fist to the right side while traveling in Fire Remnant [*] Fixed Enchantress Little Friends not being blocked by Linkens Sphere [*] Fixed Invoker's EMP shard effect ignoring collisions and allowing to get units stuck to each other [*] Fixed Kunkka Torrent overriding the target's animations, even if they are debuff immune [*] Fixed Lich Chain Frost On Death talent display on HUD - the buff icon will now only display when you have the talent, and now has a tooltip [*] Fixed Lone Druid Spirit Bear Owner not being able to disassemble items on the Bear [*] Fixed the interaction of Luna's Aghanim's Shard with Silver Edge and Shadow Blade. [*] Fixed Mars Spear of Mars skewering Lone Druid's Spirit Bear [*] Fixed a crash caused by Monkey King mischief which occured when revealing a Monkey King Tree Disguise along with other units at same time [*] Fixed Monkey King Level 25 Jingu Mastery required hits talent not applying to summoned soldiers [*] Fixed Monkey King Wukong's Command Aghanim's Scepter upgrade not working when Fur Army is off cooldown [*] Fixed Muerta Parting Shot's target's physical form being able to act if it receives debuff immunity [*] Fixed Puck Dream Coil being affected by Status Resistance [*] Fixed Puck Dream Coil effect being removed early if an enemy was affected by two separate dream coils [*] Fixed Queen of Pain Sonic Wave damage not being applied fully if cast on a target affected by Pulverize [*] Fixed Queen of Pain Sonic Wave sometimes dealing an extra instance of damage, and incorrectly rounding when duration is affected by Status Resistance [*] Fixed Sand King Sand Storm Blind/Slow effect staying in the location of the initial cast instead of moving [*] Fixed Slark Pounce applying to Lone Druid's Spirit Bear [*] Fixed Templar Assassin sometimes getting stuck in Meld invisibility if the attack target was destroyed [*] Fixed Treant Protector losing Nature's Guise buff when taking damage while walking on Nature's Grasp. Now has same behavior as when walking in trees [*] Fixed Troll Warlord being sometimes being controllable during Battle Trance [*] Fixed Vengeful Spirit receiving Fountain Invulnerability if she swaps places with her Aghanim's Scepter illusion outside of the Fountain [*] Fixed the interaction of Vengeful Spirit's Magic Missile shard with Refreshing and Reflection [*] Fixed Warlock Chaotic Offering Aghanims Scepter upgrade creating golems with non-reduced stats if Warlock moves his scepter into the backpack mid-cast [*] Fixed Shard sometimes causing Weaver Shukuchi invisibility to be dispelled, in particular with the Level 25 +1 Geminate Attack talent [*] Fixed Windrunner sometimes canceling attacks when casting windrun after Focus Fire with Aghanim's Scepter [*] Fixing Wraith King getting bombarded with "Can't Attack" messages if one of his skeletons gets disarmed [*] Fixed Zeus Lightning Hands being affected by dispels [*] Fixed Mirana Level 25 talent listing incorrect value for Starstorm bonus damage [/list]

Thursday, October 5, 2023

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Dota 2 TI 12 prize pool looks like it might be the lowest ever

It's fall already, and Dota 2 The International 12 is just around the corner. As always, Valve is 'crowdfunding' the tournament's prize pool, but with the battle pass system gone and the divisive Compendium put in its place, the jackpot isn't looking too healthy this time around.

Read the rest of the story...

Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans
Valve's Dota 2 summer update boosts your looks and lowers toxicity
Valve celebrates a decade of Dota 2 with free gifts galore

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

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The International 2023 Celebration Update

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/4ff438f53339fe12849e788e3902b319d2b0828c.jpg[/img] We're excited to release the International Compendium for The International 2023. Because this is a new shape to previous years’ Compendiums, we wanted to walk you through what it is, how it works, and why we built it. As we [url=]described a few months back[/url], looking at Dota's history made it clear that Battle Passes had steadily grown to consume all the content in a given year, and were inhibiting our ability to ship creative things throughout the year. We wanted to fix this, and so made a deliberate choice several months ago to ship new things more often in a wider variety of forms. This year has been full of experiments: We released [url=]a brand new player behavior system[/url], free items to [url=]celebrate the 10th Anniversary[/url], a [url=]number of[/url] [url=]gameplay patches[/url], a collection of community sets, and more. This Compendium is another example of something new. [h3]Event-Focused Features, Event-Focused Rewards[/h3] Every Dota update has a variety of goals and part of the work of designing and building an update is choosing where to put the emphasis. An update can be focused on delivering cosmetic content or refining balance. An update can try to generate the largest prize pool possible. Instead of these goals, we chose to focus this update more narrowly: To elevate the players, the teams, and the artistry that is high-level Dota played at The International. We focused entirely on creating a set of activities to make TI more fun while games were going on, and another set of activities to make TI more fun when games [i]weren't[/i] going on. And so that's what this year's Compendium is: a collection of challenges that we've built around the pro players and the event itself. We've brought back and improved some old favorites like Fantasy and Predictions. We're also introducing some new activities, ranging from the light-hearted (Bingo) to the seriously formidable (The Road to the International Challenge). Everything you'll accomplish through the Compendium earns you progress towards rewards. Like the Compendium challenges, all the rewards this year are built around the players and the event. There's an International 2023 HUD, permanent chatwheel lines, and a physical collector's Aegis, along with lots of new content for your Profile Showcase (see below), including team and player stickers. [h3]Something For Everyone[/h3] In line with the goals we established earlier this year, we've been intentional about ensuring that every update we ship has something for all Dota players, whether that's new gameplay or new features. This update is no different: If, like many, you're a huge fan of watching the spectacle of the International but aren't familiar with the old legends of Arteezy on a cliff, or Emo's research into the deep lore and many varied uses of the question mark, that's alright, too — we've got stuff in this update for you as well. This update also includes the Profile Showcase, free and available now to all players. Whether you're proud of your record, your in-game fashion sense, or that one time you won a game on Invoker, we've created a canvas where you can show off the parts of your Dota experience you value the most. We could describe how cool it is all day, but since a picture is worth a thousand words, we've put together a whole update page: [url=]go take a look at the pictures[/url]. [h3]Onward[/h3] We're already working on future updates with different focuses and we know you're excited to learn more about the next big patch, and the next set of arcanas, and everything else we're working on — but that's for after the champions claim the Aegis. For now, Seattle welcomes a return of the finest players in the world, and we can't wait. We'll see you on the Road to the International.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

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Community Events at The International

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/f02b91fbac5c245039b252487d3a72eb10aba13e.png[/img] Invitations have been sent, plane tickets have been reserved, and [url=]our old friends the soundproof booths[/url] are undergoing their final maintenance and inspections: In just a few short weeks the first teams arrive in Seattle for The International. Most of the tickets have been sold: Tickets for the Road to the International (Oct 20-22) are completely sold out, and only [url=]about a thousand remain[/url] for The International (Oct 27-29). As TI approaches, we have a couple announcements (and reminders of past announcements): [list] [*][b]Pubstomps[/b]: For as long as there have been Dota tournaments, there have been Dota pubstomps: opportunities to gather with friends and fans and watch together. This year, for the first time, we're planning on including some of the pubstomps from around the world live in the TI broadcast. We'll be back closer to the event to talk more about how this will work and ask interested pubstomps to register. [*][b]Short Film Contest[/b]: We had a record number of entries this year. We've narrowed the ninety submitted films down to about twenty that will be available for viewing and voting in the client from 9/29 through 10/9. The top ten entries selected by the community will be shown during The International, where we'll also announce the overall winners. [*][b]Cosplay Contest[/b]: [url=]Sign-ups for this year's cosplay contest[/url] are open until midnight CST on Sunday, 10/1. SteelSeries is sponsoring this year's contest, so in addition to $20,000 USD of cash prizes, winners also get a variety of SteelSeries gear. (And, as a reminder, you don't need to be a ticket holder to enter: If you're selected as a top-ten finalist, you automatically get three-day passes for yourself and one guest.) [/list] For those of you joining us: We can't wait to welcome you to the Seattle Convention Center's Summit Building and Climate Pledge Arena as we once again follow the best Dota team in the world on their path to the Aegis. For everyone who'll be following along from home, we're looking forward to releasing the new International Compendium next week.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

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Dota 2 Workshop Fall Call-to-Arms

Between emoji-encoded patch notes, our 10-Year Anniversary celebration, and massive updates to Dota's Armory and behavior system — and of course The International rapidly approaching — there's a lot happening both in and out of the lanes. Plus, we're already hard at work on more updates to come, which means we're thinking about new community treasures to help fill out that aforementioned Armory. To that end, the Dota team would like to invite all workshop contributors to dream up some new sets for any of your favorite heroes. Submissions are already open, and we're looking forward to seeing your full craft on display. This round of submissions also welcomes designs for Muerta, Crystal Maiden's [i]Conduit of the Blueheart[/i] Persona and the [i]Exile Unveiled[/i] Phantom Assassin Persona, which are all now included in the workshop. We request that all submissions be on the Dota 2 Workshop by the end of the day on November 26th, 2023 PDT. Please make sure to mark your work with the "Fall 2023" tag when tendering items to the Workshop to ensure they aren't overlooked. Please note that any unreleased "Spring 2023" submissions already on the workshop will also be considered for this round of selections. As always, please avoid concepts involving human skulls, blood, and gore. We'd like to remind all Dota fans to regularly visit the Workshop and vote through the Queue to ensure your voices are heard in the polling process.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

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The Dota Pro Circuit

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/c0bf0ec8450254a0a3f5ec602e0f92c6a8f3efb9.png[/img] We started the Dota Pro Circuit in 2017 to answer a question that was coming up more and more frequently: How do you earn an invite to The International? Up until then, invitations were driven by a handful of regional qualifiers and “golden ticket” invites from Valve. Distribution of these invitations created an exciting moment every year for fans, but it was hard for pro players (and their fans) to know the exact path to The International. Understanding that every invitation system has trade-offs, we set out to create a system with more clarity and transparency. When it came to that one limited goal, we succeeded. The DPC demystified the invitation criteria, and made it easier for pros to understand their path to The International. Unfortunately, the DPC brought with it a set of rules and regulations, and those have come with a cost that’s become clearer to us over time: The world of competitive Dota has grown less exciting, less varied, and ultimately much less fun. By existing as the only official league, the DPC has a stranglehold on the event calendar for the year and what it's filled with. Event organizers are innovating less, because that's effectively what we've been asking them to do: Instead of competing for viewers and players by producing compelling and inventive tournaments, organizers now compete for compliance with Valve’s long list of rigid requirements (team count, broadcast languages, event format, and more). Relaxing those requirements doesn't help. No matter how well-intentioned our event specifications, or the actions of the event organizers in meeting them, it distracts from what the goals of these events used to be: showcasing Dota in the most entertaining way possible, enticing players to participate and the audience to watch. The best world is the one where event organizers aren’t competing for our attention, but for yours. Before we introduced these constraints, the world of competitive Dota was healthier, more robust and more varied than the one we have now. Events used to be less rote and more creative, and there was more room in the calendar for them. Everything was open for exploration: event length and themed venues and team participation and even the basic assumptions of tournament design. There was a beautiful unregulated insanity to it all — casual house parties and oyster prize pools coexisted alongside the Dota Asia Championships and one-off invitationals. It would be too simplistic to say that the slow drift of the Dota competitive scene away from this focus on fun and creativity towards the sterile, near-monoculture of today is entirely the fault of the DPC, but the DPC has generated significant pressure and incentives that led us here. The Dota community has decades of grassroots experience coming up with innovative and entertaining events, and right now the DPC is getting in the way. With that in mind, we're ending the Dota Pro Circuit: 2023 will be the final DPC season. Competitive Dota predates the DPC by many years and will continue long after. The International will continue as well — we're already working on The International 2024, and next year we'll be talking more about how invitations to that event will work. But for now, we're going to return our focus to this year's event — which, unbelievably, is only four short weeks away.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

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Between the Lanes: The Sound (Proof Booths) of Silence

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/e304b0f91e80750ffb234438d7cc89e83f23595d.jpg[/img] [i]Welcome back to Between the Lanes, a blog feature where we let members of our development team walk through some of the challenges, bugfixes, and occasional happy accidents we encounter while working on a game as unique as Dota, and an event as unique as The International.[/i] The International is an unbelievably huge endeavor, watched by millions of people around the world. It’s easy to forget that the first ever TI was a modest, honestly pretty unrecognizable event held at Gamescom 2011 in Cologne, Germany, and took place in a trade show booth. In honor of TI’s humble beginnings, we decided to dedicate this installment of Between the Lanes to an often forgotten, rarely celebrated (and occasionally very poorly ventilated) piece of equipment that’s been with us since the very beginning, and ever since (except last year): the soundproof booth. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/261b47a8227e6cdea53d69ba67150c23dfe61fec.png[/img] From TI1, we knew we’d need booths with sufficient insulation so the players wouldn't overhear anything from the crowd or casters that’d give them an unfair advantage during the match. Back then, that was the only requirement of the soundproof booths: They needed to be soundproof. And because the first TI was so small, there wasn’t that much audio slamming the booth at any given time. But those early booths fulfilled their one requirement: none of the pros could hear anything. Of course, they failed utterly in every other area, which meant that, by the time future TIs rolled around, we needed them to do a lot more. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/86752a002abb5184bde662445de1156c205db022.png[/img] The first TI was a real learning experience in general for us. The desks the pros were playing on ended up being too narrow and too high. So the players had to sit on stools with their elbows hanging off the edge of the desk, which it turns out is just about the worst way to play DOTA. We also had these enormous PCs that Nvidia had lent us, and we’d placed them into a series of cabinets under the players. These cabinets, it turned out, were unventilated. The Nvidia PCs ran unventilated for seven days straight. It was so hot in those cabinets, when you opened the doors you could smell the insulation on the wires melting. Amazingly, they never stopped working all week. (It's entirely possible the only reason they didn't overheat was because one of the players accidentally spilled some ice water into the cabinets.) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/68c0ea74d4c5835d516926c0df7111b0682b02ba.jpg[/img] So now we had a second booth requirement for subsequent TIs: Air conditioning. It turned out that five PCs, five monitors, five humans and various lighting rigs, all sealed in an insulated unventilated box, generates a LOT of heat. Being able to reduce that heat was both essential and non-trivial. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/cf15ae6c4323598a9d05a10e533cb298e5976439.jpg[/img] Another new requirement we’d never considered: Reflection. The very original booths were rectangular pods that abutted each other, face-to-face. The glass surfaces were flat on the front and the back. So when players were sitting in the playing position, their screens would reflect off of the glass behind them, and the opponent directly opposite them could pretty clearly see the reflection of their screen. We discovered that problem very quickly. Our immediate high tech solution: tape a bunch of promotional T-shirts to the glass between the players to block the reflections. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/247acd5dc2d9a47cff7e7b45ddd36eded84f163e.png[/img] Going forward into the next decade of TIs, we abandoned the T-Shirt solution and fixed the problem with booth design and positioning. By the time TI5 rolled around, and with no false modesty, we’d gotten pretty good at the basics. Sound-dampening: check. Better lighting: check. Ventilation: check. Pink noise in the booth: check. Solving the dozen or so immediate problems that kept cropping up during the first few TIs meant we could finally stop putting out fires and focus on making the booth better. It was finally time to tackle a long-standing problem: the booths were a huge pain in the ass to assemble. The TI2-4 booths took a really long time to put together. They were ungodly heavy and hard to manage. It took a small crane to put the roof on, not to mention 12-15 hours of build time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/2cad825a125acf244697241430966c9fc8c7c044.png[/img] [i][b]TI2[/b][/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/1aad60a39c6aa84639b0dbeb59d1e29d33e05449.png[/img] [i][b]TI3[/b][/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/582f1085d6544cad32dccac0d53d8c735bdc9d79.png[/img] [i][b]TI4[/b][/i] For an event as big as TI, with so many moving pieces, that can be a problem. Everything’s on a pretty tight schedule. The second the stage is ready for them, those booths need to be moved up onstage and put together, fast. Once they’re assembled, you have to very quickly get the lighting in them, the PCs, the chairs, booth cameras, microphones and team communications set before any testing can begin. The faster you get the booths up and running, the more time you have to test the setup. So the biggest innovation between the TI4 and TI5 booths was how speedily the TI5 version could be assembled onstage with the clock ticking. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/9cbe0eb73452f192569de871cb10453cedb3be5d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/bca53a8d072198beab04b3db8b47f227ab7f7319.png[/img] Composed of seven sections, each one is mounted on wheels for easy positioning once forklifted onto the stage, attached to the one another via a coffin lock system. With these innovations, the booths were able to be fully assembled in under five hours. As the events got more elaborate, so did the challenges, and that meant more advanced techniques in booth design. The TI2-4 booths only had a single glass wall. But the fifth TI was going to take place “in the round”, on a circular stage with 360 views; so now the booths needed to be transparent on all sides, so the audience could see the action. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/a37cd40d60d7e6127986ff16e5349ffbcd76cf0e.jpg[/img] With the audiences getting larger and louder, and the booth walls now being entirely made of glass, sound-proofing became a legitimate challenge. The new walls would now be constructed of multiple layers of glass, with argon gas in between the layers. The glass layers were different thicknesses, and not exactly parallel to each other, which helped dampen the sound waves. (We also upgraded to optically transparent museum quality glass, which is much better for filming through. It has so few imperfections that it’s essentially transparent to the lens.) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/e26ed6a55fec308bbf37acac713e0f6da45fc8d1.png[/img] By the time we’d perfected the booths for TI5, the total price tag for each one was over $200,000. (All that argon wasn’t cheap.) The irony is that, over the course of six Internationals, we’d managed to engineer an essentially perfect sound booth… which we then had to put in dry dock, because it turns out they couldn't be shipped internationally. How did we learn this? By shipping them internationally to the Frankfurt Major in 2015 and destroying them in the process. We had to repair and rebuild them on-site in Germany. It was a huge hassle. The booths are capable of a lot, but they’re just not designed for long haul travel. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/c3448efe882adb74046f3d58541f29bc87d90bc9.jpg[/img] We continued to iterate over the next several years, doing gradual but significant improvements to player comfort, booth lighting and other incremental changes. By the time we arrived at last year’s TI in Singapore, we had accumulated a decade of experience with sound dampening, and this gave us the confidence to try a new approach. We decided to eliminate the booths entirely, and solve the sound problem with noise-canceling headphones, earbuds, and the acoustic design of the arena. This meant we could maintain the competitive integrity that the booths provided, while optimizing for all the things that the booths historically made difficult. Something a lot of people don't realize is that pro Dota players don't simply wake up and walk onto an event stage. They have to warm up just like any athlete. They also prefer their tools of the trade — keyboard, mouse, headset — worn out just the way they like them, in just the right spot. With booths, this meant a challenging set of steps where player equipment was constantly being stripped out of the play area so new gear could be carried in and set up at the last second. This made it difficult for players to enjoy a pre-game warm-up with their equipment when a TI event coordinator was trying to pry their keyboards from them to race it over for a booth setup. A boothless set-up with four rotating sets of PCs completely removed these issues, which resulted in a streamlined set-up, takedown and speed of play — an improvement appreciated by the pro players. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/c3ae0dfd795e7e527b8fa394aa0e28147a564a9f.jpg[/img] But sound-dampening is simply too important a trade-off. And despite our efforts put into the acoustic design of the arena, we underestimated the difficulty in bringing the sound-dampening up to our standards. Do we think a boothless event is an experiment worth pursuing again? Absolutely. There were real advantages, for the players and the spectators. But not until we have absolute confidence in our success. What matters is that we’re heading in the right direction: Towards something better, faster, more enjoyable for the pros competing, and more exciting for us watching. Until then, we’re happy to bring back the “classic” TI5 soundproof booths out of storage in Kent, WA, to once again grace the main stage at The International 2023.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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7.34c Gameplay Patch

Patch 7.34c is out now. You can check the notes [url=]here[/url]. Oracle saw too far into the future. That is now fixed. Over the last few days we've addressed several gameplay issues: [list] [*]Fixed an issue where using Armlet could lead to double death bounties [*]Fixed Soul Ring not removing temporary mana at the end of its buff duration [*]Fixed enemy flagbearer creeps sometimes not showing their banners [*]Fixed shield rune not being visible on enemy units until they attack or get attacked [*]Fixed Ion Shell sometimes not being visible [*]Fixed Terrorblade illusions appearing the same as the real Terrorblade [*]Fixed buffs like Haste, God's Strength, and Fire Remnant not showing on the status bar of heroes [*]Fixed backdoor protection not being shown as a buff on towers nor the shield icon next to their health [*]Fixed the invisibility effect not showing on enemy heroes under a friendly Sentry Ward [*]Fixed Haste rune not showing as a buff on the status bar or being shown visually on the hero [*]Fixed Pudge Rot being invisible [*]Fixed an issue where Rubick stole Death Pact for free when stealing Skeleton Walk from Clinkz [*]Fixed Lone Druid's Spirit Bear counting towards Monkey King's Jinggu Mastery stacks [*]Fixed Lone Druid's Spirit Bear death counting towards permanent stacks for Axe, Necrophos, Slark, Lion, and Tidehunter [*]Fixed Desolator gaining damage when killing Spirit Bear [*]Fixed Spirit Bear attacks counting as Hero attacks when attacking Clinkz Skeletons, Lich Ice Spire, Phoenix Supernova, Pugna Nether Ward, Tidehunter Dead in the Water anchor, Undying Tombstone, Zeus Nimbus. [*]Fixed Spirit Bear death refreshing Axe Culling Blade and lowering Windranger Focus Fire cooldown with Level 25 talent [*]Fixed Lone Druid Spirit Bear displayed as the unit name on the Minimap [*]Fixed Tormentor not granting Spirit Bear a Shard if Lone Druid already has one, and not allowing allies to get Tormentor gold bounty if all allies already have the Shard [*]Fixed Tormentor particles sometimes showing in fog of war [*]Fixed a bug where inventory item icons would sometimes disappear when dragging them [*]Fixed a number of items' ability effects failing to equip in the Armory/Loadout [*]Fixed some free event reward items not showing up in the Armory [*]Fixed an issue saving the Taunt slot on custom sets [*]Fixed the default global light and shadow colors on the Autumn terrain [*]Fixed a display-only bug where certain magic resistance and physical resistance percentage values were being incorrectly rounded down a point below their actual values [*]Fixed a display-only bug where units with zero health or mana regeneration values would display as negative zero due to network-encoding quantization effects [*]Fixed a crash in Workshop Tools [/list]

Saturday, September 9, 2023

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10th Anniversary Event Extended

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/fa00589062f919ff0e0032bb7af8819400be004d.png[/img] We know what you’re thinking: You’ve only got [i]three treasures remaining[/i] to get all the [url=]10th Anniversary Rewards[/url]… except you’ve been at [i]three treasures remaining[/i] for days now. There’s no end in sight. You’ve played core. You’ve played support. You’ve played mid. (Once you even tried jungling.) Nothing. Three weeks just isn’t enough time to get all of those 10th Anniversary Rewards. You know who agrees with you? Gabe Newell. You know who’s fired if we don’t extend the event so he can get his Ursa set? According to Gabe: us. So we’re happy and relieved and still employed to announce that the end date of the 10th Anniversary event is now September 18th.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

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Valve goes for the smurfs banning 90,000 people in Dota 2

After the rather exciting launch of the Summer Update bringing with it new matchmaking and tools to get rid of bad experiences, Valve goes for the smurfs next.

Read the full article here:

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

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Valve banned 90,000 smurf accounts from Dota 2—then got the main accounts too

Valve's been going pretty hard on Dota 2 this year, and the latest is targeting those who start fresh accounts in the free-to-play game so that they can play easy games and stomp rookies. Valve has also traced the accounts back to their main accounts, and says that from now on "a main account found associated with a smurf account could result in a wide range of punishments, from temporary adjustments to behavior scores to permanent account bans.".. Read more.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

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Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans

As Valve bans 90,000 Dota 2 smurf accounts, the Steam developer says the use of alternate accounts to dodge your intended rank, cheat, or grief other players is "not welcome in Dota." It adds that every Dota 2 smurf account banned in this wave has been traced back to its owner's main Steam account, and that in future instances punishments for smurfing in the MOBA will extend to your main account as well.

Read the rest of the story...

Valve's Dota 2 summer update boosts your looks and lowers toxicity
Valve celebrates a decade of Dota 2 with free gifts galore
Dota 2 patch notes outline 7.34 update, but it's in emojis

Saturday, September 2, 2023

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Dota 2 Update - 9/1/2023

Since releasing [url=]The Summer Client Update[/url] we've addressed a number of issues: [list] [*]Fixed a bug that would appear to allow you to commend/dislike the same player multiple times in postgame [*]Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause behavior score or communication score to get set to 0 incorrectly (the affected accounts have had their appropriate scores restored) [*]Re-added the ability to rotate your hero with mousewheel in the Armory and pregame [*]Re-added the ability to demo custom terrains [*]In games where the majority of connected players have a behavior score too low to allow them to pause the game, those players will now be able to unpause if the game has been paused for at least 5s [*]Added persona selector to pregame loadout [*]Added slot headings to pregame loadout [*]Re-introduced Hero Relics into the shard shop [*]Disabled rebundling for items with unlocked styles, or which unpack with dynamic gems [*]Owned world items can now be demoed through the item details popup [*]Improved the display of chat wheels in the new Armory [*]Commending a player no longer prints a chat message every time (to prevent post-game commend sprees from pushing all actual chat offscreen) [*]Added a new, distinct sound for disliking a player [*]Fixed grouping by item type in the All Items tab in the Armory [*]Fixed announcer packs not loading properly when entering pregame [*]Fixed places in the new Armory where fonts would sometimes display at an incorrect size [*]Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause dead units to not stay dead (Undying, Spirit Bear, Wraith King) [*]Fixed multikill banners not being accessible in the new Armory [*]Fixed an issue that would cause the game to change monitors when running in fullscreen on multi-monitor displays [*]Fixed Dark Seer's "More Than Mental Mass" taunt not playing sounds [*]Fixed Phoenix's Crimson Dawn set only changing the appearance of the head instead of the full set [*]Fixed server crashes involving abilities from Dark Seer, Razor, and Hoodwink [*]Fixed a client crash when displaying certain tooltips (including Tranquil Boots) [*]Fixed custom game JavaScript support [*]Fixed Hammer crashing on startup [*]Fixed a crash when returning to the dashboard after playing a game [*]Fixed some over-bright rendering in Vulkan when color-correction post-processing was enabled [*]Fixed a crash in the Vulkan renderer on Linux [*]Fixed a crash on Linux GPUs with low memory [*]Fixed fullscreen flickering on multi-monitor Linux systems [*]Fixed a crash on MacOS versions older than 10.15 [*]Fixed a hang on MacOS when purchasing certain items in the Armory [*]Fixed a particle crash on older Windows machines without SSE4.1 support [*]Fixed terrain sometimes displaying incorrectly (or being invisible) on low-spec Windows machines [*]Fixed a particle rendering error with Phoenix's Solar Gyre [*]Fixed display of owned Kill Streak Effect in the Shard Shop [*]Fixed incorrect items sometimes appearing under the Tools section in the Shard Shop [*]Fixed some cosmetic particle effects not showing properly when previewing items in the Loadout or in the Armory (Void Spirit weapon particles, for example) [*]Fixed summons appearing next to heroes in postgame [*]Fixed Dota Plus quest to commend players not correctly counting all commends [*]Fixed a server crash when players were spectating under certain conditions [*]Fixed a rare courier-related server crash in Turbo [*]Fixed an issue where using Armlet could cause a unit to behave oddly on death (for example, give death bounty twice, or in Wraith King's case, be teleported to the fountain on Reincarnation) [/list]

Saturday, September 2, 2023

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Smurfing is Not Welcome in Dota

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/f6609be301c649e6fc1f7393300110a152f27bed.png[/img] Today, we permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts that have been active over the last few months. Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence. Additionally, we have traced every single one of these smurf accounts back to its main account. Going forward, a main account found associated with a smurf account could result in a wide range of punishments, from temporary adjustments to behavior scores to permanent account bans. As we said earlier this year in [url=]our blog post about cheating[/url], and as we said earlier this week in our [url=]Summer Client Update[/url], and as we will continue to say: Dota is a game best enjoyed when played on an even field. The quality of the people in a given match are what makes a match good. We’re invested in making sure your matches are as good as possible, and smurfing makes matches worse. As always, if you suspect someone of smurfing in your game, use the in-game reporting options to flag them. This will help us continue to track offenders and gather data used to inform our anti-smurf efforts moving forward.

Friday, September 1, 2023

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Valve's Dota 2 summer update boosts your looks and lowers toxicity

The Dota 2 summer update is upon us. Valve has released its latest overhaul to its fantasy MOBA game, giving it a new look for the season. The Dota 2 summer client update includes a brand-new armory that will now handle all your various cosmetic items, along with acting as the place to buy and sell them. There are also new tools aimed at putting a stop to the most toxic players, and a rather lovely graphics update.

Read the rest of the story...

Valve celebrates a decade of Dota 2 with free gifts galore
Dota 2 patch notes outline 7.34 update, but it's in emojis
Valve explains Dota 2's most explosive bug

Thursday, August 31, 2023

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The Summer Client Update

[url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/3728d0dc0f78d43a27b431f8b5607ee31ca0987d.png[/img][/url] [h1]New Player Behavior System, New Rendering Features, and New Armory[/h1] Summer is hurtling toward its inevitable, pumpkin spiced end, and we’re seeing it off in style with a whole bunch of pretty sweet quality of life improvements. “I’ll be the judge of that,” you’re probably saying, eyes squinted in skeptical fashion. Well, how would you like to be the judge of not just blog posts, but real people? Like an actual judge. Because we've built a new player behavior and reporting system from the ground up to enable much better judging, and much better games. Plus, just like in the allegory of Plato’s cave, you will now be able to see the shadows of clouds as they pass overhead. How is this possible? The copyright on the collected works of Plato has now just lapsed. We’ve also included a few other cool new rendering features inspired by, but not directly copied from, other pre-modern thinkers. Lastly, we've torn the armory apart and completely rebuilt it to make it easier for you to do, well, everything with your cosmetic items. Epiloguely, we’re also shipping a Collector’s Cache to show all this new stuff off. Honestly, blog posts were simply not designed to convey this much exciting information, so we’ve assembled [url=]an update page[/url] with all the details. [h1]Dota Plus Fall Update[/h1] As much as we all love playing Dota in sweaty rooms with sunny glares shining off our screens, the capricious gods of weather (or whoever decides these things) demand that our brief summer respite comes to a sudden but predictable end. Meaning that along with everything else, it's also time for the next seasonal release for Dota Plus — the Fall 2023 Dota Plus update for those of you keeping track at home — set to begin on September 1st. [h2]Updated Seasonal Quests & Guild Rewards[/h2] The update comes with a new set of Dota Plus quests to shore up your shard stash — offering up to 115,200 shards over the course of the season. Guild rewards have also been updated, making new emoticons, sprays, and chat wheels available to high-scoring guilds. [table] [tr] [th]Guild Tier[/th] [th]Rewards[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Silver[/td] [td][list] [*]Emoticon - cozy_courier [*]Emoticon - lancer_sour [*]Emoticon - party_phoenix [/list][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Gold[/td] [td][list] [*]Spray - Keeper of the Light - Give Mana [*]Spray - Shadowfiend - Shrug [*]Spray - Arc Warden - Stab [/list][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Platinum[/td] [td][list] [*]Chat Wheel - "Holy Moly!" [*]Chat Wheel - "Да? Да? Да? Нет." [*]Chat Wheel - "3, 2, 1, aaaadios!" [/list][/td] [/tr] [/table] [h1]The Days Ahead[/h1] The International is just around the corner, and the final qualified teams will soon be decided. To kick off the celebration ahead of all the action in Seattle, we've got another update in the works tied closely to the event that we'll release in late September. We can hardly wait to cheer on the epic Dota to come. Finally, to cram a bit more Dota into this blog, we wanted to highlight some of the changes and fixes from the last few weeks that are also shipping today: [list] [*]New: Bounty rune spawn locations now show on the minimap before the horn using desaturated icons. [*]New: Added an option to rebind the Alternative Cast Ability switch key under the Advanced Hotkeys Interface tab. [*]New: Optimized Dota's network traffic. Dota will now use a little less bandwidth all the time, and a lot less bandwidth sometimes (for example, in illusion-heavy gameplay). [*]Fixed Invoker Wex sometimes granting the wrong amount of mana regeneration [*]Fixed Allied Heroes being able to refresh a Hand of Midas that doesn't belong to them [*]Fixed Wraith King skeletons sometimes ignoring Wraithfire Blast when selecting their target [*]Fixed Spirit Breaker having an infinite shield when taking the level 25 talent [*]Fixed Riki's Level 25 Right Talent not displaying the proper cooldown reduction [*]Fixed being able to blink to one specific location off the top left corner of the map [*]Fixed various tooltip issues with Invoker's Ghost Walk [*]Fixed universal heroes not showing up correctly in Ability draft UI tooltips [*]Fixed Overwhelming Blink doing 100 damage over six seconds instead of 100% of the caster's strength over 6 seconds [*]Fixed Windranger's Agh's upgrade invisibility effect not visually applying for allies [/list]

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

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The International 2023 Ticket Sales

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/3703047/16f18c0e3db93cf0de1d674427325397e89ff4aa.png[/img] The International is fast approaching, and for those of you planning on going, we wanted to give you some important dates so you can start planning your trip. Tickets to join the audience live at The International 2023 in Seattle, WA are going on sale August 25th, 2023. Whether you’re planning on attending in person, or hopping on with millions of viewers from around the world to watch our livestream broadcast, join us in cheering on the best Dota teams on the planet as they battle it out for the Aegis. Like we posted [url=]earlier this month[/url], The International Dota 2 Championships will be getting split into two distinct phases this year, over the course of three action-packed weekends: [b]The Road to the International[/b], encompassing [b]Group Stage[/b] (October 12th-15th) and [b]Playoffs[/b] (October 20th-22nd); and [b]The International[/b] itself (October 27th-29th). Both the [b]Playoffs[/b] and [b]The International[/b] will take place in front of a live audience this year. In an effort to minimize confusion due to the new naming scheme, tickets for each of the events will go live on separate dates. Sales are scheduled to go live on Ticketmaster as follows: [b]The International 2023 at Climate Pledge Arena[/b] [list] [*] Tickets will go on sale August 25th at 10 AM Pacific Time on [url=]Ticketmaster[/url] [*] Tickets will be sold as a three-day pass for the full event, priced at $699 USD + Fees per pass [*] Attendees who bind their Steam account to their pass will be granted one Treasure of the Crimson Witness 2023 (and will continue to have chances to win more throughout the event) [/list] [b]The Road to the International - Playoffs at Seattle Convention Center's Summit Building[/b] [list] [*] Tickets will go on sale on August 28th at 10 AM Pacific Time on [url=]Ticketmaster[/url] [*] Tickets will be sold as individual tickets for each of the three days, priced at $99 USD + Fees per ticket [/list] Tickets for all events can be purchased here: We're excited to welcome the Dota community back to Seattle for the first time in five years, and millions more of you from all over the world on our livestream broadcast. Whether in person or virtually, we hope to see you there. [b]FAQ[/b] [b]When is The International 2023?[/b] The International will take place across three days (October 27th-29th) at Climate Pledge Arena. The Road to the International - Playoffs will take place across three days (October 20th-22nd) one weekend prior to The International, at the Seattle Convention Center's Summit Building. [b]How can I buy a ticket to The International? What type of tickets are available?[/b] The International three-day pass (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) will be available for $699 USD + Fees. Passes will go on sale on August 25th at 10:00 AM PT on [url=]Ticketmaster[/url]. All tickets are General Admission. [b]How can I buy a ticket to The Road to the International - Playoffs? What type of tickets are available?[/b] Playoffs Day 1 (Friday), Day 2 (Saturday) and Day 3 (Sunday) tickets will be available as single-day tickets for $99 USD + Fees. Tickets will go on sale on August 28th at 10:00 AM PT on [url=]Ticketmaster[/url]. All tickets are General Admission. [b]How many tickets can I buy?[/b] Purchases are limited to five tickets per transaction. [b]How do I pick up my tickets?[/b] Your Playoffs tickets and The International three-day pass will be available in your Ticketmaster account as Mobile Entry Tickets – no pick up needed! Make sure to save your ticket to your phone's wallet ahead of the event for easy access. [b]What happens if there is an issue with my mobile ticket?[/b] Please reach out to Ticketmaster support regarding all ticket-related inquiries. There will be a Will Call office to assist you on-site at the event as well. [b]Can I sit anywhere, or will there be preassigned seats?[/b] Both Playoffs and The International are General Admission events, and a GA ticket holder can sit in almost any available seat (other than in reserved sections, like for press or pro players). [b]Is re-entry permitted?[/b] Yes. Once you have scanned in your ticket for the day, you will be allowed re-entry with a unique wristband which can be picked up once you enter the venue. [b]Can I get a refund on my ticket?[/b] Tickets are non-refundable, unless the event itself is cancelled for any reason. [b]Can I transfer or resell my ticket?[/b] Yes, tickets can be transferred between accounts and bought/sold on Ticketmaster directly. Instructions on how to transfer tickets can be found [url=]here[/url]. Instructions on how to buy/sell tickets can be found [url=]here[/url]. [b]Can I split my three-day pass for The International?[/b] The three-day pass for The International comes as a single-entry barcode, meaning that you cannot separate them into individual daily tickets to buy, sell or transfer. However, ticket transfers will be permitted up until the start of the final day of the event. Please note that once a pass has been scanned in at the venue for the day, it will not be eligible for entry for the rest of that day, even after the ticket has been transferred. [b]Will I able to get normal Crimson Witness Treasure drops the same way I did in previous years?[/b] Yes, Crimson Witness Treasures will still drop on First Blood of each game at The International, as before.

Friday, August 18, 2023

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All news: 3184