Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] [list] [*]Inferno[list] [*]Fixed roof geometry at church that was visible from boiler entrance.[/list][/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed a case where voice chat would break after unloading a Steam Workshop map. [*]Fixed a case where game client would crash if certain community server plugins were restricting networking of player entities. [*]Fixed several bugs in applying patches UI.[/list]

Friday, February 28, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ UI ] [list] [*]Fixed sizing and scaling of UI elements shared between buy menu and in-game HUD. [*]Fixed a bug with armor display for CSTV spectators. [*]Updated alternate AK-47 inspect animation.[/list] [ WORKSHOP ] [list] [*]Increased supported upload size for Counter-Strike 2 Steam Workshop Maps to 3 GB.[/list]

Thursday, February 13, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ PREMIER ] [list] [*]Adjusted the logic that determines when players are too far apart in CS Rating to participate in matchmaking together as a party. In most cases, players who used to play together as a party in Premier Season One will be able to party together in Premier Season Two.[/list] [ UI ] [list] [*]Added "Get Service Medal" UI element directly to the main menu profile card. [*]Fixed a case where main menu profiles were missing display medals. [*]Updated Dust II radar image to be more accurate.[/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed a case where inspect or reload button presses could cause prediction errors.[/list]

Thursday, February 6, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed AUG scope stencil filter bug near water surfaces. [*]Fixed Premier progress bar not displaying properly in low resolutions. [*]Fixed certain UI panels not rendering transparently when using CMAA2 and HDR performance settings simultaneously. [*]Improved dynamic radar scale to snap size when a newly discovered enemy/C4 enters radar view, but still shrink gradually when enemy/C4 disappears and enough time passes. [*]Fixed radar scale settings UI to support full range of radar scale from 0.25 to 1.0 values. [*]Fixed sounds from Train inspect scenery not getting cleared when going back to the main menu. [*]Fixed misprediction error smoothing near walls to avoid clipping through walls. [*]Fixed cloth simulation bug on loopback=1 local servers.[/list]

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] [list] [*]Basalt - updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]).[/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Activated Premier Season Two progress indicator in the play menu. [*]Fixed regressions with AUG/SG scope graphics.[/list]

Thursday, January 30, 2025

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Season's Greetings

Welcome to Premier Season Two. If you haven't heard the news, here's what's new in Season Two. Vertigo is out, Train is in, the M4A4 is more... A4-dable... and we've tweaked the FAMAS. Season Two runs from now through the Austin Major, at which point players who meet the requirements will be awarded a Premier Season Two Medal. The color will correspond to your highest CS Rating achieved during the season, and the bars will reflect your total wins, with one bar for every 25—up to five bars. To earn your Premier Season Two Medal, you'll need an account in good standing, 25 Premier match wins, and an active CSR at the end of the season. Premier matchmaking is now open for business, so hit the queue and start racking up those wins!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ PREMIER ] [list] [*]Premier Season Two is here, and Premier matchmaking has resumed [*]Every player who earned a CS Rating during Season One will receive a commemorative Premier Season One Medal which includes detailed Season Statistics [*]Every player will have their CS Rating recalibrated based on their Season One performance, and will need to re-establish their CS Rating by winning 10 matches [*]Train has been added to the Active Duty map pool [*]Vertigo has been removed from the Active Duty map pool [/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*]M4A4 price reduced to $2,900 [*]FAMAS accuracy improved and price reduced to $1,950 [*]Reduced crouching accuracy for the MP9, MP5-SD, and MP7 [*]Adjusted scope dot on AUG/SG to be more useable at range [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*]Added a new radar dynamic zoom option that will grow or shrink the radar to include your team mates, bomb and other detected elements [*]Adjusted grenade order in spectator UI to match weapon selection order [*]Increased brightness of carried C4 in UI [/list] [ MAPS ] Train [list] [*]Removed a boost angle from Long Dog to Bombsite A [*]Fixed lighting artifacts on double-sided materials [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Added fallback logic to allow playing incomplete demo files, either copied from an ongoing live match or recovered after a game server crash [*]Fixed an exploit where users could use secondary fire on R8 Revolver and then sell it back [*]Counter-strafe summaries are now available in game server log data distributed via log address in addition to console logs [/list]

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ PREMIER ] [list] [*]Premier Season One is now over, and Premier matchmaking has been temporarily disabled.[/list]

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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Seasons Change

[img][/img] Next week we will say "goodbye" to Premier Season One, and "hello" to Season Two. To celebrate, every player who earned a CS Rating during Season One will receive a commemorative Premier Season One Medal. Your medal includes detailed Season Statistics that you can view by clicking on the medal in your inventory. Review your Season One highs and lows with graphs of your CSR and playtime, or view your map-specific stats to find areas of improvement for Season Two. As we transition to Season Two, there'll be one day of Premier downtime during which your CS Rating will be recalibrated for the new season based on your Season One performance. At the start of the new Season you will need to re-establish your CS Rating by winning 10 matches. [video mp4= webm= poster= autoplay=true controls=false][/video] Season Two comes with some changes. Train is in and Vertigo is out, the M4A4 is a bit less expensive, and the FAMAS has some improvements to its standing and crouching accuracy (along with a price cut). And when Season Two comes to a close after the Austin Major, players who meet the requirements will be awarded a Premier Season Two Medal. The color will correspond to your highest CS Rating achieved during the season, and the bars will reflect your total wins, with one bar for every 25—up to five bars. To earn your Premier Season Two Medal, you'll need an account in good standing, 25 Premier match wins, and an active CSR at the end of the season. So clear out your calendar, because Season Two is about to begin!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MISC ] [list] [*]Minor performance optimization for some CPU-bound cases. [*]Follow recoil setting during spectating will now obey spectator target's crosshair setting if target's crosshair is shown. [*]Added support for updating existing map annotations on Steam Workshop. For example use "workshop_annotation_submit 123456" to update your submission ID=123456 found in the workshop URL. Passing an ID that does not belong to you will create a brand new submission. After the first update the ID will get embedded in the annotation file and you can submit more changes without having to provide the ID again.[/list]

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MISC ] [list] [*]Updating Steam libraries for Linux game servers to the latest version of Steam Client Beta [*]Improved Linux game servers ability to reconnect to Steam after a disconnection [*]Stability improvements[/list]

Friday, January 17, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ SHANGHAI MAJOR ] [list][*]Shanghai 2024 Major sticker capsules are now on sale for 75% off[/list] [ ARMORY ] [list][*][i]Desert Eagle | Heat Treated[/i] is no longer available to claim from The Armory[/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed finger placement during Huntsman knife in-game inspect animation [*]Fixed a bug where grenade icons weren't disappearing on the spectator map [*]Fixed a case when spectator icon could show up at the wrong time on the radar [*]Fixed a bug related to changing inspect scenery while inspecting knives[/list]

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

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An ambitious Counter-Strike mod to emulate the OG 1.6 experience in Global Offensive has been rejected by Valve after 8 years of development

The authors of the long-in-development Classic Offensive mod for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have shared a message to Twitter that it has been rejected from release on Steam and its app retired after eight years of development. I have sent a request for comment from Valve and will update this story if I hear back, but the rejection may be due to Source engine workarounds used by the team when creating the mod... Read more.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

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Valve allegedly blocks Counter-Strike mod eight years in the making from Steam

The team behind an incredibly ambitious Counter-Strike: Global Offensive mod claims that Valve has blocked the project from coming to Steam. The team submitted the mod for release late last year, only to be met with silence, with the project now seemingly rejected by Valve. Called Classic Offensive, the mod has been in the works since 2016 and aims to bring back "the classic feeling" from between CS 1.6 all the way up to CSGO.

Read the rest of the story...

The best sniper games on PC 2024
CSGO ranks 2024 - CS:GO MM ranking explained
CS2 has more players than the next top nine Steam games combined

Saturday, January 11, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] [list] [*] Train [list] [*]Fixed various minor visual bugs and gaps in world [*]Added dirt and wetness onto crates and tarps where appropriate [*]Widened opening on A site between Hell and Tunnels [*]Opened container door on back of the train near Ivy/Tunnels [*]Added dumpster by Ivy [*]Added barrels in A site cubby [*]Pushed back T spawns a little [/list] [/list][ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed a case where ragdolls could get created with extreme initial velocities [*]Added markup for individual matches in Steam Game Recording timeline [*]Fixed a regression where deploying weapons weren't allowing immediate inspecting [*]Fixed fingers crossing into butterfly knife geometry during inspect animation [*]Fixed weekly care package preview of weapon cases not having a close button [*]When moving away from annotation nodes, required grenade is no longer removed[/list]

Friday, January 10, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] [list] [*] Inferno [list] [*]Adjusted clipping on stairs under balcony[/list] [/list][ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed offset discrepancy in legacy SSG08 model. [*]Fixed stickers mask on legacy Dual Elites magazine model. [*]Fixed Dual Elite pistol holster floating off the local firstperson leg model. [*]Fixed a regression in grenade interactions with ragdolls. [*]Fixed a bug where +attack2 and +lookatweapon composite binding could get silenced weapon into an inconsistent silencer state.[/list]

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] [list] [*] Inferno [list] [*]Adjusted clipping on scaffolding on B site[/list] [/list][ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed a problem on team select screen for servers with no auto-select time limit. [*]Fixed a regression with annotation_load command. [*]Fixed a crash for give item_assaultsuit command. [*]Adjusted the rarity of the rare AK-47 inspect animation. [*]Fixed a regression with the rare Desert Eagle inspect animation.[/list]

Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ SHANGHAI MAJOR ] [list] [*]Shanghai 2024 Major Champions Capsule is now available for purchase. The capsule features autographs for each member of the winning team in paper, glitter, holo, and gold. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations.[/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*]Adjusted the threshold at which death notice displays attacker as "flashed". [*]Explosions will now more reliably throw weapons around even if multiple weapons are dropped on top of each other. [*]During warmup, weapons will no longer drop on the ground when changing teams. [*]During warmup, changing teams now has a two second cooldown. [*]Added server settings controlling which items drop on the ground during warmup period: mp_warmup_items_drop_policy, mp_warmup_items_nocost, mp_warmup_items_nocount_policy. Community servers that run with free non-droppable weapons during warmup can set these settings as follows: mp_warmup_items_drop_policy 0, mp_warmup_items_nocost 1, mp_warmup_items_nocount_policy 251. [*]Give command will now always drop the held weapon if the given weapon needs an empty primary/secondary weapon slot to be used. For legacy behaviour, which would drop the new weapon on the ground, developers can use "-keep_gear" flag, e.g. give weapon_awp -keep_gear[/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Train [list] [*]Improved collision fidelity on various props [*]Updated and fixed surface types on several props [*]Adjusted wetness levels on some surfaces [*]Fixed various gaps in map[/list] [/list][ MAP GUIDES ] [list] [*]Map Guides are now supported in the Steam Workshop for submission and subscription. [*]Added a selector to pick which map guide gets loaded in practice mode. [*]Annotations nodes are now visible in the radar. [*]Added a tool (via console command "workshop_annotation_submit") to submit a map guide to the Steam Workshop.[/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Added a setting for CPU Cores Usage Preference to control how high performance and power efficiency cores are used by the game on CPUs with variable cores. [*]Fixed a case where graphics driver could render a corrupt graphics image for weapons in inventory item tiles. [*]Improvements to weapon inspect animations. [*]Improvements to display of extra-long custom weapon names in UI. [*]Stability improvements. [*]Added all-new 2025 Service Medal which will be available starting January 1st GMT [*]Workshop Tools - Fixed bug on shadows for low sunlight angles[/list]

Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Champions of Shanghai

[img][/img] The Perfect World Shanghai Grand Final was one to remember. Team Spirit and FaZe Clan needed all three maps to determine a champion in front of an excited, sold-out crowd at the SPD Bank Oriental Sports Center. Down 12:5 on map 3, FaZe Clan battled back with 6 consecutive round wins—and some incredible clutches along the way—to force round 24. With the bomb planted and down to a 1v1, sh1ro's final kill earned Team Spirit their first Major Championship. Celebrate Team Spirit's win with the Major Champions Capsule, now available for purchase. The capsule features autographs from Team Spirit in paper, glitter, holo, and gold, and 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations. [img][/img] With Shanghai in the books we look forward to the Major in Austin, Texas. See you in June 2025! [h3]2025 Service Medal[/h3] [img][/img] Beginning January 1st, 2025 players can receive the newest Service Medal in-game. When you reach Global General (Rank 40) you'll have the option to reset your Profile Rank and earn (or upgrade) a 2025 Service Medal. Good luck and have fun!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

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Crowning a Champion in Shanghai

[img][/img] After an exciting Playoff Stage, FaZe Clan and Team Spirit are the last two standing and will meet in the Grand Finals of the Perfect World Shanghai Major. On one side of the Playoff bracket, FaZe Clan defeated Team Vitality 2-1 and G2 Esports 2-0 to reach the Grand Finals for the second consecutive Major. On the other side, Team Spirit overwhelmed Team Liquid 2-0, then outlasted MOUZ 2-1 on their way to the organization's first Major Grand Finals appearance. The Grand Finals begin on December 15th at 01:00 PST and the Showmatch takes place two hours prior. Don't miss a moment! And don't forget, team and player stickers are still available, with 50% of the proceeds going to the players, teams, and organizations participating in the Perfect World Shanghai Major. Best of luck to both teams!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

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The 2024 Perfect World Shanghai Major Playoffs

[img][/img] The Elimination Stage of the 2024 Perfect World Shanghai Major delivered memorable plays, breathtaking clutches, and some of the best 1vX moments in recent memory. And now the final eight teams will battle in front of sold-out crowds at the SPD Bank Oriental Sports Center to become Major Champions. The MongolZ and Team Vitality finished the Elimination Stage with perfect 3-0 records. G2 Esports, Team Spirit, and Team Liquid went 3-1, and HEROIC, FaZe Clan, and MOUZ advanced at 3-2. The first Playoff match begins Wednesday, December 11th at 22:00 PST between The MongolZ and MOUZ, and all Playoff picks for the Pick'Em Challenge must be made before the match begins! As the Major enters its final stage, team and player stickers are still available, with 50% of the proceeds going to the players, teams, and organizations participating in the Perfect World Shanghai Major. Good luck to the final eight teams!

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ SHANGHAI MAJOR ] [list] [*] Updated MIBR player sticker items autographed by Lucaozy with the autographs of brnz4n. [*] Fixed a UI bug that allowed dropping Pick'Em team logos outside of Major Pick'Em hub using both mouse buttons. [*] Pick'Em challenge picks can now be placed for the upcoming Elimination Stage of Shanghai Major. [/list] [ DAMAGE PREDICTION ] [list] [*] Predicted ragdolls without a confirmation or correction from the server within a short time window will now revert. [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Train [list] [*] Increased collision fidelity of several models [/list] [*] Overpass [list] [*] Replaced railing inside Heaven with a wall [*] Additional visibility improvements in Heaven [/list] [*] Edin [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] [*] Palais [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed 'boost player contrast' visibility rendering option sometimes revealing parts of players or weapons through thin surfaces. [*] Added r_allow_low_gpu_memory_mode setting to allow running CS2 Workshop Tools in low memory GPU conditions. [*] Fixed various bugs in Hammer. [/list]

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

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Shanghai 2024 Major

The Counter-Strike Major has come to Shanghai. Over the past month, teams from around the world challenged the best in their region for their spot in the Major. Now the dust has settled and 24 teams remain--perennial favorites, seasoned veterans, and more than a few newcomers. [img][/img] The Shanghai Major Hub is now open for business, complete with the Pick'Em Challenge, the Shanghai 2024 Viewer Pass, Souvenirs, Graffiti, and Team and Player stickers. 50% of the proceeds from tournament items are shared with players and organizations. [img][/img] The Pick'Em Challenge is free to play, but if you want to upgrade your Shanghai 2024 Coin (and earn extra Souvenir Packages), make sure to activate your Viewer Pass before the event begins. You can also compare your Pick'Em performance to other friends with active passes on the Active Pass Leaderboard. [img][/img] It's time to support your favorite teams. Place your picks, set your graffiti, mark your calendar and get ready, because the Shanghai Major is about to begin. May the best team win!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ SHANGHAI 2024 MAJOR ] [list] [*] The Shanghai Major Hub is now available. Visit the hub to purchase tournament items, play the Pick'Em Challenge and more. [*] Purchase a Shanghai 2024 Viewer Pass to receive an upgradable Shanghai 2024 Coin. With an active pass, you can upgrade your coin and earn extra souvenir packages by playing the Pick'Em Challenge. Additionally, you will show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard where you can compare your Pick'Em Challenge performance to your friends. [*] All players with Prime status can place Pick'Em picks for free! However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from an event stage, you will have to activate a Viewer Pass before that stage begins. [/list] [ MUSIC KITS ] [list] [*] A new music kit “Ay Hey” by Perfect World is now available for purchase in-game in standard and StatTrak versions. [/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] Added "sv_quantize_movement_input" setting, enabled by default, to keep players from using analog binds to move at fractional speeds that the game is not designed to handle. [*] In cases when servers toggle some game rules from competitive to deathmatch and back to competitive mid-match, the weapons will no longer disappear when dropped on the ground, but toggling game rules settings without reloading the map is not a generally supported workflow for community servers. [/list] [ ANNOTATIONS ] [list] [*] Added support for turning off text background [*] Added support for grenade types other than Smoke [*] Increased node limit from 100 to 300 [*] Fixed annotation_delete_previous_node not cleaning up particle effects [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Added ability to rent weapons from all previous CS:GO weapon cases. [*] Added policy settings to enforce client delta ticks order, namely sv_deltaticks_enforce and sv_deltaticks_log, which should help diagnosing configurations causing delta ticks out of order disconnects. [*] Fixed a case where an unlocalized #SLOT prefix could appear in chat. [*] Added a reference Counter-Strike Broadcast Playcast Webserver implementation: [/list] [ MAPS ] Basalt [list] [*] Updated to latest version from Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] Train [list] [*] Fixed various gaps in map [*] Collision fidelity upgrades [*] Blockers added for train in B to avoid unfair angles [*] Various visual fixes [/list]

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ GAMEPLAY ][list] [*] Fixed a case where a disconnected player could cause a poltergeist CT model to appear in the middle of the map [*] Player model of a disconnecting player should now immediately suicide when disconnect is detected instead of lingering for 10 additional seconds under certain conditions [*] Fixed a case where damage prediction was incorrect due to view angle changes mid-spray [*] Lag compensation now runs when shooting at teammates and mp_teammates_are_enemies is enabled even when mp_friendlyfire is disabled [/list] [ UI ][list] [*] Fixed layout inconsistencies for ranks display and player profiles [/list] [ MAPS ] Train[list] [*] Updated sounds on main menu background [*] Improved movement around ladders [*] Fixed various gaps in map [*] Fixed z-fighting in various spots [/list] Inferno[list] [*] Fixed various holes [*] Adjusted clipping in multiple spots [*] Fixed various texture bugs [/list] Nuke[list] [*] Fixed a spot that players could get stuck on [/list] Office[list] [*] Fixed a case where a T would spawn in the air [/list]

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAPS ] Train[list] [*] Removed unintended boost in B halls [*] Added grenade collision to out of bounds areas [*] Fixed gap in world by longdog exit [*] Added collision to B site broken ceiling [*] Fixed collision type on oilcar in B site [/list]

Friday, November 15, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ MAP GUIDES ][list] [*] Fixed a bug where missing text for a user's language wouldn't fall back to English [/list] [ MAPS ] Train[list] [*] Fixed various collision issues including a higher fidelity for the orange train on B site [*] Minor fixes on textures stretching [*] Fixed various gaps in map [*] Disabled player collision on radio [*] Updated radio sound [*] Added vphysics clip to platform gap in T spawn for clumsy players [*] Players can now get on top of cratestack outside of longdog [/list] Overpass[list] [*] Fixed lighting bug on Bombsite B [*] Fixed footstep sound bug on mud surfaces [/list] Basalt[list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list]

Thursday, November 14, 2024

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Train finally returns to Counter-Strike 2 in the latest big update

Train! It's back! A fan favourite map returns that was annoyingly missing from the release of Counter-Strike 2. But it's now back and looking better than ever in the latest update to Valve's FPS.

Read the full article here:

Thursday, November 14, 2024

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All Aboard!

We're happy to announce the return of the momentarily lost classic, Train. [video mp4= webm= poster= autoplay=true controls=false][/video] There's plenty of classic Counter-Strike in every inch of this map—but we also made sure to mix up the gameplay a bit to keep you Train veterans on your toes. We also gave it a full visual overhaul, which means your favorite bleak Eastern European train yard is now 60% cloudier. With a chance of rain? We guarantee it. So queue up and get ready to master the newest version of one of Counter-Strike's most iconic maps. Train is now available in casual and competitive game modes. [h3]Overpass Updates and New Community Maps[/h3] [img][/img] Overpass has received a number of updates based on community feedback, and we're adding four new community maps to the game. Basalt returns to Counter-Strike 2 alongside Edin in casual and competitive game modes, and Palais and Whistle have been added to Wingman.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ DAMAGE PREDICTION ][list] [*] Added damage prediction settings. Damage prediction allows clients to immediately play the audio/visual effects of inflicting damage without waiting for confirmation from the server. Damage prediction can make shooting feel significantly more responsive, but comes with the risk of occasionally being wrong (e.g. due to aim punch, tagging, or a death that your client isn't yet aware of). [*] Predicted body shot effects (disabled by default), head shot effects (disabled by default), and kill ragdolls (enabled by default) can each be toggled separately. [*] Damage prediction is not active when you have high ping. [/list] [ ANIMATION ][list] [*] Updated the third-person animation that plays when a player is blinded by a flashbang. The animation now accurately represents the player's visibility level, and the pose will only show the player's arm covering their eyes when they are completely blinded. [*] Fixed a case where legs weren't animating correctly while taking damage. [/list] [ GRAPHICS ][list] [*] Added ambient occlusion for first person legs to better ground them in the environment. [*] Performance optimizations for molotov and incendiary effects. [/list] [ GRENADES ][list] [*] Added axis labels to the grenade line-up reticle tick marks. [*] The grenade preview camera now shows the result of a jump throw while the jump button is held. [/list] [ MAP GUIDES ][list] [*] Added a map guide for Train, which demonstrates four simple Terrorist grenade line-ups. To load a map guide, go to Play→Practice and toggle "Load Map Guides" on. [*]Added concommands annotation_* which enable the creation, saving, and loading of map guide nodes and files, which are stored in /annotations/. [/list] [ MISC ][list] [*] New game settings for radar map blending and background opacity. [*] Fixed a case where progress from a previously completed Armory Pass would show during activation of a new pass. [*] Fixed a regression with Chinese input via the Microsoft Input Methods. [*] CSTV now allows setting tv_delay and tv_delay1 to a value smaller than 6 seconds. [*] Charm Template number is now available in Charm descriptions. [/list] [ MAPS ] Train[list] [*] Added Train to Competitive, Casual, and Deathmatch modes. [/list] Community Maps[list] [*] Added [url=]Basalt[/url] and [url=]Edin[/url] to Competitive, Casual, and Deathmatch modes. [*] Added [url=]Palais[/url] and [url=]Whistle[/url] to Wingman mode. [*] Removed Thera, Mills, Assembly, and Memento from all game modes. [/list] Ancient[list] [*] Fixed some lighting errors. [*] Fixed some collision gaps. [*] Fixed some bad wall bang spots. [*] Fixed a stuck spot. [/list] Italy[list] [*] Fixed some bad boost spots. [/list] Mirage[list] [*] Fixed a pixel peek. [/list] Overpass[list] [*] Visual updates to canals area and B-site. [*] Rework of heaven drop down mechanics. [*] Performance improvements, particularly in canals area and B-site. [*] Added a sign that blocks a bad line of sight from long boost to CT spawn. [*] Removed small fence at the edge of party/picnic that interfered with visibility to train station. [*] Removed some geometry under wrecked truck that looked like player legs. [*] Replaced some windows with opaque surfaces in train station to remove bad lines of sight. [*] Deleted a tree that interfered with a line of sight. [*] Moved one of the crate lids on A-site to block a bad line of sight. [*] Removed some lamps that could look like player heads at A-site. [*] Removed some trees and objects around park and train station that prevented players from backing into certain useful spaces. [*] Removed a chain link fence in alley that made players hard to see. [*] Adjustments to fog and decreased the distance at which character models get an increased visibility effect. [*] Made shelf in heaven look less like a player. [*] Adjusted props and lights in heaven to reduce noise and make players brighter. [*] Removed handcart behind barrels at B-site so players can back into the corner. [*] Adjusted collision around barrels for better player movement. [*] Added light behind barrels for better player visibility. [*] Fixed weird collision on barrel that made for inconsistent wall bangs. [*] Fixed bad graffiti rendering at B-site. [*] Removed concrete block behind the cement bags at B-site for less awkward player movement. [*] Set many smaller props to exclude player movement and grenade bounces. [*] Fixed some pixel peeks. [*] Small visual updates throughout the map. [/list] Shoots[list] [*] Performance improvements in some areas. [/list]

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ NETWORK ] [list] [*] Fixed a case mid-spray where lag compensation wasn't aware of the user's "Buffering to smooth over packet loss / jitter" setting. [*] Improved clock synchronization to better handle downstream jitter bursts. [/list] [ TELEMETRY HUD ] [list] [*] Changed the method for measuring network quality to measure how much network is negatively impacting gameplay. It now measures how often a tick is missed due to network loss or jitter. [*] Added detailed network quality display option, which can be used to display the raw packet loss and jitter numbers. [*] For more details see [url=]this article[/url]. [/list] [ ABOUT THE NETWORK QUALITY READOUT ] Prior to the Armory Update, the network quality readout in the telemetry HUD considered packets to be "bad" under two circumstances. 1.) If the packet was dropped. 2.) If the packet was delivered out-of-order and was not corrected at a relatively low layer in the network stack. This was not a useful metric for two reasons. First, it counted some misdelivery events as "bad" even though they did not negatively impact gameplay. This was especially a problem for packet reordering. Second, it was not counting as "bad" packets that arrived late due to network jitter and [i]did[/i] negatively impact gameplay. After debugging many instances of gameplay hitches with players, we determined that jitter was causing problems for many players, who believed (quite reasonably) that their network was working perfectly, since there was no packet loss. In an attempt to let these players know that jitter might be the cause of the hitches, we changed the measurement method in the Armory Update on October 2, 2024. Now, we counted a message as "bad" if it was lost, if packets arrived out of order in a way that could not be corrected, or if the packets experienced jitter above a threshold. For players on a network connection with significant jitter, suddenly the network quality indicator became significantly worse. Many players assumed that this meant that something had changed to introduce packet loss. Unfortunately, this method of measuring quality was also flawed. The Source 2 Engine automatically adds buffering to smooth over jitter. For many players, these automatic adjustments are enough, and the indicator was counting jittered packets as "bad" even when there was not negative impact on gameplay. Today's update changes the network quality readout to only measure network events that are negatively impacting gameplay. See the [url=]FAQ[/url] for more details.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

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Counter-Strike 2 Update

[ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] Various adjustments to bullet hit feedback. [*] Fixed a case mid-spray where lag compensation would rewind target hitboxes further into the past than what was on screen. [*] Jumping in place on a sloped surface will no longer result in players sliding a short distance. [*] Fixed a bug where C4 could be defused from any height. [/list] [ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Fixes for IK logic to improve third-person feet posing, especially on slopes. [*] Fixed a case where the feet and legs of players could pop out of position when exiting the bomb-plant animation. [*] Reduced animation-related network bandwidth usage. [/list] [ MATCHMAKING ] [list] [*] Added more detailed matchmaking stats for players who try to find a match at off-peak times of day. [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Activating an Armory Pass no longer grants the first Armory Credit immediately. All 40 Armory Credits can be earned by playing and earning XP. [/list] [ MAPS ] Office [list] [*] Fixed geometry in the problematic jumping corner. [/list] Ancient [list] [*] Reworked collision on the staircase to A-main for better player movement. [*] Removed a tree that was creating a distracting shadow at A site. [*] Adjusted collision to better match visible geometry so that players can hug the walls more closely. [*] Fixed a few lighting bugs. [*] Reduced shadows to increase perf in some areas. [*] Fixed some spots in house where you could get stuck. [*] Fixed collision gap at the bottom of B ramp. [*] Fixed some disappearing mesh. [/list] Nuke [list] [*] Fixed some lighting errors on lower graphics settings. [/list] Anubis [list] [*] Fixed a gap in geometry. [/list]

Thursday, November 7, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/30/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Increased jump tolerance for sliding along a surface to fix certain jumps like in the corner outside in cs_office. [*] Fixed a crash in page file usage when Vulkan initialization fails and the game falls back to DX11. [/list]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/29/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] First-person inspect animation in Inventory and Loadout will now match in-game viewmodel settings and FOV. [*] Fixed a regression with smoke rendering from old demo files. [*] Fixed damage report to show correctly in Casual and Deathmatch game modes. [*] Added sv_jump_precision_enable so servers running certain custom game modes (e.g. surf) can opt out of jump precision improvements. [*] Fixed "I have to go, my planet needs me." [/list]

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/28/2024

[ JUMPING ] [list] [*] Improved jump height consistency to be within 0.015625 of a unit regardless of distance from the map origin at coordinate (0,0,0). [list] [*] Previously, in both CS:GO and CS2, jump height could vary by up to 0.03125 of a unit depending on the distance from the map origin. [/list] [*] Improved consistency of successfully landing on surfaces very close to the maximum height of a jump. [*] Jump height is still affected by stamina; when using cl_showpos 2, stamina at takeoff is reported and output is color coded based on possible jump height. [*] Fixed a bug with cl_showpos display sometimes showing incorrect jump height when jumping from sloped surfaces. [*] Fixed some cases where the client would be pulled back down during a jump because the server disagreed that the jump had taken place. [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Adjusted weapon pickup logic while near the C4, prioritizing defusing over accidental weapon pick-up. [*] Enemies will now consistently play a flinch animation on the closest hit when the bullet goes through two hitboxes of equal priority (e.g. when both right and left legs get hit). [*] HE grenade explosions within smoke now clear the accumulated smoke screen effect on players inside that smoke within range of the HE grenade explosion. [*] Stability improvements. [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Dust II [list] [*] Fixed a gap in geometry. [/list] [/list]

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/24/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where grenades were generating headshot sounds. [*] Fixed a bug where grenades were not bouncing off certain dynamic props. [*] Fixed a bug where Copenhagen 2024 winners were not showing up in the Majors tab in the Watch menu. [/list]

Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/23/2024

[ MAPS ] Vertigo [list] [*] Fixed a bad collision interaction between grenades and a prop. [*] Fixed a wall bang exploit. [/list] Mills [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]). [*] Added localization strings for location callouts. [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed mouselook inconsistencies when game render dimensions are different from game window dimensions. [*] Fixed erroneous target aim punch animation during client-side shooting. [*] Fixed erroneous Zeus shock effect during client-side shooting. [*] Fixed a bug where Zeus headshots wouldn't emit the death yelp. [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*] Prior Major results are now available in the Majors tab in the Watch menu. [/list]

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/15/2024

[ GRAPHICS ][list] [*] Fixed mixed resolution rendering from erroneously resetting during map changes. [*] Fixed a known crash when compiling lighting in Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools. [*] Fixed detail normal UV scaling. [*] Fixed several biplanar mapping bugs, added support for nonuniform scale in biplanar mapping mode. [*] Added an option to apply albedo color correction to transmissive foliage textures, and adjusted the foliage shader for more accurate color correction. [*] Added a startup warning when the game is launched under low available system memory conditions or with a limited pagefile size. These conditions may cause the game to be unstable or crash. [*] Various stability improvements. [/list] [ UI ][list] [*] Fixed UI checkboxes behaving inconsistently when depositing or extracting a large number of items into and from Storage Units. [*] Fixed a regression with loading animated Steam avatars, the cows are mooooving again. [/list]

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/9/2024

[ MISC ][list] [*] Performance optimizations in hierarchies of unchanged entities. [*] Various stability improvements. [/list] [ MAPS ][list] [*] Mirage [list] [*] Fixed disappearing geometry in apartments. [/list] [/list]

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/8/2024

[ GRAPHICS ][list] [*] Fixed certain particle effects, like tracers, to fall back to mixed resolution for better performance when using low graphics settings with MSAA disabled. [*] Improved lighting artifacts in various interior places when compiling maps. [/list] [ MISC ][list] [*] Teammate colors will now be assigned on official servers as soon as all players press ACCEPT. This will ensure that colors are correct during Pick/Ban phase, and during Warmup. [*] Improvements in Charms reactivity physics system to better align with weapon animations. [/list]

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/4/2024

[ MISC ][list] [*] Adjusted the score calculation in Casual, Competitive, and Wingman to exclude knife and utility damage [*] Fixed 3rd person weapon angles to fully incorporate recoil [*] Fixed missing cascade shadows on some community maps [*] Fixed the Armory weapon preview having extra models [*] Network jitter graphs now have a number in the upper right hand corner that gives the scale of the graph [*] Fixed some cases where shell casings could render as an error model [*] Various stability fixes[/list]

Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/3/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Adjusted first-person sniper scope effect [*] Fixed some dark spots in Inferno [*] Fixed a bug where breakable objects weren't behaving as expected [/list]

Friday, October 4, 2024

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The Armory

Today's update introduces the Armory, all new Weapon Charms, and a whole lot more. Click the image below for more details! [url=][img][/img][/url]

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Release Notes for 10/2/2024

[ THE ARMORY ] [list] [*] The Armory is now available in the store ([url=][/url]) [*] Features 3 new weapon collections, 2 charm collections, 2 sticker collections, the Gallery Case, and the Heat Treated Desert Eagle [*] Purchase and activate an Armory Pass to start earning Armory Credits [*] Make progress toward credits whenever you earn XP with an active Armory Pass [*] Redeem credits for items in the Armory [/list] [ CHARMS ] [list] [*] Introducing Charms: dynamic items you can apply to your favorite weapons. Currently available exclusively in the Armory [*] Drag and drop Charms to precisely place them on the weapon of your choice. A weapon can have one charm attached at a time [*] Use a Charm Detachment to detach the Charm from a weapon. The Charm will return to your inventory and can be reused [*] Redeeming a Charm from the Armory grants three complimentary Charm Detachments. Additional Charm Detachments are available for purchase [/list] [ INVENTORY & ITEMS ] [list] [*] All items acquired from the in-game store (including the Armory), Trade Offers, and Steam Community Market are now subject to a 7 day re-trade and re-market restriction [*] All stickers, patches, and charms available on Steam Community Market, in the Armory, or on friends' Steam Inventory web pages can now be previewed on your own inventory items [*] Removed ability to delete weapon cases from your inventory [*] Added sticker scrape level selector when applying new stickers to weapons [*] Added precise sticker wear level selector when scraping existing stickers on inventory weapons. Any applied stickers can only increase their sticker scrape level [*] Added a way to immediately remove existing stickers from inventory weapons in addition to sticker scraping [*] Added nametag module preview on the actual items when applying nametags [*] Fixed several cases where applying nametags or stickers would unequip the weapon from your loadout [*] Customizing a base weapon that's currently equipped will now auto-equip the newly customized version [/list] [ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Improved character posing when on large slopes [*] Made feet pin and unpin differently for all use cases to help remove aggressively leaned characters (AKA the MJ lean) [*] Pin/unpin IK logic now not affected by poor server ping times [*] Feet IK now repositions to idle pose if the feet have pinned at a largely different pose to that authored [*] Re-authored run, walk, and crouch content to fix wide/scissor leg posing when traversing [*] Changed ladder animations and behavior so characters heads are much more representative of where the player camera is, including characters now display crouch correctly when on ladders [*] Removed popping when crouching or uncrouching while jumped and reduced leaning on jump animations [*] Fixed character's pose popping when falling off a ledge [*] Fix for many cases where character's posing would subtly pop when traversing with slow moving weapons [/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] Flashbangs and HE grenades no longer prematurely detonate when they exceed their 'stuck bounce' limit [/list] [ GRAPHICS ] [list] [*] Added a Display selection dropdown for non-windowed Fullscreen mode to the Video settings screen [*] Fixed graphics artifacts for fire effect in the Advanced Video tab [/list] [ AUDIO ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where UI sounds wouldn't position correctly when in-game [*] Fixed an issue where step sounds would play for the local player but fail to broadcast to other players and vice-versa [*] Fixed an issue where ragdoll water splash sounds would erroneously play on alive players [*] Fixed a case where voice chat didn't work on community servers [*] Fixed a case where incoming voice chats would sometimes never close [/list] [ NETWORKING ] [list] [*] Added telemetry option to display graphs of network jitter and misdelivery [*] Changed how packet misdelivery is measured. Previously, if packets arrived out of order, this could be counted as misdelivery even if it was corrected and did not impact gameplay. Also, jitter was not considered, even though excessive jitter can disrupt smooth gameplay. The new measurement method will only count reordered packets as misdelivered if they impact gameplay. Furthermore, if network jitter exceeds a threshold where gameplay is affected, the packets are counted as misdelivered even if they are not dropped and arrive in order [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Ancient [list] [*] Fixed some disappearing geometry [*] Fixed some cases where players could detect player movement through water from across the map [*] Fixed some pixel peeks [*] Fixed a case where player shadows could be seen through geometry [*] Adjusted some clipping for better player movement [/list] [*] Anubis [list] [*] Fixed some missing collision [*] Nudged some geometry and clipping that were blocking grenade throws [*] Improved clipping on some floors for more predictable grenade throws [*] Fixed a pixel peek [*] Adjusted clipping in a few areas for better player movement [/list] [*] Dust2 [list] [*] Fixed some clipping at B site [/list] [*] Italy [list] [*] Added to competitive matchmaking [*] Fixed bird animations [/list] [*] Mirage [list] [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [/list] [*] Nuke [list] [*] Fixed a pixel walk [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [*] Fixed some gaps in geometry where items could get lost [*] Fixed some disappearing geometry [/list] [*] Overpass [list] [*] Adjusted some grenade clipping to prevent bad grenade bounces [/list][/list] [ WORKSHOP ] [list] [*] Added optional 3rd layer to environment blend shader [*] Added biplanar mapping as an option for environment shaders [*] Added optional wetness layer, paintable in Hammer on environment materials with the feature enabled [*] Added color correction, roughness, and normal adjustments to foliage shader and static overlays [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Removed support for command line options that were intended for development purposes only [/list]

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

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Release Notes for 9/10/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Practice matches and matches started with the "map" command will now run in engine loopback mode to match the CS:GO offline default. Engine loopback bypasses most networking code for the host, resulting in one less tick of latency for the local player. Engine loopback can be disabled by appending "loopback=0" to the map command-line (e.g. "map de_dust2 loopback=0"). [/list]

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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Release Notes for 9/9/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Added counter-strafe input automation detection options for non-Valve servers. See the sv_auto_cstrafe family of convar descriptions for details. [*] Enabled measurement of network jitter on direct UDP connections to community servers. Previously, jitter measurement was only available for connections relayed over SDR. Jitter data is included in the net_connections_status command output. [/list]

Monday, September 9, 2024

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Release Notes for 9/3/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a case where some commands, including jump, might be ignored under poor network conditions. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause inconsistent jump heights. [*] Fixed a case where client player collision would remain disabled after ragdoll interaction occurred in the previous round. Thanks for the repro steps, @poggu__. [*] Fixed a case for Linux users where the game would hang when opening the pause menu. [/list]

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

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Release Notes for 8/21/2024

[ MAPS ] Office [list] [*] Fixed a case where a player could get stuck between a prop and the ceiling [/list] Nuke [list] [*] Fixed a pixel walk [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [/list] Mirage [list] [*] Adjusted collision on van for smoother movement [*] Fixed wall penetration issues around some arches [*] Fixed a view jittering issue when jumping on a crate near palace [*] Fixed some collision that allowed smoke grenades to go inside a wall [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [*] Adjusted collision on some props [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [/list] Inferno [list] [*] Fixed some C4 stuck spots [*] Removed a boost spot in pit by A site [/list] Italy [list] [*] Perf improvements [*] Clipping adjustments [/list] Vertigo [list] [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [/list] Ancient [list] [*] Fixed a bad clip edge that players were getting stuck on at T spawn [*] Fixed a pixel peak [/list] Anubis [list] [*] Adjustments to grenade clipping [*] Fixed a C4 stuck spot [*] Fixed some prop collision that could hide C4 [*] Fixed some lighting issues [/list] Overpass [list] [*] Fixed some minor visual bugs near canal [*] Some clipping adjustments near park for smoother movement [*] Added some missing handrail collision [/list]

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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Release Notes for 8/20/2024

[ MUSIC KITS ] [list] [*] The MASTERMINDS 2 Music Kit Box is now available for purchase in standard and StatTrak versions [/list] [ AUDIO ] [list] [*] Fixed a case where audio output was garbled due to running on efficiency CPU cores [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*] Minor style adjustments [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Reduced the amount of performance stutter at end-of-round time [/list]

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

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Release Notes for 8/19/2024

[ INPUT ] [list] [*] Certain types of movement/shooting input automation such as hardware-assisted counter strafing will now be detected on Valve official servers, resulting in a kick from the match [*] Input binds that include more than one of the following commands will now be ignored by default. Support can be re-enabled using the cheat-protected convar `cl_allow_multi_input_binds 1` [list] [*] sprint, reload, attack, attack2, turnleft, turnright, turnup, turndown, forward, back, left, right, moveup, movedown, klook, use, jump, duck, strafe, zoom, yaw, pitch, forwardback, rightleft [/list] [*] The jump-throw confirmation grunt sound can now be heard by other players nearby [/list] [ VacNet ] [list] [*] Initial testing of VacNet 3.0 has begun on a limited set of matches. If you believe your match was incorrectly cancelled, email us the match details at [/list]

Monday, August 19, 2024

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Side-stepping Skill

Counter-Strike is constantly evolving. From art, to maps, to inventive plays, and even player input, the CS community shapes the game. Scripting and automating player commands has always been contentious, but over the years some forms of scripting (e.g., jump-throws) have gained acceptance, as they enable plays that wouldn't otherwise be possible. In fact, jump-throws became such an important part of the game that we've done the work to make them reliable without any special scripting or binds (i.e., by jumping and quickly throwing a grenade). Developing one's coordination and reaction time has always been key to mastering Counter-Strike. Recently, some hardware features have blurred the line between manual input and automation, so we've decided to draw a clear line on what is or isn't acceptable in Counter-Strike. We are no longer going to allow automation (via scripting or hardware) that circumvent these core skills and, moving forward, (and initially--exclusively on Valve Official Servers) players suspected of automating multiple player actions from a single game input may be kicked from their match. To prevent accidental infractions, in-game binds that include more than one movement and/or attack actions will no longer work (e.g., null-binds and jump-throw binds). If you have a keyboard that includes an input-automation feature (e.g., "Snap Tap Mode"), be sure to disable the feature before you join a match in order to avoid any interruption to your matches.

Monday, August 19, 2024

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Release Notes for 8/14/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Mills[/i] [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] [i]Pool Day[/i] [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Slightly delayed tagging effects to reduce instances of players experiencing teleportation when taking damage. Delaying tagging results in a smoother experience, however players will have slightly more time to move at full speed when receiving damage. The delay can be adjusted on servers using convar sv_predictable_damage_tag_ticks (default 2) [*] Fixed a case where players could start the bomb plant animation outside of bomb sites [*] Fixed a case where the revolver barrel would rotate erroneously [*] Reduced initial loading times for the Settings and Play menus [/list]

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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Release Notes for 8/8/2024

[ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] In Casual game mode players will earn an additional XP score point for every round in which they dealt damage to enemies. [*] Added a server setting "sv_vote_to_changelevel_rndmin" to control rounds/time during which voting for a level change is allowed. [*] Official game servers in Casual game mode now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first round of the match. [*] Official game servers in Deathmatch and Arms Race game modes now allow voting for a level change only at the end of the match or during the first minute of the match. [*] Restricted upward movement of a player when a teammate is boosted on their head. [*] Dead players are no longer allowed to pick up ground weapons. [*] Buy menu will automatically close if the switch team menu opens. [*] Rescuing a hostage now increments objectives counter in match stats. [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*] Improved legibility of damage given and taken in post-round damage report. [*] Made spec target highlighting more pronounced. [*] Player names are now visible on mini scoreboard whenever the mini scoreboard is expanded. [/list] [ MAPS ] [i]Mills[/i] [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list] [i]Assembly[/i] [list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]) [/list]

Thursday, August 8, 2024

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Release Notes for 7/22/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Dust II[/i] [list] [*]Modified crate stack outside CT spawn towards bombsite A. [/list] [i]Nuke[/i] [list] [*]Clipping adjustments. [/list] [i]Assembly[/i] [list] [*]Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]). [/list] [i]Memento[/i] [list] [*]Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url]). [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Added official game servers in London. [*]Reduced fire effects penetration through thin walls. [*]Added 2024 Copenhagen Major trophies to player profiles. [*]Whitelisted cs_minimap_create_output_size setting for Counter-Strike 2 Workshop Tools. [/list]

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Open Season

[url=]Last year[/url] we announced the broad strokes of new rules for professional Counter-Strike events, to take effect in 2025. Today, we're filling in the details--click [url=]here[/url] to see the terms that will be added to Tournament Organizers' license agreements moving forward. Counter-Strike is at its best when teams compete on a level playing field, and these new rules are part of our commitment to the long-term health of Counter-Strike as a sport. Our goal is to ensure that professional Counter-Strike remains an open sport, where teams are only limited by their ability. Although we expect that there will be some rough edges as we transition to the new requirements, we're excited to see what the future will bring.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Release Notes for 7/11/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Ancient[/i] [list] [*]Fixed clipping on crates at bombsite A to allow players to jump on top again. [/list] [i]Vertigo[/i] [list] [*]Fixed clipping on ends of bombsite A catwalk to prevent players from walking off. [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Fixed occasional first-person camera jolt when throwing grenades. [/list]

Friday, July 12, 2024

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Release Notes for 7/2/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Pool Day[/i] [list] [*]Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop [url=]found here[/url] [/list] [i]Dust 2[/i] [list] [*]Fixed hole in brick stack on bombsite B [*]Fixed bug preventing custom sounds from being played in community maps [/list]

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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Release Notes for 06/27/2024

[ NETWORK ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug leading to excessive stuttering for some players [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*] Fixed case of radar background being incorrectly colored. [/list]

Thursday, June 27, 2024

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Release Notes for 06/26/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Pool Day[/i][list] [*] Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop ([url=]Update Notes[/url])[/list] [ MISC ][list] [*] Added support to load the latest version of community maps from the Workshop when playing on community servers, even if different versions of the same maps are also available as part of official map groups [*] Fixed G-Sync detection to also work in non-windowed fullscreen mode [*] Fixed a case where US English keyboard layout could remain loaded for users with non-English keyboards [*] Fixed an empty radio-command string which plays when planted C4 is within several seconds from detonation[/list]

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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Steam Game Recording Beta Now Available

Sharing your favorite CS2 moments just got a whole lot easier. Introducing Game Recording, a new built-in Steam feature that lets you clip your clutch kills and ridiculous spray transfers with the click of a few buttons. Game Recording saves your gameplay by recording in the background (or by pressing a hotkey), so you can play it back any time you want--even while you're still playing. CS2 recordings will feature a timeline auto-filled with game-defined markers (like kills and deaths), but you can add your own markers at any time. Want to join the Game Recording beta? Click the link below for more details! [url=][/url]

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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The Real MVP

Since the launch of CS2, community map mappers have been hard at work creating new experiences and updating some classics. Today, we're excited to add the first community maps to CS2! [img][/img] For those of you who dream of Italian weddings, or airplane manufacture (or both!), we've got you covered. Memento and Assembly are now available in Wingman. [img][/img] And if you're in the mood for something a bit more... chaotic, take a dip in the classic Pool Day, which is now available in Arms Race. [img][/img] Finally, fight your way through the streets of Thera and Mills in Deathmatch and Casual, and put these maps through their paces in Competitive Matchmaking. Speaking of Competitive Matchmaking, we've given map-based skill groups an overhaul. In addition to redistributing players across the Skill Groups, we've also made it easier to earn those badges in the first place. [img][/img] There are a bunch of other fixes and adjustments in today's update, including a brand new MVP panel (and animated MVPs in Premier!) and new ways to optimize your video settings. Jump into a match and check it out!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/25/2024

[ MAPS ] [i]Community Maps[/i] [list][*] Added community maps [url=]Thera[/url] and [url=]Mills[/url] to Competitive, Casual, and Deathmatch map groups [*] Added community maps [url=]Memento[/url] and [url=]Assembly[/url] to the Wingman map pool [*] Added community map [url=]Pool Day[/url] to the Arms Race map pool[/list][i]Nuke[/i] [list][*] Fixed c4 stuck spots [/list][i]Ancient[/i] [list][*] Fixed c4 stuck spots, holes in the world, and non-solids causing problems [/list] [i]Vertigo[/i] [list][*] Fixed c4 stuck spots and clipping [/list][i]Anubis[/i] [list][*] Fixes for grenade collision and clipping[/list] [ UI ][list] [*] Updated the MVP panel in all game modes [*] Added all-new animated MVP panels to Premier matches [*] Added several new MVP conditions and adjusted prior MVP rules[/list] [ GAMEPLAY ][list] [*] In Competitive Matchmaking, per-map skill groups are now revealed after you earn two wins on a map.[/list] [ VIDEO SETTINGS ] [list][*]Settings Recommendations[list] [*] Added a Settings Recommendation popup if your display's refresh rate is set below its maximum at startup. Using your display's highest refresh rate is generally recommended. [*] Added a Settings Recommendation popup if NVIDIA G-Sync support is detected but not enabled at startup. Using G-Sync is generally recommended if your system supports it. [*] Added a Settings Recommendation popup if NVIDIA G-Sync is enabled but not V-Sync and/or NVIDIA Reflex. It is generally recommended to enable all three settings together when they are available. Note that applying these settings will limit your frame rate to your display's refresh rate or slightly lower, which is usually the smoothest-looking and lowest input latency settings combination. See [url=][/url] for technical details.[/list][*] Removed "Main Menu Background Scenery" and "Item Inspect Background Scenery" settings from the Video Settings page. These settings are still available on the Main Menu and in the Item Inspect screens respectively. [*] The "Refresh Rate" setting now shows your display's current refresh rate in Windowed and Fullscreen Windowed modes. [*] Removed the "Laptop Power Savings" setting which has never actually been configurable in CS2. [*] Added a "Frame Pacing" section to the Advanced Video settings page. [*] Added an "NVIDIA G-Sync" row to the Frame Pacing section which tells you whether or not G-Sync is active with your current display settings. This row may be hidden if you're using the Vulkan renderer or if you're not using an NVIDIA graphics card. [*] Added "Maximum FPS In Game" and "Maximum FPS In Menus" sliders to the Frame Pacing section. These control the fps_max and fps_max_ui convars respectively. [*] Increased the default "Maximum FPS In Menus" setting from 120 FPS to 200 FPS. [*] The Advanced Video visual preview now uses the "In Game" maximum FPS instead of the "In Menus" maximum. [/list]

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/20/2024

[list] [*] Fixed a case where the game would think a key was still pressed after it had been released [*] More improvements to networking to account for packet loss and jitter [/list]

Friday, June 21, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/13/2024

[list] [*] Added a "pips only" option to the "Show Team ID Through Walls" settings ([i]cl_teamid_overhead_mode[/i]) [*] Improved bomb interaction with water in Overpass [*] Fixed a gap in Nuke on bombsite B [*] Fixed lighting bugs in Main Menu Scenery maps Warehouse and Nuke [*] Fixed a case where bots would teleport long distances when approaching ladders [*] Various localization updates [/list]

Friday, June 14, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/11/2024

[ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Fixed a case where weapon animations would play incorrectly when inspecting while reloading. [/list] [ AUDIO ] [list] [*] In game voice chat - Eliminated most hitching caused by in-game voice chat. Some users may still experience a hitch the first time they push-to-talk. [*] Streamlined Push to Talk - When enabled, this setting will avoid the hitch incurred the first time a player uses push to talk. [/list] [ NETWORK ] [list] [*] Improve connection quality in the presence of jitter or loss, by automatically adjusting user command pacing so that commands arrive at the server earlier. [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*] Improved legibility of teammate health at lower resolutions [/list]

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/10/2024

[ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] Fixed one-way visibility for players inside HE grenade explosions [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*] When equipment info is shown for players at the top of the HUD (e.g. when spectating), their health bars expand to show numeric health values [*] Reduced some hitches caused by HUD elements appearing [/list] [ GRAPHICS ] [list] [*] Added a separate "Dynamic Shadows" Advanced Video setting with the options: "Sun Only" or "All" [/list] [ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Added left hand to Bowie Knife view model [/list]

Monday, June 10, 2024

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Release Notes for 6/4/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a case where scores weren't incrementing correctly in Deathmatch and Arms Race [*] Fixed a case where players were able to clip their first-person camera through ceilings [*] Fixed a case where the C4 could get stuck outside the playable area [*] Various stability improvements [/list]

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/29/2024

[ INPUT ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the console toggle key would stop working after a Premier pick/ban phase [*] The game now continues accepting keyboard input while a scoreboard player card is open [*] Joystick input is now ignored by default. Joystick input is not an officially supported feature of CS2, but you can restore the old behavior with the -joy launch option [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*] Fixed player and bot names on the Team Select screen during bot takeover [/list] [ WEAPON FINISHES ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where certain graphics configurations resulted in black weapon finishes [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the game client would never reconnect to Counter-Strike Network if launched while there was no connection to Steam Network [*] Steam accounts that have an active account lock are no longer allowed to play on secure Counter-Strike game servers [*] Fixed a bug where viewmodels would bob excessively on Linux [/list]

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/24/2024

[ WEAPON FINISHES ] [list] [*] Fixed the appearance of Doppler, Gamma Doppler, and Marble Fade finishes [/list] [ DEMOS ] [list] [*] Minor UI changes [/list] [ MAPS ] [i]Vertigo:[/i] [list] [*] Clipped the wings of runboosters to B site in Wingman [*] Blocked grenades through crane base at A site [/list]

Friday, May 24, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/23/2024

[ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*]Height of the 'pillar' of flame for both Molotov and Incendiary grenade now decreases over time [*]Reduced the terrorist team award when bomb was planted but defused from $800 to $600, to decrease the impact of the first-round on subsequent rounds [*]Reduced the price of the M4A4 from $3100 to $3000 [*]Minor adjustments to first-person camera movement [*]Added explicit "switchhandsleft" and "switchhandsright" console commands [*]Deathmatch bonus weapons are now the same for all players regardless of loadout [/list] [i]Incendiary Grenade[/i][list] [*]Adjusted the explosion and flame visual treatment [*]Reduced duration [*]Reduced area covered by spreading flames [*]Reduced price from $600 to $500 [/list] [ RENTALS ] [list] [*]When players open a Kilowatt case with a key, they will have the option to rent the entire Kilowatt collection (i.e., every weapon in the case, excluding the rare special item) for a week instead of receiving an item from the collection [*]Equipped rented weapons will be replaced with the stock version of the weapon when the rental period expires [*]Rented weapons cannot be modified (e.g., via stickers or name tags), traded, or sold on the Steam Community Market [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where the MVP player name displayed incorrectly during bot takeover [*]Fixed a bug where the Refund All button in the Buy Menu would only refund a single flashbang grenade [*]Fixed a bug where the ESC menu scoreboard during end-of-match didn't match the TAB scoreboard [*]Fixed a bug where the Loss Bonus scoreboard tooltip would get stuck on-screen after closing the scoreboard [*]Blocking stranger Steam avatars will now block other user-generated content such name tags and sticker placements [/list] [ CHICKENS ] [list] [*]Chickens have a few new animations [*]Chickens can now walk up hills [*]Chickens can now turn right while walking [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*]Various performance improvements to the Warehouse main menu and item inspect background scenery [/list] [ DEMOS ] [list] [*]The demo playback timeline now show indicators for kill and death events [*]Demo playback can be toggled into "highlight mode" which will show only kills and deaths for the active player [*]Various minor demo playback UI changes [*]Fixed a demo playback crash [/list] [ MAPS ] [i]Vertigo:[/i][list] [*]Added catwalk by bombsite A, connecting to back of A [*]Removed connector between back of A and elevators [*]Opened up passage between elevators and scaffolding [*]Slightly tweaked size of bombsite A [*]Tweaked spawn timings slightly [*]Changed Wingman layout to feature bombsite A changes [/list] [i]Baggage:[/i][list] [*]Fixed movement hitch on lower conveyor [*]Lowered height of central conveyor tray to help open sniper view [/list] [i]Office:[/i][list] [*]Fixed a case where a player could shoot through multiple walls [/list] [i]Mirage:[/i][list] [*]Fixed bad collision on certain props [*]Fixed some sticky collision around windows in palace [/list]

Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Fire Sale

Today's update includes some love for the CT economy, with price cuts to the M4A4 and Incendiary grenade, and a bit less cash going to the T's when the bomb gets defused. [video webm= mp4= poster= autoplay=true controls=false][/video] In addition to the price cut, the incendiary grenade has gotten a bit of a makeover with a new visual treatment for its explosion and flames, and reduced spread and duration. And in other gameplay news, Vertigo's A-site has gotten some significant changes--it's now the site featured in Wingman matches, so check it out. [img][/img] Calling all Kilowatt Collection fans! Now, when you open a Kilowatt case with a key, you'll be given the option to rent the whole collection for a week (excluding the rare special item) instead of keeping a single item. You can play with the weapons as much as you like during that week, but they can't be modified by stickers or nametags. Lots of other changes in today's update, including some quality of life improvements for demo playback, slightly smarter chickens, and a bit of spring cleaning--good news for fans of 'various bug fixes.' Jump into a match and see what's new!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/9/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Reduced the opacity of teammate names near the crosshair. [*] Made the death experience during bot takeover match the normal death experience. [*] Fixed several bugs with looping through bot takeover spectator targets. [*] Fixed several bugs with scoreboard buttons not working as designed. [*] Fixed a bug where the in-air kill feed icon didn't work with certain weapons (thanks aquaismissing). [*] Fixed a bug where the HUD would be offset after watching a demo (thanks again aquaismissing). [/list]

Thursday, May 9, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/7/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a visual bug where sniper rifle viewmodels could be visible at the edge of the scope screen overlay. [*] Fixed a bug that prevented HE grenade explosions from breaking the vents in de_nuke. [*] Fixed an issue where viewmodels would sometimes emit double shell eject effects. [*] Minor performance improvements [/list]

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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Release Notes for 5/1/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the game would stop taking keyboard input during the end-of-match map vote. [*] Fixed a bug where UI characters always had default gloves equipped. [*] Demo playback will pause at the end of a recording instead of returning to the main menu. [*] Minor demo playback optimizations. [/list] [ WORKSHOP ] [list] [*] Added arms race game mode for workshop map submissions [/list]

Thursday, May 2, 2024

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Release Notes for 4/30/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Grenade kills no longer display the "in-air" killfeed icon. [*] Fixed several cases where clicking on the buy menu or scoreboard would cause the game to stop taking keyboard input. [*] Fixed too many usercommands being processed when skipping forward in demos. This reduces the skip time by as much as 80%. [*] Added console output that may be helpful for advanced users to diagnose performance problems. When a very long frame occurs, a brief profile of the frame is printed. At the end of a match, a summary is printed. [/list]

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

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Release Notes for 4/26/2024

[ MISC ][list] [*] Fixed a bug where grenade throw animations would get stuck when switching hands. [*] Fixed a bug where the same grenade type couldn't be thrown multiple times without switching to another weapon first. [*] Fixed a bug that allowed picking up grenades beyond the normal maximum. [*] Fixed a bug where smoke grenades would sometimes appear lit as if a flashbang detonated inside them.[/list] [ MAPS ][list] [*] Fixed a spot in Dust 2 above mid doors where grenades would fall through the world. [*] Fixed a spot in Inferno where weapons could fall through the world. [/list]

Friday, April 26, 2024

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Lefties unite! Counter-Strike 2 now lets you swap hands

All you Lefties out there can finally get properly represented, in Counter-Strike 2 that is, as there's now the ability to swap your weapons into the other hand.

Read the full article here:

Friday, April 26, 2024

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On The Other Hand...

Today's update includes a bunch of quality-of-life improvements that touch upon every part of the game, from maps to UI to gameplay. A few highlights are below, but check out the [url=]release notes[/url] to see what's new! [video webm= mp4= poster= autoplay=true controls=false][/video] Lefties rejoice! Players can now redeploy their weapons, swapping between the left and right hand. You can set your preferred handedness in the settings menu and then switch hands temporarily mid-round with a key press (H on US Keyboards by default). [img][/img] The buy menu has a few new tricks. To help you decide whether to buy or save, the top right of the buy menu now features the minimum amount of money you're guaranteed to have next round (thanks Kadomos). And at the bottom you'll find the new 'Dropped Weapons' panel, where you can see (and directly pick up) any weapons that you or teammates have dropped in the buy zone. [video webm= mp4= poster= autoplay=true controls=false][/video] There are several more HUD/UI changes in today's update. For those of you who have memorized a library of grenade line-ups, a line-up reticle will appear shortly after you pull the pin (you can even customize the delay for each grenade type). And if you've had trouble navigating through smoke, set a Radar Map Alternate Zoom and add a Toggle Radar Zoom key binding, which will let you switch between zoom levels during a round. [img][/img] We've updated the Active Duty map pool (for both Premier and competitions), removing Overpass and bringing back Dust II. And there are changes to many other maps, including significant changes to Inferno. Jump right into a match and see what's new, or practice with your friends--practice matches and workshop maps can now be launched with members of your party.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Release Notes for 4/25/2024

[ VIEWMODEL ] [list] [*] Adjusted viewmodel bob movement [*] Added "Preferred Viewmodel Left/Right Handedness" setting [*] Added "Switch Viewmodel Left/Right Hand" key binding (default: US keyboard letter H) to switch hands temporarily during gameplay [*] Viewmodel position setting and left/right hand state are now networked and visible to first-person spectators. [*] Deprecated "Couch" viewmodel position setting [/list] [ HUD ] [list] [*] Added "Radar Map Alternate Zoom" setting and "Toggle Radar Zoom" key binding to toggle between zoom levels during gameplay [*] Added a radar icon for the local player when free cam spectating [*] Added a grenade line-up reticle that appears shortly after pulling the pin. The timing can be configured for each grenade type independently [*] Changed weapon Swap text (when pointing at a dropped weapon) to always show the gameplay name of the weapon instead of any customized name it might have. [*] Added a kill feed icon for "in-air" kills [*] Added the scoreboard to the ESC menu [*] Added an icon to indicate bots on the scoreboard [/list] [ BUY MENU ] [list] [*] Added a "Dropped Weapons" panel, which shows (and allows the direct pickup of) weapons that have been dropped by teammates that are standing in the buy zone [*] Added the minimum amount of money that a player is guaranteed to have in the next round to the buy menu title bar. (thanks, Kadomos) [/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] Increased Zeus movement speed and adjusted the attack cone [*] Increased Zeus kill reward from $0 to $100 ($50 in Casual) [*] Increased CZ75-Auto kill reward from $100 to $300 ($150 in Casual) [*] Reduced XM1014 kill reward from $900 to $600 ($300 in Casual) [/list] [ INVENTORY ] [list] [*] Lighting adjustments in Inspect background maps [*] Added Wear Category to the info tooltip in the Inspect screen [*] Added gameplay name in panels that used to only show customized name. E.g., Inspect screen, inventory tile [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Replaced Overpass with Dust 2 in the Active Duty Group, current competition map pool, and Premier matchmaking [*] Baggage [list] [*]Opened roll-up doors at spawns [*] Updated models for some conveyors [*] Solidified stairs [*] Various bug fixes [/list] [*] Inferno: [list] [*] Removed overhanging building at top mid [*] Removed overhangs at bottom of banana [*] Various map tweaks to improve player collision and readability [/list] [*] Overpass, Nuke, Vertigo, Mirage and Office [list] [*] Bug and exploit fixes [*] Collision and line of sight adjustments [*] Minor performance improvements [/list] [/list] [ WEAPON FINISHES ] [list] [*] AK-47 | Inheritance: Texture and mask adjustments [*] USP-S | Jawbreaker: Corrected ambient occlusion texture [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Decoupled demo playback camera movement from playback speed. This allows moving the camera even if playback is paused [*] Added ability to launch practice matches and workshop maps with party members [*] Added Overwatch system to enable match demo review by trusted partners [*] Copenhagen 2024 Major sticker capsules are on sale now -75% off [*] Added ability to adjust brightness in windowed modes [/list]

Thursday, April 25, 2024

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Release Notes for 4/16/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where bomb can sometimes disappear from the radar [*] Allow scraping or removing stickers by selecting the sticker icons under the weapon [*] Allow deleting empty storage units that have an assigned label [*] Fixed Workshop tools from crashing when compiling maps that contain instances [/list]

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Release Notes for 4/2/2024

[ COPENHAGEN 2024 MAJOR ] [list][*] Congratulations to Natus Vincere for winning the PGL Copenhagen Major! [*] The Copenhagen 2024 Champions Autograph Capsule is now available for purchase in the Copenhagen 2024 Major Hub[/list] [ MISC ] [list][*] Fixed several cases of sticky collisions when jumping against surfaces [*] Fixed another threading bug that could lead to a frame rate hitch, especially if all CPUs were busy [*] Purchased and traded Counter-Strike items will not be visible to other users who view your Steam Inventory for 10 days[/list]

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

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Copenhagen Major Champions

[img][/img] Congratulations to Natus Vincere, the first CS2 Major Champions! Playing in front of a sold-out arena and with over 1.8 million viewers watching around the world, NAVI and FaZe met in the Grand Final of one of the most hotly-contested Counter-Strike Majors of all time. Trading map wins in Ancient and Mirage, the teams moved to Inferno for the decider. There, b1t, jL, Aleksib, iM, and w0nderful put on a dominating performance to earn the trophy and title of Major Champions. To celebrate their achievement, the Copenhagen 2024 Major Champions Capsule is now available for purchase. The capsule features autographs for each member of the winning team in paper, glitter, holo, and gold. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations. And with that, the Copenhagen Major has come to a close. See you next time in Shanghai!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

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Championship Sunday in Copenhagen

[img][/img] The Semifinals of the Copenhagen Major featured four titans of Counter-Strike; FaZe Clan versus Team Vitality and Natus Vincere versus G2 Esports. And the Semifinalists delivered! Both matchups required all three maps to determine a winner, and when the dust settled FaZe Clan and Natus Vincere were left standing. They will go head-to-head in the Grand Finals of Counter-Strike 2’s first Major Championship. Championship Sunday begins with the Showmatch, beginning at 18:15 CET. The Grand Finals begin at 20:00 CET. As the Major comes to a close there’s still time to support your favorite teams and players. Tournament items are available in-game, with 50% of the proceeds going to the players, teams, and organizations participating in the PGL Copenhagen Major. See you Sunday!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

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Copenhagen Playoffs and Pick’Ems

[img][/img] The Elimination Stage of the PGL Copenhagen Major has concluded, leaving eight teams to compete for Counter-Strike 2’s first Major Championship. Congratulations to Team Spirit and MOUZ who advanced unbeaten, finishing with a perfect 3-0 record. Eternal Fire, Cloud9, and Team Vitality each went 3-1, and Natus Vincere, G2 Esports, and FaZe Clan went the distance, needing all five matches to advance with 3-2 records. Playoff matches begin Thursday, March 28th from Royal Arena in Copenhagen, Denmark. Predictions for the Pick’Em Challenge are due before the first Playoff match begins, so lock in your picks now! And don’t forget, team and player stickers are available now, with 50% of the proceeds going to the players, teams, and organizations participating in the PGL Copenhagen Major. Good luck and have fun!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

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PGL Copenhagen 2024: Stickers!

The opening stage of the PGL Copenhagen Major has come to a close and storylines are rapidly developing. New rosters are rising to the occasion. Seasoned teams are reaching peak form at the perfect time. Asia and the Americas have come roaring back to life. Who will reach the playoffs? Tune in to the Elimination stage and find out! [img][/img] If you've been looking for a way to show your support for your favorite teams, now is your chance. Team and Player Autograph sticker capsules are now available for purchase in the Copenhagen Major hub. You'll find all of the players and teams at the Major, split into capsules featuring paper, glitter, holo, and gold stickers. 50% of the proceeds go to the players and organizations participating in the Major. For those of you playing the Pick'Em Challenge, don't forget to set your picks before the first Elimination stage matches!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

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Release Notes for 3/19/2024

[ COPENHAGEN 2024 MAJOR ][list] [*] Elimination Stage Pick'Em Challenge is now active with 13 qualified teams (three more teams will qualify tomorrow). Elimination Stage picks can be updated and saved all the way until the first Elimination Stage matches begin [*] Added a reminder for players who purchased their Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass that the pass must be activated in order to become eligible for the Copenhagen 2024 Coin Challenges [*] Added a checkbox to show final Swiss standings in the Major Hub [*] Added ability to preview souvenir packages from the Major Hub [*] Various UI improvements in Copenhagen 2024 Major Hub [/list] [ MISC ][list] [*] Fixed a case when C4 could fall through the floor if dropped while planting [*] Added a popup confirmation before launching Training Day from the Play menu [/list]

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

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Release Notes for 3/13/2024

[COPENHAGEN 2024 MAJOR] [list][*] The Copenhagen Major Hub is now available. Visit the hub to purchase tournament items, play the Pick'Em Challenge and more. [*] Purchase a Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass to receive an upgradable Copenhagen 2024 Coin. With an active pass, you can upgrade your coin and earn extra souvenir packages by playing the Pick'Em Challenge. Additionally, you will show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard where you can compare your Pick'Em Challenge performance to your friends. [*] All players with Prime status can place Pick'Em picks for free! However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from an event stage, you will have to activate a Viewer Pass before that stage begins. [/list] [GAMEPLAY] [list] [*] Adjusted molotov fire to address a case where a player who could see through fire could not be seen by their opponent. [/list]

Thursday, March 14, 2024

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PGL Copenhagen 2024

In December, hundreds of teams from around the world began their long journey to the first Counter-Strike 2 Major. Fighting through open, closed, and regional qualifiers--now only 24 remain. Tune in to the PGL Copenhagen Major on March 17th and watch the best Counter-Strike teams in the world battle for the title of Major Champion! [img][/img] Today we're shipping the all-new Copenhagen Major Hub, where you can find the Pick'Em Challenge, the Copenhagen 2024 Viewer Pass, Souvenirs, and (coming soon) Team and Player stickers. 50% of the proceeds from tournament items are shared with players and organizations. Playing the Pick'Em Challenge with an active pass will give you a chance to upgrade your Copenhagen 2024 Coin and earn extra Souvenir Packages. You'll also show up on the Active Pass Leaderboard, where you can compare your Pick'Em Challenge performance to your friends. [img][/img] In the past, you needed an active pass to play the Pick'Em game. No more! Now, everyone with Prime status can place their picks for free. However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from each event stage, you'll have to activate your pass before the stage begins. So place your picks and get ready to cheer for your favorite teams. The PGL Copenhagen 2024 Major is almost here!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/28/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*]Spawn position is no longer randomly determined when a player reconnects to a server during freeze time. The spawn point sequence is now configured at the beginning of the map and is saved/restored from round backup files [list][*]In official matchmaking servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will respawn in the spawn point they were assigned at the beginning of the round [*]On community servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will be assigned one of the five spawn positions assigned to the team that round [*]When restoring from round backup files (which is recommended in tournament settings after disconnects/reconnects), players will spawn in the positions they were originally assigned at the beginning of that round [/list][*]Fixed a bug where players would see a black screen after disconnecting and reconnecting multiple times during a technical timeout [*]Fixed a bug where players disconnecting and reconnecting to a competitive match would incorrectly interact with bot spawning algorithm [*]Fixed some cases where MVP music would not play or would play over round end music [*]Fixed a bug in Deathmatch where kills during warmup would count towards healthshot reward and Zeus score bonus [*]Fixed players jumping higher than normal when toggling low framerate [*]Fixed an instance of weapon switches sometimes being ignored by the server [*]Fixed smoke shadow rendering issues and improvements to perf [*]Fixed a bug where the game would crash on Linux while alt-tabbing [*]Fixed some cases where a frame rate hitch would occur due to compiling shaders [*]Improved behavior when user input does not arrive on the server in time due to packet loss or client frame rate issues [*]Adjusted various music kit cues in NIGHTMODE Music Kit box (ISOxo, Knock2, and TWERL and Ekko & Sidetrack) [*]Fixed a case where some players in North America would always fail to accept a match on a server in Europe due to SDR choosing an invalid route [*]Players who get kicked from official competitive servers for too many suicides will now be issued a competitive cooldown [*]Adjusted the logic tracking player idle state to exclude round freezetime and timeout periods [*]Chickens no longer interact with dropped weapons [*]Sniper scope overlay no longer appears in tool viewports (such as Hammer) [/list] [ MAPS ] [list][*]Adjusted spawn location priorities for Premier and Competitive game modes in Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, and Vertigo.[/list] [i]Inferno[/i] [list] [*]Fixed community reported gaps in map and Trike model [*]Raised plywood at top of Banana to cover head visibility [*]Smoothed ground movement in Banana and Bombsite A [*]Raised Arch exit towards Mid (or "Raised arch in Arch") [*]Removed bench at Arch near Library [*]Removed construction cone at Underpass [/list] [ WORKSHOP ] [list] [*]Fix lightmaps being capped at 4k resolution in CS2 Workshop Tools [*]Updated sticker inspect to support wear in 0.1 increments to match sticker scraping [*]Added roughness texture to foil stickers in the Item Editor [*]Updated help system for new sticker features [/list]

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/16/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*]50% throw-strength grenades are now guaranteed if both attack buttons are held long enough then released within a short time from each other [*]Fixed in-game bot avatar images not reloading correctly after pause menu was opened [*]Fixed behaviour of previous round button during demo playback [*]Fixed inability to clear a button binding in game settings [*]Improved performance of telemetry display HUD element [*]Normalized volume of NIGHTMODE music kits [*]Stability improvements [/list]

Saturday, February 17, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/15/2024

[ ANIMATION ] [list] [*]Fix for animations when climbing ladders [*]Fix for menu agents wielding tasers [*]Fix for Kukri knife hold animation during team intro sequence [/list] [ SPECTATING ] [list] [*]spec_lock_to_accountid and spec_lock_to_current_player commands are now available for casters/observers [*]spec_player and spec_goto now works in CSTV and demo playback [*]tv_secure_bypass server setting now allows connecting HLAE observers to VAC secure CSTV servers [/list] [ GAMEPLAY ] [list] [*] In Deathmatch, the Zeus can be bought each life and will rebuy if not in random weapon mode [*] In Deathmatch, getting a second Zeus kill in the same life will earn double points [*] mp_modify_timeouts server-side command allows adding/subtracting a tactical timeout from CT/T team if backup file is restored or a team incorrectly took a tactical timeout instead of a technical timeout [/list] [ LOGGING ] [list] [*]Start of warmup and end of warmup will now produce a log message in the game server log [*]Reported damage no longer has a rounding error when reported in the game server log [/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*]Improved viewmodel animation smoothness when client framerates get low or unstable [*]Fixed issues with implementation of scancode-based key bindings. Bindings are now independent of input locales. [*]Added performance diagnostic HUD element that can be configured in Game Settings menu ("Telemetry") [*]Deleted cq_netgraph and cq_netgraph_problem_show_auto. Instead, use cl_hud_telemetry_serverrecvmargin_graph_show. [*]Fix for sometimes failing to connect to a local practice server without Steam connectivity [*]Fixed a bug with Skill Group animation at the end of competitive matches [*]Fixed sniper scope performance hitch and adjusted visual treatment. [*]Various performance improvements [/list] [ MAPS ] [i]Vertigo:[/i][list] [*]Fixed grenade clipping around AC unit at B-site [*]Fixed clipping of pillar at T-Start that would potentially allow bomb to be thrown into unreachable area [/list] [i]Nuke:[/i][list] [*]Adjusted clipping around Vents entrance to prevent players' feet clipping through the vent geo [*]Improved collision of sliding door meshes at Ramp [/list] [i]Anubis:[/i][list] [*]Added and removed a ladder near boost spot by T spawn [*]Fixed a couple of spots where bomb could be thrown out of the map [/list] [i]Overpass:[/i][list] [*]Clipping improvements [*]Fixed some disappearing mesh [/list]

Friday, February 16, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/12/2024

[ MISC ] [list] [*] Reconnecting to the game server will no longer get a player into a bad state. [*] Improved VOIP performance when running the game at very high framerates. [*] Fixed timings for some events in demo files representing start of the round. [*] Fixed ring artifacts that could appear on smoke particles. [*] Fixed some lobby teammates standing offscreen when the main menu scenery was set to Warehouse map. [*] Fixed storage units sometimes having a very small icon in inventory view. [*] Fixed a regression in items shuffling when matchmaking for Premier, Competitive, or Wingman. [*] Fixed spectator kill streak effects playing when switching to a player with 5 kills. [*] Fixed a regression with Butterfly Knife inspect sounds. [*] Added a catch sound for Kukri knife draw animation. [*] Fixed Zeus tracer appearing to pass through players. [/list]

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/8/2024

[ ARMS RACE ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where an extra kill with a shotgun before the knife level counted as the winning knife kill [/list] [ SMOKE ] [list] [*] Adjusted visibility of player silhouettes in smoke [*] Fixed a bug where enemies were visible on the radar when viewed through a combination of smoke and translucent surfaces such as glass [/list] [ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Various bug fixes and tweaks to inspect animations [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where doors spun the wrong way on several maps [*] Nuke: [list] [*] Fixed vis regressions [/list] [*] Ancient: [list] [*] Fixed pixel gap looking into bombsite B from T Side [/list] [*] Anubis: [list] [*] Fixed potential spot where bomb could be thrown into an unreachable area at T Spawn [*] Enabled collision on ledge meshes at Sniper's Nest to prevent dropped weapons clipping through them [/list] [*] Mirage: [list] [*] Fixed collision in Palace where bomb could be thrown into an unreachable area [/list][/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where certain keys not found on US keyboards (such as the backslash key on UK keyboards) couldn't be bound [*] Fixed an issue preventing some older demos from playing back [*] Various crash fixes [/list]

Thursday, February 8, 2024

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Release Notes for 2/7/2024

[ STICKERS ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where AMD graphics users couldn't move stickers [*] Stickers with custom offsets will now render properly when inspecting other items in-game from Steam Community Market and Steam Inventory [/list] [ SMOKE ] [list] [*] Various bug fixes and tweaks [/list] [ SOUND ] [list] [*] Fixed a performance bug with certain microphone setups [/list] [ NETWORKING ] [list] [*] cl_interp can no longer be changed directly. Some players had scripts that were setting this to a large value, leading to very bad rubber-banding. The interpolation amount can be adjusted through the "Buffering to smooth over packet loss" setting instead [/list] [ ANIMATION ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with the Kukri knife inspect animation [*] Fixed a bug where a player holding an incendiary grenade would sometimes show fire effects at their feet [/list] [ UI ] [list] [*] Removed XP Overload icon from the kill feed [*] The swap weapon prompt will now show the weapon/finish name rather than the custom name [*] Fixed a bug with switching background maps while inspecting gloves [/list] [ MAPS ] [list] [*] Vertigo: [list] [*] Fixed a gap in world geometry at Crane [/list][/list] [ MISC ] [list] [*] Fixed a bug with keyboard input from non-English keyboard layouts [*] Various crash fixes [/list]

Thursday, February 8, 2024

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All news: 1627